Since there are still a few people on the WoW boards who simply must have their game clock match their real life clocks and since Blizzard has taken down all the info about what servers are designated as being for a specific time zone, I decided to post the list of the 88 servers and their timezones here. I know most people already playing from these forums have already decided on servers, but this is just another bit of info for those who haven't really decided or want to make new characters.
Central PvE
Central PvE
- Aggramar<>
- Alleria<>
- Blackhand<>
- Garona<>
- Hellscream<>
- Malygos<>
- Thunderhorn<>
- Whisperwind<>
[st]Central PvP- Archimonde<>
- Azgalor<>
- Burning Legion<>
- Frostmane<>
- Illidan<>
- Laughing Skull<>
- Mal'Ganis<>
- Sargeras<>
- Stormreaver<>
- Thunderlord<>
[st]Central RP- Scarlet Crusade<>
[st]Eastern PvE- Bloodhoof<>
- Dalaran<>
- Durotan<>
- Eldre'Thalas<>
- Elune<>
- Eonar<>
- Gilneas<>
- Kargath<>
- Khadgar<>
- Llane<>
- Lothar<>
- Medivh<>
- Stormrage<>
- Zul'jin<>
[st]Eastern PvP- Arthas<>
- Bleeding Hollow<>
- Burning Blade<>
- Eredar<>
- Firetree<>
- Gorefiend<>
- Lightning's Blade<>
- Mannoroth<>
- Magtheridon<>
- Shadow Moon<>
- Shattered Hand<>
- Skullcrusher<>
- Smolderthorn<>
- Warsong<>
[st]Eastern RP- Argent Dawn<>
- Earthen Ring<>
[st]Mountain PvE- Azjol-Nerub<>
- Doomhammer<>
- Icecrown<>
- Perenolde<>
- Terenas<>
[st]Mountain PvP- Bloodscalp<>
- Darkspear<>
- Deathwing<>
- Kel'Thuzad<>
- Nathrezim<>
[st]Mountain RP- Shadow Council<>
[st]Pacific PvE- Bronzebeard<>
- Cenarius<>
- Draenor<>
- Dragonblight<>
- Hyjal<>
- Lightbringer<>
- Kilrogg<>
- Proudmoore<>
- Shadowsong<>
- Silvermoon<>
- Skywall<>
- Suramar<>
- Uldum<>
- Uther<>
- Windrunner<>
[st]Pacific PvP- Blackrock<>
- Bonechewer<>
- Boulderfist<>
- Crushridge<>
- Daggerspine<>
- Destromath<>
- Dethecus<>
- Dragonmaw<>
- Dunemaul<>
- Frostwolf<>
- Gorgonnash<>
- Gurubashi<>
- Kil'Jaeden<>
- Ner'zhul<>
- Spinebreaker<>
- Spirestone<>
- Stonemaul<>
- Stormscale<>
- Tichondrius<>
[st]Pacific RP- Cenarion Circle<>
- Feathermoon<>
- Silver Hand<>
[st]Edit: Updated the lists with the new servers.
Edit again: Added the newest realm - Frostmane
Edit more: Added the three newest realms in blue.
- Cenarion Circle<>
- Blackrock<>
- Bronzebeard<>
- Shadow Council<>
- Bloodscalp<>
- Azjol-Nerub<>
- Argent Dawn<>
- Arthas<>
- Bloodhoof<>
- Scarlet Crusade<>
- Archimonde<>
Intolerant monkey.