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Max life of NM 138 Max attack of Blood Knight in Hell/Hell 146... MS Bug?
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The-Insane-Juju-Man,Apr 5 2005, 10:53 PM Wrote:Max life of NM 138 Max attack of Blood Knight in Hell/Hell 146... MS Bug?
what are you interested in knowing? Your sentence fragments leave nothing for anyone to answer.
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LemmingofGlory,Apr 6 2005, 06:51 AM Wrote:Just what are you interested in knowing? Your sentence fragments leave nothing for anyone to answer.
I think he wanted to know if it would be considered exploiting the MS bug if his NM sorcerer with 138 life points danced with a Blood Knight in Hell difficulty, who happens to deal 146 points worth maximum damage. And I think you knew that, but kudos on upholding the standards.
But I thought I'd answer nonetheless: it depends. :P
I suppose you have to pick which rule to break. Either the no bug exploiting rule of legit playing, or the "no blessed affixes" rule of naked mages (you could carry around a ring with +life to use on such occasions (probably most of Hell/Hell)).
I almost forgot, though. There is an option that lets you not break any of the rules: don't use MS on such levels. That would be the road I'd take.
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Hotbutton topic? :rolleyes: :D
For what it's worth, I'm not sure if I've ever even had a mage with as much as 138 life. Most of my non-variant mages seemed to top out around 125. Maybe my geezer had more than that, but he never used mana shield anyway. My original BNM probably had about 40 life (maybe less) for his 3@30.
If you want to avoid exploiting bugs, you should really have about 250 life before using mana shield in hell/hell or hell/caves (blood knights aren't the highest damaging enemies...). You should also always select scrolls from your speedbook before casting them, never walk horizontally across the screen, never walk with your inventory open, never double right-click unless you have enough resources to cast twice, never fire an elemental bow, never attack hell Diablo with a melee weapon or bow, never touch hidden, enchanted, or mysterious shrines....
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Yogi_Baar,Apr 6 2005, 04:08 AM Wrote:I think he wanted to know if it would be considered exploiting the MS bug if his NM sorcerer with 138 life points danced with a Blood Knight in Hell difficulty, who happens to deal 146 points worth maximum damage. And I think you knew that, but kudos on upholding the standards.
He wanted to know whether the character would be considered a cheater for ever engaging in combat with monsters that deal MAX_DMG > CHAR_LIFE.
He wanted to know whether this observation had ever been made by anyone before him.
He wanted to know whether the NM actually encountered the MS Bug in this scenario given that the NM's hps are maxed out. (i.e. He might be surprised that natural game conditions can lead to encountering bugs.)
I had no idea what he was asking, and I didn't feel like answering every possible question he
might be asking. I'm not going to answer an unasked question. However, I will answer thusly:
"MS Bug?"
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LemmingofGlory,Apr 6 2005, 12:14 PM Wrote:However, I will answer thusly:
"MS Bug?"
Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich. Ah, Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich, Malkovich.
Malkovitch? MALKOVITCH!
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Dee, that was just evil. :wacko:
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Occhidiangela,Apr 6 2005, 07:39 PM Wrote:Dee, that was just evil. :wacko:
I just need to find out where I could get a John Malkovitch mask.
Back on topic:
I forget who said it first, but the only way to play Diablo 100% completely not-from-concentrate legitimately in every sense of the word is to not unwrap the CD.
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The-Insane-Juju-Man,Apr 6 2005, 02:53 AM Wrote:MS Bug?[right][snapback]73123[/snapback][/right]
Yes. This is fixed in CED a3 and later editions. If you aren't seeing stun behavior, consider upgrading.