editing wow graphics
I was wandering the main wow forums a few days ago (boy i've never seen so much whining) and i ran into this thread


basicaly it brought up the topic of changing graphics around. Say if your a human with a regular hourse mount, changing the graphic client side to look like the undead mount, I believe was one example. Another example was the same person changing her two handed hammer, to look like a two handed sword.

anyways you guy's think we should discuss this? I'm highly intrested, as I HATE giantstalker set pieces looks and would love to have my look change but=p
I can see both sides, the side that says it is harmless fun on the client side, and the side that says it could be used for exploits, like making enemies more visible etc.

Personally, I have used the technique mentioned in post 68 (page 4), which does not require editing the MPQ files, twice. Once to replace the sound effect used for IronForge's fire baskets with a blank wave file (for preserving my sanity in the auction house), and once to replace one of my spell's attack sounds with a laser gun sound effect (for fun). I don't see anything wrong with these uses.
edit removed due to blizzards forum rules
From http://www.blizzard.com/support/wowgm/?id=agm01716p

Quote:A third party program is... It also includes any programs that obtain information from the game that is not normally available to the regular player or that transmit or modify any of the game files. Normally, this classification does not include UI modifications, except those UIs that require an external application to function.
If a player is found to have used such a program, he/she may:

    * Be temporarily suspended from the game
    * Have further action taken, up to and including account closure, based on the intent of the program

Not to be overly suspicious, but I would wager that Blizzard has imbeded a piece of code designed to check the existing .mpq files against a base. Even if this isn't harmful, Blizzard can still hold you responsible. Don't think they'll do anything too harmful the first time, though, but who knows with GMs as they are.

Cool as hell, though. Wonder what that sword model is for...

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