Interesting way to get yourself PvP flagged
I did a quickie search and didn't notice this brought up in here before. I have a baby Tauren shaman (yes, another one ;) ) who completed her quest for her fire totem. I went to turn everything in to Kranal Fiss and I noticed a Chen's Empty Keg waiting to be picked up. So I did. Imagine my surprise when it flagged me for PvP. This is on a PvE server, in the Barrens, I did not have lightning shield up nor any totems up that could have hit a stealthed PvP-flagged alliance character. I cannot buff any other character nor NPC to flag me either. I didn't even have Kranal Fiss targetted. I've never had a Chen's keg flag me for PvP before, but I've also never picked up the one right by Kranal Fiss before either. Just a weird little bug. Was there a mention of something similar to that happening in beta? I have a very, very vague recollection of some odd things happening with PvP flags in beta. Maybe this was one of them? /shrug
Intolerant monkey.
I've had this happen to me too. I think it's that particular keg that causes it. There is another keg down south of Camp Taurajo that is bugged, similar to the mining/herbalism loot bugs, but it doesn't flag you.

I'm not a big fan of that particular quest anyway, the reward is pretty lame.

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