Gearing up a Mage beyond lvl 30
Blizzard was very nice and gave us all the horde mages some nice presents to make things easier on us. Crescent Staff as a Wailing Caverns reward. Arugal's Belt and Robe for killing Arugal in SFK. The Feline Mantle is nice to get in SFK and will do you very well until you get the Berylline Pads for doing RFK. Theres even some nice other goodies that you can get if you have a tailor friend.

Now where am I supposed to go? I'm planning on hitting Gnomeregan repeatedly until I can hit SM and RFD. Where are the good mage items as quest rewards and drops?

Also, when/where do I start picking up trinkets and necklaces? It makes me giddy every time I pick up something new and it helps my stats out. Unlike Diablo 2 you don't have to sift through crappy gear to get the perfect end game items to be viable, but at the same time I don't want to gimp around in sub-par gear.

Any suggestions would be extremely helpful.
Level 60 UD Mage - Spirestone
Level 20 Troll Rogue - Spirestone
I think it's worth asking yourself how you will purchase a mount at 40

If you have high level friends or alts then it may not be an issue but for most of us I think the 30s are levels of grinding out cash

So maybe do something to support your trade skills. If you're a skinner stock up on and sell leather, if you're a tailor hit humanoids for cloth

Generally on instances you have a matter of conscience. If you jump into groups doing relatively high level runs like Razorfen Downs then you will do negligible damage and your sheep will be unreliable so your main role will be to roll on cloth drops to upgrade yourself. Other people might get a bit ticked off and it's a bit lame

If you do instances where you operate efficiently then you should have more fun: Gnomeregan and Razorfen Kraul in your early 30s, my guild is much more effective in RFK since there seems to be a higher density of bosses but that may be in part because we know it well

I got a necklace in RFK and a nice blue staff so plenty of loot. I very rarely see useable loot outside of instance runs
Savingsupertokyo,Apr 9 2005, 11:27 AM Wrote:Blizzard was very nice and gave us all the horde mages some nice presents to make things easier on us.  Crescent Staff as a Wailing Caverns reward.  Arugal's Belt and Robe for killing Arugal in SFK.  The Feline Mantle is nice to get in SFK and will do you very well until you get the Berylline Pads for doing RFK.  Theres even some nice other goodies that you can get if you have a tailor friend.[right][snapback]73475[/snapback][/right]
Nice robe. I completed SFK once (quite the tedious instance...), and Arugal dropped the stupid dagger. C: (
playingtokrush,Apr 9 2005, 01:00 PM Wrote:Nice robe.  I completed RFK once (quite the tedious instance...), and Arugal dropped the stupid dagger. C: (

Thank you;) and SFK you mean? And its not so bad until the end. :)

That dagger only has about a 10% drop rate, I bet if there was a rogue with you he was happy.

And I'm not so worried about a mount. I have the majority of flight paths in Kalimdor and portals to UC, Ogrimmar and TB. Plus, my guild is very willing to help out with mounts. We all just chipped in to help with our first two 40+ members.
Level 60 UD Mage - Spirestone
Level 20 Troll Rogue - Spirestone
Savingsupertokyo,Apr 9 2005, 12:27 PM Wrote:Now where am I supposed to go?  I'm planning on hitting Gnomeregan repeatedly until I can hit SM and RFD.  Where are the good mage items as quest rewards and drops?

Mage gear is sparse until SM. The only really good piece of mage gear in Gnomeregan is the Electromagnetic Gigaflux Reactivator, but that's a fairly uncommon drop from Thermaplugg. If he drops a Charged Gear of the Eagle or Intellect, that can be an excellent ring for a long time, as well.

Scarlet Monastery is a treasure trove for everybody. For casters, look for the Triune Amulet and Whitemane's Chapeau off of High Inquisitor Whitemane, and the Illusionary Rod from Arcanist Doan (or the Hypnotic Blade if you like daggers).

In RFD, you'll be looking for the Robe of the Lich from Amnennar, and the Deathmage Sash from Mordresh Fire Eye.
Savingsupertokyo,Apr 9 2005, 01:04 PM Wrote:Thank you;) and SFK you mean?  And its not so bad until the end.  :)

That dagger only has about a 10% drop rate, I bet if there was a rogue with you he was happy.
Yeah, I think I was looking at the "RFK" in your post as I typed it. Or maybe some form of repression forced me to type "RFK" since I don't hate that place nearly as much. I just get sick of that place by the time you start going up the tower. There's very little content you can skip, as well, which really makes the place drag.

There was no rogue in our group, so the dagger pretty much went to waste. Any of the other items would've been appreciated, so naturally we get the low drop rate (but useless) dagger.
I strongly recommend going to Ashenvale and doing

[30] The Lost Pages for Shredder Operating Gloves (you can buy them about 3-5s a piece from AH)
[27] Warsong Supplies for Warsong Sash

Edit: One Hillsbrad quest (getting 25 skulls or something like that) gets +3 int/sta ring

I used head, bracers, boots and even chestpiece (I couldn't get Arugal's robe) from AH - eagle gear was usually much better than anything else I could get and I didn't pay much, less than 1g for each.

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