Lurker Bank on Stormrage
As we have more and more people on Stormrage with chars in the high levels, I wonder whether it is near time that we consider the merits of having a Lurker bank. In my mind, our bank would operate like this:

1. Elect a banker. This should be someone who tends to be logging into the game daily, or at least semi-regularly.
2. Going forward, on a strictly voluntary basis, people can mail unwanted trade goods and items to the banker.
3. People can opt to make "withdrawals" from the bank on an honor basis. The idea is that you take out approximately the same value that you have contributed.

I am not too concerned about people acting dishonorably. It is the logistics of managing a meaningful bank that concerns me. A couple of problems:

1. People send underpowered or unpopular items to the bank that take up space and cause clutter. The solution might be to allow the banker to exercise discretion in selling items or allowing them to be disenchanted for materials.
2. It might be a bother to keep up with what is in the bank. Items can be hard to catalog. Trade goods are easier to keep up with. Again, maybe this is a place where the banker can be trusted to exercise judgment. Ditch most items for more fungible goods. Keep around high end stuff or popular and useful stuff. Maybe see how it works as we go along.
JapJaan,Apr 30 2005, 01:22 AM Wrote:It is the logistics of managing a meaningful bank that concerns me.  A couple of problems:
You forgot to mention Blizzard suspending the accounts of other guild's bankers in their efforts to stop gold farming. Yes, they did get their accounts reinstated, but only after quite a bit of hassle. I don't want to go through that and I don't want to put someone else through that either.
Intolerant monkey.
I'm not a fan of this. Sure it can help some with item efficiency but I don't think the overhead makes up for that. If there were a true in game mechanism for it (like guild housing) I would be all for it. I know I started doing the exact same type of thing with Pagekeeper holding quest pages but that is for a much simpler set of items and a very specific purpose and sometimes I still wonder if I should have. :) Logistics and potential for trouble just seem too high for me though and most people seem to be doing something simliar with an alt on their account anyway so I'm not sure how much more benefit centralizing will have.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
I have to say no to this. The risk of drama is entirely too high. Talk to me in game if you wish to speak of it further. :)

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