Lurker Lounge Breakdown
Mirajj,Mar 12 2005, 07:26 PM Wrote:Okay, as an old copy was dug up in a different thread, it occured to me that it's time for an update. The last "current" copy is 3 11/12th's years (to the day) out of date. So since I now have the time and energy, as well as a good harddrive and software to devote to this again, it's time for an update.

I'll bring in the last copy, which is the old one. It's also the one where I just started the change from birthday to birthdate. That makes the list more self updating, taking a little of the work off of me. I've updated my entry if that doesn't make any sense. ;)

Also, this is the unupdated version from the last boards. When I have a bit more time, I'll farm through those comments, and update from there, as well. Or you can save me some work, and comment here for me. ;)

So here we go!

Lurker Lounge Breakdown
AEnigma ~ 18 years old. Vancouver, B.C. Programmer/Student

Anders Grönbek ~ No Age Given. Sweden. Volvo Bus Auditor

Arakas ~ 16 years old. West Hartland, Conn. Student

Armin ~ 32 years old. Freiburg, Germany. Cell biologist

Ashock ~ 34 years old. Los Angeles, CA. Financial Executive.

Bartina ~ 29 years old. North Carolina. Systems Administrator.

Bolty ~ 22 years old. Pennsylvania. Electrical Engineering Student

Boutros-Boutros ~ 18 years old. Anchorage, Alaska. Physics Student

Brittania ~ 22 years old. Edmonton, Alberta. Computer Systems student.

Clannad ~ 30 years old. Sweden. No Occupation Given.

Dako-Ta ~ (Nearly) 49 years old. near East Lansing, Michigan. Botanist

Da O’Toth ~ 58 years old. Brasilia, DF. Brazil Water Resources Engineer

Darkman ~ 19 years old. Austin/Houston, Texas. College Student

DaShiv ~ 21 years old. No Location Given. College Student

Drasca ~ 17 years old. Monroeville, PA. Student

El_Gecko ~ 17 years old. Glastonbury, Connecticut. Student

Espy Lacopa ~ 16 years old. No Location Given. Student

Evil~Teletubby! ~ 16 years old. Maryland, East Coast USA. Student.

Exodus ~ 16 years old. No Location Given. Student.

Firestarter ~ 16 years old. Ontario, Canada. Student

ForceVoid ~ 14 years old. Kansas. Student

Gilmere ~ 31 years old. Trenton, NJ. Financial Research Assistant.

Gorn ~ 29 years old. Vancouver, B.C. Gigolo…

Griselda ~ 25 years old. Willamette Valley, Oregon. Elementary Education Teacher.

Hocus ~ 15 years old. Adelaide, Australia. Student

Howgozit ~ 45 years old. Sydney, Australia. Supervisor, LAN Quality Assurance.

Ionpure ~ 31 years old. Munic, Germany. Chemical Ing. PhD

Jinian ~ 34 years old. Gambrills, Maryland. Software Architect

Kazmir ~ 22 years old. Brussels, Belgium. Informatics Student.

Leshy ~ 16 years old. Vlaardingen, the Netherlands. Journalism Student

Lissa ~ No Age Given. Tucson, Arizona. Net Admin (degree in Nuc Eng... ), work in conjunction with MS for MSTS.

Lochnar ~ 42 years old. Minnesota. Unemployed Programmer/Net Admin

-Magi- ~ 44 years old. Seattle, WA. Energy Management Consultant

Mirajj ~ October 15, 1976. Calgary, Alberta. Press Apprentice

Mithrandir ~ 15 years old. No location given. Student

Omega ~ 17 years old. Seattle, Washington. Student

Oompheriik Defabulator ~ 33 years old. Oakland, CA. Tech Support.

Orcin ~ 47 years old. Lives in Houston, TX. Accountant

Pellinore ~ 22 years old. Ohio. Graduate Student

Perry ~ 23 years old. LA, CA/Seattle, WA. Electrical/Aerospace Engineer.

Pete ~ 55 years old. Seattle Washington. Physicist/Aerospace engineer

Phang ~ 28 years old. Tualatin, Oregon. Software Technical Support

Poe ~ 26 years old. Cupertino, CA. Web Programmer.

Pope Master ~ 15 years old. Kansas City, KS. Student

RausscherX(SC) ~ No Age Given. Dommelen, The Netherlands. Student

-Raven- ~ 13 years old. Tucson, Az. Student.

Raven_Vale ~ 40 years old. South Shields, UK. Freelance Graphic Artist

Sarouk ~ 40 years old. No Location Given. Programmer-Analyst, Web designer

Selby ~ 20 years old. No Location Given. Programmer

Skandranon ~ 18 years old. Toronto, Ontario. Student

Skypilot ~ 19 years old. Los Banos, CA. College Student

Spiderdrake ~ 18 years old. Milton, Ont. Student.

Srikandi ~ 43 years old. Santa Barbara, CA. Linguistics University Professor

SweeneyTodd ~ 18 years old. Jacksonville, North Carolina. College Student

Tafkam ~ 13 years old. California. Student

Tahrajj ~ 13 years old. Waco, Texas. Student

Thenryb ~ 53 years old. Olathe, Kansas. District Court Judge

Typhon ~ 20 years old. Raleigh, NC. Computer Engineering Student

Uthoroc ~ 31 years old. Siegen, Germany. Historian/Researcher

Victrix ~ 21 years old. Blacksburg VA. Game player/freelance author/strategy guide writer

Wokapto ~ 15 years old. Anchorage, Alaska. Student

Wrath ~ 19 years old. San Francisco, CA. College Student

Xiuhcoatl ~ No Age Given. Kalixi, AZ. No Occupation given.

Yesen ~ 19 years old. Vista, CA. No Location given. College Student

Yurup ~ 19 years old. Groningen, The Netherlands. Student ICT

Zorton ~ 53 years old. Boston, Mass. Asst Parts Dept Mgr in Dodge automobile dealer
Cybit -- Born in 1985. Junior at Saint Louis University studying aerospace engineering. Saint Louis, MO

Lord_Olf, born January 11th 1977; living in Cologne, Germany; studying Political Science, Philosophy and Japanology.
"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea
Tal,Mar 12 2005, 05:24 PM Wrote:Tal - October 5, 1972, Frederick Maryland - Webmaster/Librarian

Oh Lord, Tal, you are in Frederick? I learned many moons ago that . . .

Hood Girls are Good Girls. Sorry, had to say it. :D

As to the breakdown.

Occhidiangela, 45, born 1959. Currently residing in Corpus Christi, Texas. Yes, I'll have a Lone Star with that Whataburger, thanks. :D

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,Mar 15 2005, 06:39 AM Wrote:Oh Lord, Tal, you are in Frederick?  I learned many moons ago that  . . .

Hood Girls are Good Girls.  Sorry, had to say it.  :D

hahaha - Well I've been married the entire time I've lived in Frederick so I wouldn't know about that. :blush: I understand from some of my younger male friends that Frostburg is the place to go if you want wild women though... :whistling:
Urza - October 1983; 21 years old; Living in Kissimmee, Florida; Buisness Major and UPS Loader
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
TaMeOlta -- 14 May 1968 , New Hampshire , Test Technician (Electronics/Radar/Radio) - AirForce Reservist , Radio Maintenance and soon Radio Operations (HF/ Satcom/ Computers)

Oh ... and its "Tah - may - ohl - tah" :P
Stormrage :
SugarSmacks / 90 Shammy -Elemental
TaMeKaboom/ 90 Hunter - BM
TaMeOsis / 90 Paladin - Prot
TaMeAgeddon/ 85 Warlock - Demon
TaMeDazzles / 85 Mage- Frost
FrostDFlakes / 90 Rogue
TaMeOlta / 85 Druid-resto
1980 NJ, USA. Babysitter/head clown(oh wait, that's just what it feels like). Warehouse Management.
Butch27 - 8-23-1986 - Houston, TX - student

Dozer ~ 17 years old. 10/03/1987. Gainesville, Florida. Aspiring competitive counter-strike player, high school student, LL chat room weirdo.
Another thing that might want to be considered is that alot of people on that list aren't around anymore :o
August 8th, 1982 (22 years old). Collegeville, PA. College Student

No, seriously... my college is in the town of Collegeville

What makes this post sad, is that I had to ask my fiancee how old i was... I keep forgetting. (Note: the original post just had the age, neglecting to put my birthdate down and just subtracting...)
bigeyedbug, 1971, San Francisco, manager of a gourmet food distributor.
Dozer,Mar 15 2005, 10:23 PM Wrote:Another thing that might want to be considered is that alot of people on that list aren't around anymore :o

That is taken fully into consideration, and is actually one of the functions of the LLB. To remind us of those we've not seen in a while. Or may not see again. Which is why I'd like to make the list more self-updating with the birthdates. But yes...the fact that most of these folk are no longer around is one of the reasons that I started a list like this on the DSF.
~Not all who wander are lost...~
Man, that list is ancient. :)
MMAgCh,Mar 16 2005, 12:27 PM Wrote:Man, that list is ancient. :)

Holy crap. Haven't seen you in a looooong time.

Hell, why not! :D

Maniajk, 1987, The Federation of Bosnia & Herzegovina, student at the local gymnasium.
It is a myth that the hair and nails grow after death! The skin shrinks, giving the illusion of their growth.

When J.F.K. was assassinated in 1963, it was not a federal felony to kill a U.S. President.

The leading cause of death to military personnel in peace time is drunk driving.

It would take more than 2.5 minutes to fall from the top of Mt. Everest.

0xDECAFBAD is a hex oddity, a coincidence of hexadecimal digits which just happens to hold some incidental semantic content to weird humans.
I'm still around.

Pope Master ~ 19 years old. Kansas City, KS. School in Chicago, IL. (IIT).
Aww, it's been a *while*. =)

Mephista - 24 years old (8/8/80) MD/PhD student in Boston, MA

Heh, that's not going to change for a long time. =P
Scientist by Day
Sorceress by Night
Development Engineer for Seagate in the Sputter process area for media (we work primarily on the magnetic recording layer films on the disc part of drives)
East Bay Area, CA
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

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