Your worst group?
Treesh,Mar 23 2005, 09:17 AM Wrote:typical group luck and get stuck with losers.


High-end pickup groups can be great, especially after learning who the good players are on your server and making pals with them. Only way to do that though... is to get out there and start playing with them!
Drasca,Jun 1 2005, 11:52 AM Wrote:Lies.

High-end pickup groups can be great, especially after learning who the good players are on your server and making pals with them. Only way to do that though... is to get out there and start playing with them!

Why am I feeding you troll?

So you quote a post that is months old and specifically references low end instances in a thread about horror stories and be an ass about it?

A high-end group with people you have learned about is not, pretty much by definition, a pick-up group. People you have "made pals" with is not pick-up because you know them! A pick-up group is a group of mostly strangers.

You also decided to take the quote from a thread that was being a little lose and saying my sympathies for people who seem to have bad experience in pick-up groups.

Gah I never should have fed you troll, but GAH!
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Not a 'worst' group, per se, but one with some amusing tales in it. It was a CA/Lurker/pubbie run to the Baron in Strath.

To start up, I zone into the main instance...not knowing about the service gate. So there's a death and a res to get out of the instance. I finally catch up and we move in. Loot rules are explained. Twice.

The pubbie rogue was....unique. He's your typical pubbie...with ADD, it seems. The first incident was with a Thorium lockbox. He and I both roll 100's (Whoo highest roll I've ever rolled) and the game hands the box to me. He asks for a roll off between him and I. I tell him that the game already picked me as the winner. I, Psybie, and Vilatra try to explain to him that the game autore-rolls in the case of a tie like that. He seems doubtful...and I'm just waiting for a post on the Stormrage forum about how I "ninja'ed" a tie roll...

Then he rolls on and wins one of the Abmination stitches. He skillfully ducks the question of "do you have the quest for that?" by going AFK to talk to his 'mum'. He comes back after a sticky 3 abom fight.

Rammstien is nice, and drops the gloves of Valor. I'm certain that Anadrol and Gnolack were drooling, especially as they'd said a couple of times that they were hoping it'd drop so they'd have a chance at it. Everyone passes...
...except the pubbie Paladin, who rolls and wins. Then when he is taken to task about not rolling on someone else class set, he proceeds to tell us that we can't tell him what to wear. He's kicked. We're waiting for a Stormrage forum post on that one, too.

It's a shame he got greedy, though...The Baron dropped the Lightforge pants, which you will now see our favorite gnome tank sporting around if you look close enough. ;)
~Not all who wander are lost...~

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