Last night was truly exhilirating
I saw Thousand Needles for the first time. Breathtaking.

Discovered new flight paths and rode them just for the sights. Amazing.

Shortly afterwards I experienced my first true "ganking". I had just logged in and was in the inn in Stonetalon. I hear the cloak noise of a rogue and and instantly dead. Level ?? Night elf. Infuriating.

I ran in fear as I turned a corner in Ashenvale and ran smack dab into two Dwarven Paladins 10+ levels higher than me. Mana shield + blink + praying = almost making it back to the Barrens. Frightening.

I finished up all the Barrens quests and headed back to Silverpine. Satisfying.

I love this game so much even while I hate it.
Level 60 UD Mage - Spirestone
Level 20 Troll Rogue - Spirestone
Exploring new areas for the first time is always fun. First time I saw Darnassus I couldn't help but exclaim "wow".
Phoenix,Mar 26 2005, 02:16 PM Wrote:Exploring new areas for the first time is always fun. First time I saw Darnassus I couldn't help but exclaim "wow".

I've grabbed flight paths from Booty Bay, Nijel's Point, Thalanaar, Gadgetzan, Refuge Pointe, and Southshore, all in the last two days, and saw several notable places, and got chased by a 38 croc that the guards in Dustwallow killed thankfully. (Thank God for 1600+ health as a 32 warrior, too, +78 stam)

Fun stuff, just exploring new places, including the somewhat scary run for a 32 from Duskwood to BB down that road (Yes, I had been to BB from Ratchet much earlier)


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