The party is over (or maybe not)
A little hard to see against the night sky but look where the Thunder Bluff guards put my body. They throw one nasty upper cut!

[Image: wow00041.jpg]
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
I got to take a shot at soloing Cairne with my new buddy. Here you can also see Darian's strategy that actually allowed 5 of us to cause the Horde to wet their pants. We kept rezzing inside different buildings until they had 15 horde patrolling the entire level, yet we still managed to summon in Pesmerga and later hearth out safely.

[Image: Infernal.jpg]

Edit: bah, might be some bandwith issues with the image.
Currently enjoying liberating the land of Sanctuary

[Image: arethor.jpg]
Stormrage - US (Inactive)
[Image: darian_cairnea.jpg]

The realization that we could mess with their minds -- when Arethor, Yuen and I rezzed ourselves inside Cairne's hut and didn't draw any aggro for over three minutes -- until a horde PC came in and got himself jacked. ;)

(Full-sized version at
Darian Redwin - just some dude now
Yeah, that was some fun. I've got a few screenshots to share, certainly. And it was plenty of fun running up against the high level enemies as a level 15 warlock. And just think if we had managed to kill Cairne! That supposedly gives tremendous amounts of honor. Corporal Gobblorith, the level 15 warlock? :D

[Image: Stonard1.jpg]

Here's my only shot of the number we did on Stonard. So few defenders it was ridiculous, so we ended up AoEing pretty much everything in town to death.

[Image: Banato-dance.jpg]

I really couldn't contribute to the fight. At all. I think I might have landed two whole DoTs, no matter how often I spent my entire mana ball throwing CoAs around. So I made it my job to dance menacingly at enemy players to see if they'd attack. I was surprisingly successful.

[Image: CHARGE.jpg]

And here we have the initial charge against Cairne. Never really got any farther than that, but it was cool anyway.

[Image: Aftermath.jpg]

The aftermath. Corpses piled. Most, if not all, of the raid dead. So far as I heard it, somebody pulled Cairne while we were still fighting the guards outside of his hut, so he spawned in a billion more on us. Of course, the pvp masters who are probably congratulating themselves on putting a raid down decided to flag and attack right as our numbers dwindled down to few or none.

Good fun all around. Except maybe for the horde. But it's not like anybody cares about them, ever. (grrrr...)
It was quite a fun night and I wished I had been remembered to get some screenies of it in progress. I loved seeing all of our Lurkers in action. I especially loved seeing folks like Threnn (Falconesse) in the thick of things besides the likes of PvP'er Extraordinaire Sommli. Chasing down and killing a Troll Shaman who was taking potshots at lowbies with Darian, holding off 4 guards until Yuen, Littledude and Sommli came to my rescue, watching Sabra standing shoulder to shoulder with Bolty in the thick of battle were some of the best highlights the event could have. You guys rocked. :)

Its just a shame that more horde didn't come out and play. :)
Lurker Party pics!

Didn't get as many as I wanted, but here were some quick grabs.

:D Nice job all! Especially Sabra for putting that together.
Gah! I knew that I'd miss out on all the fun, but I had to go. =( Hopefully, I'll be able to stick around for the raid, next time around. Glad to see y'all had some fun!

I enjoyed Bolty's "Summon Stitches" power. Bolty says that it'd be neat if Stitches shows up, and it must have been about 3 text lines later the town crier announces that Stitches is spawning.

Of course, as with all unwelcome party crashers, you have to deal with them quickly. I think that Stitches made it what...5 paces? ;)
~Not all who wander are lost...~
Aww, *blush*. I'm actually starting to get some hits in when I pvp, too. Hooray for being helpful! Although the lag got kinda bad in Stonard, so I went to rez/heal mode (well, rezzing when the server decided I was out of combat, that is). Otherwise, I'd target something, and go to attack, but lag was causing them to not be where I thought. Time for a memory upgrade!

I got a couple of screenshots of the map of Thunder Bluff with us crawling all over it. No names, just dots on a map, but I'll try posting it later.

Thank you to Sabra for organizing the party, and Flyndar for being the raid king. And our lovely costume party judges. You'll be happy to know I only kept one of the cats.
Thank you to you, Lauren, for ressing me over and over and over in Stonard! Lag or no lag, you were right there.

I really enjoyed the TB raid, which seemed much more controlled and smoother than Stonard, until we all wiped.

I propose that we organize a regular guild raid beginning in smaller Horde venues and working our way up, while we get smoother and more organized and everyone gets used to raiding itself. If we did this, I do believe that we, as a guild, could funtion as a well oiled machine.

Does anyone else feel like this would be interesting and that Lurkers is up to this? Seems to me that if raiding, whether PvE or PvP, is what the future holds for us all once we finish our characters, we would benefit from working as a group to raid well. Otherwise what happends to our 60s?

I was very impressed with us and thought the party was a total success. I do have some screenies, but they're not at all stellar.

I can't wait for the outcome of the costume contest!
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
Sabra,May 2 2005, 03:16 PM Wrote:I propose that we organize a regular guild raid beginning in smaller Horde venues and working our way up, while we get smoother and more organized and everyone gets used to raiding itself. If we did this, I do believe that we, as a guild, could funtion as a well oiled machine.

Does anyone else feel like this would be interesting and that Lurkers is up to this? Seems to me that if raiding, whether PvE or PvP, is what the future holds for us all once we finish our characters, we would benefit from working as a group to raid well. Otherwise what happends to our 60s?

It'll also be useful when the Lurkers decide that Onyxia's time has come. ;)
~Not all who wander are lost...~

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