The Windreaver
This morning Tribade was mindlessly farming Breath of Wind after a Stratholme run in which she got nothing more than nightcrawlers and a few good fish. To take her mind from the wondrous items she saw drop (such as the Hammer of the Grand Crusader) Blizzard decided it was time for one of the newly promised elemental Kalimdor invasions:

[Image: windreaver.jpg]

The invasion itself was sudden. A greenish white shimmery portal opened with scores of whirling invaders. Most of the invaders spawned in fixed locations, but The Windreaver and his minions tracked rapidly back and forth across the Dust Stormer area of Silithus. Most 60 level elites that I have seen are kind enough to stand in one place, but I doubt one could outrun The Windreaver on foot.

[Image: windreavertext.jpg]

Not since she first met Morgan Ladimer has Tribade had such fun!

She called a friend in from another zone, and invited two people that were in the area. After a couple of amusingly disastrous attemps we reduced The Windreaver to a fraction of its life before we wiped. A horde bystander applied the coup (out of kindness so that we would get the credit, or possibly from self defense). The elemental whirling invaders stopped respawning and we received a nice message to the effect that we had saved the world. Fittingly a violent thunderstorm passed through as I am writing this.

So what did Windy drop? An Essence of Air, a green cape, and three Breaths of Wind. We had hoped for something better.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
Is this part of the Molten Core prerequisite quests?
[Image: spangles_sig_3.jpg]
Ynir,Apr 25 2005, 07:23 PM Wrote:Is this part of the Molten Core prerequisite quests?

I know little about the Molton Core other than that I don't want to go there by myself. I doubt these invasions are part of any quest, but who knows what Blizzard has in store?

Possibly quest related, Tribade forgot to notice if she gained faction with the Hydraxian Waterlords for defeating The Windreaver. Her reputation with the Waterlords is close to friendly, and she can't wait to see what wonderful things happen when she becomes exalted.

Last night it was Baron Charr. The same type of portal opened as with the coming of The Windreaver:

[Image: baroncharrportal.jpg]

Here is Baron Charr himself:

[Image: baroncharrhimself.jpg]

Tribade declined to confront the Baron, as she was there to escort poor Ringo, and Ringo did not feel quite up to it. Something about the heat.

The Baron continued to taunt the "so-called heroes" of our world:

[Image: baroncharrtaunt.jpg]

It seems that no one dared to challenge him, because eventually he left:

[Image: baroncharrfarewell.jpg]

For herself Tribade did not feel so guilty, as she had done her part to save the world.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."
Ah... it's all becoming clear. When I was in Azshara helping out a friend gathing Azurite (fresh from the oven), someone named Avalanchion kept yelling that he was going to find us.
See you in Town,

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