How do I run?
I tried out Diablo 1 single player and it seems like it would be fun enough if I didn't have to spend all my time walking instead of fighting. Is there a key I can press to toggle run/walk?


no, there's no running around in D1...

Take care,


EDIT: Have to use preview... have to, have to!
"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea
Yeah, like he said, no running in D1. But, give it a bit of time. The stays in town can get lengthy, but it can really be a good thing in combat. Because, of course, the monsters are as slow as you are. Or slower. Once you start getting better with it, you can react directly to each monster's movements and attacks to position yourself properly, instead of just running around like a chicken with its head cut off, spamming the biggest damage spell you can find, ala DII.
hi mate. yes u can run by pressing 'R'. hope it helps u out, :D
SmileKyle2000,May 4 2005, 04:04 AM Wrote:I tried out Diablo 1 single player and it seems like it would be fun enough if I didn't have to spend all my time walking instead of fighting. Is there a key I can press to toggle run/walk?

hi mate. to run press 'R' on the keyboard. hope this helps u out. :D

>hi mate. to run press 'R' on the keyboard. hope this helps u out. :D

Probably not. Like others said, Diablo -1-.
Hello all,

-running in town is available as an option only in HellFire but not in Diablo.
-running in the dungeons (by holding Ctrl key depressed) can be found as a feature in TheDark (currently at version 5.2).

there is no running in D1, but if ur realy desperate, read a lot of teleport books
mike_666,Jul 8 2005, 01:06 PM Wrote:hi mate. to run press 'R' on the keyboard. hope this helps u out. :D

One thing I've learned about double posts from a first time lounger, often times a troll is hiding underneath ;) .

Hopefully this isn't the case. :D


Munkay,Aug 23 2005, 06:20 PM Wrote:One thing I've learned about double posts from a first time lounger, often times a troll is hiding underneath  ;) .

Hopefully this isn't the case.  :D

Is this something you needed to point out to everyone? I imagine it could be rather embarrassing for him if he ever came back. (He was last active 08 July.)

If you think someone's a troll, just PM a mod. We'll look into it. Personally, I think he just confused D1 with D2 (where R is the run toggle).


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