World Bosses and Molten Core
Hi everyone:

Thought some of you might be interested in the two new world bosses, Azuregos and Lord Kazzak. Yesterday (Monday), my guild had the good fortune of defeating both on the same day. I am assuming this is somewhat of a feat and probably a very rare occurence.

First off, lets start with Azuregos. This is one of the most fun battles i have ever participated in but it is solely a graveyard zerg.

Here is an o so familiar picture of me dead, watching the Boss die.

Finally, success, after about 20 minutes and a half dozen deaths, we defeated Azuregos.

Flush with our success, we quickly found out that Lord Kazzak was up and so we quickly headed there.

Lord Kazzak is the more difficult of the two world Bosses and requires some strategy and good luck. Basically you have 3 minutes to defeat him or he AE spams you to death. His main weapon is Shadowbolts that do 600 to 1000 damage. I prepared by having Shadow Protection potions. It took us 4 tries but we finally defeated him.

Here is a picture of me taking him on by my little self. This was a desparate last stand against the face of evil.

This was pretty futile and i died quickly. Finally we defeated our evil foe.

Here are some miscellaneous pictures of some of the recent bosses my guild has defeated in the Molten Core.

I have the somewhat difficult and stressful task of keeping the main tank up. If the main tank goes down against these bosses, the whole 40 person party wipes. Here is a shot of our main tank, Lykan up against Golemagg the Incinerator.

Here is a rare shot of me actually alive when the Boss goes down. This was an epic battle but in the end Golemagg the Incinerator was defeated by the forces of good.

I thought Golemagg the Incinerator was a tough battle, but Baron Geddon takes the cake. Here are some more shots of me doing a face plant in his mightypresence.

But Baron Geddons fate was determined and through sheer will and determination we defeated the might Geddon.

Probably some of you are wondering, what kind of things drop from these battles. I was curious too and so i have compiled a few shots of some of the loot that drops.

Felheart Slippers

Felheart Skullcap

Bloodfang Bracers

Amberseal Keeper---O i wish i was able to win this Staff but it was not meant to be.

Finally i thought i would include a very curious appearance of a gentleman from the Beast==a double Finkle. Take a look
Cenarius Alliance

Liscentia 80 Death Knight (450 Herbalism 425 Inscription)
Mysteryium 80 Shaman (450 Skinning 441 Leatherworking)
Tutelin 80 Priest (413 Enchanting 420 Tailoring)
Frozzen 73 Mage (Tailoring 375 Enchanting 375)
Obstinate 71 Hunter (375 Herbalism 375 Alchemy)
Squabbles 70 Warlock (Tailoring 375 Leatherworking 291)
Niniuin 70 Paladin (Herbailism 375 Alchemy 375)
Thunderous 66 Warrior (Mining 375 Tailoring 360)

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