D2 Experiment on BNET.
Hey all,
I have an idea that I would like to try out with a group on Battle. net . My idea is this: take a group of 1st level characters(Full Spectrum(Amazon through Druid)) all the way through the game w/o using any sort of cheat or hack or other means other than sitting down and actually playing the game. This will be done on a Private Chat Channel called Experiment, and the game is called Experiment. I want to have the group start out and go all the way through the game to level 99. Legitimate players and characters is what I am looking for. You must play well with others(No PKing allowed). Any items that characters find must come from within the game. I am starting this now. Any interested parties should come to the Experiment Channel. Thanks.
BrianLeichty35,May 4 2005, 06:14 PM Wrote:Hey all,
    I have an idea that I would like to try out with a group on Battle. net .  My idea is this: take a group of 1st level characters(Full Spectrum(Amazon through Druid)) all the way through the game w/o using any sort of cheat or hack or other means other than sitting down and actually playing the game.  This will be done on a Private Chat Channel called Experiment, and the game is called Experiment.  I want to have the group start out and go all the way through the game to level 99.  Legitimate players and characters is what I am looking for.  You must play well with others(No PKing allowed).  Any items that characters find must come from within the game.  I am starting this now.  Any interested parties should come to the Experiment Channel.  Thanks.

Eh, that *is* my preferred way to play the game, but...

How is that an experiment?
It's a refreshing concept. I have been tempted to reinstall the game and play lately too.

I just don't know if I could handle grinding to 99.
The Bill of No Rights
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein
I thought about doing something similar but using restricted HC chars instead. Idea didn't go over so well then either. Sorry.
UPDATE: Spamblaster.
Why would you want to grind to 99?

Having made it to 90 a few times Im sure I could make to 99 with some time invested.
I am also sure I wouldnt enjoy those last 10 levels.
Ghostiger,May 4 2005, 01:45 PM Wrote:Why would you want to grind to 99?

Having made it to 90 a few times Im sure I could make to 99 with some time invested.
I am also sure I wouldnt enjoy those last 10 levels.

After you finish all the quests and beat Bhaal on hell difficulty the only thing left is to make magic item runs (gets rather boring), rush folks (ugh, part of the problem, not the solution), or kill things for more xp (aka grinding ;) ).
The Bill of No Rights
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein

Well the seven lances mod is quite nice!

This diversion brought to you by the letter random
jahcs,May 4 2005, 07:22 PM Wrote:After you finish all the quests and beat Bhaal on hell difficulty

Who's "Bhaal"?
What, no crazy pic to go along with your nit?

Baal Baal Baal ;)
The Bill of No Rights
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein
jahcs,May 5 2005, 01:40 AM Wrote:What, no crazy pic to go along with your nit?

Baal Baal Baal ;)

[Image: clownhouse.jpg]
Thanks DeeBye, I knew you had one ready for a quick draw.
The Bill of No Rights
The United States has become a place where entertainers and professional athletes are mistaken for people of importance. Robert A. Heinlein
Swiss Mercenary,May 4 2005, 12:33 PM Wrote:Eh, that *is* my preferred way to play the game, but...

How is that an experiment?

FYI, the "Experiment" was to take a party of 1st level characters all the way through the game to the end without using any sort of cheat method(No rushing, no Muling, No Duping, etc.). Unfortunately, no one showed up to try it.
jahcs,May 4 2005, 12:44 PM Wrote:It's a refreshing concept.  I have been tempted to reinstall the game and play lately too.

I just don't know if I could handle grinding to 99.

So, why don't you?
Ghostiger,May 4 2005, 02:45 PM Wrote:Why would you want to grind to 99?

Having made it to 90 a few times Im sure I could make to 99 with some time invested.
I am also sure I wouldnt enjoy those last 10 levels.

To be able to say that I've actually done it legitimately.
jahcs,May 4 2005, 04:22 PM Wrote:After you finish all the quests and beat Bhaal on hell difficulty the only thing left is to make magic item runs (gets rather boring), rush folks (ugh, part of the problem, not the solution), or kill things for more xp (aka grinding ;) ).

You must have Baldur's Gate on your brain because Bhaal was the lord of Murder that perished and spawned all of those mortal progeny. I think what you meant was Baal, the Lord of Destruction.
DeeBye,May 4 2005, 10:35 PM Wrote:Who's "Bhaal"?
Bhaal (pronounced "Ball") is the (former) Lord of Murder from AD&D. You can play as one of his offspring in the Baldur's Gate crpg series.

edit: oops, Sir PostALot beat me to it.
BrianLeichty35,May 7 2005, 10:57 AM Wrote:So, why don't you?

Any number of team games have been designed, to start at level 1 and work through the game to the death of Baal in Hell. A team of one of each of the heroes is a good idea, however, getting seven people and their schedules to match up is rather harder than it may appear. I strongly recommend you do it Hardcore, to ensure there is a challenge of some sort and to keep folks from playing sloppily.

I think your team construct is a great idea, you think it is a great idea, your problem is to find six people who both think it is a good idea and to organize a time and place that you can all reliably meet to play. The logistics end is the key.

We Variant Scum™ started a Seven Samurai team on Roland's Realm a couple of years ago -- Seven Paladins in a team set up -- but between schedules, 1.10 coming out, and a few other things, the team could not stay together.

Sirian put together a very interesting team Elemental Strike Team, which eventually finished all three diffs pre LOD. Check his site for the team report and possibly a few comments on the challenge of keeping a team together. The Isolationist Team died to Lord of Destruction's release.

The Legion of Greiz took about a year, spanning from team inception, passing into the Expansion Pack, and finally to the final defeat of Baal in Hell, and the death of the Hell Cow King.

Teams take leadership, and someone to keep organized, and in the case you propose seven people committed to the idea. The Grind to level 99, helped by keeping seven people together, will take even further commitment, since you will defeat Hell Baal somewhere around level 84. The XP dropoff after 90 strikes me as a prohibitive obstacle unless you have seven folks who are dead set on reaching level 99.

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,May 7 2005, 10:23 AM Wrote:Any number of team games have been designed, to start at level 1 and work through the game to the death of Baal in Hell.  A team of one of each of the heroes is a good idea, however, getting seven people and their schedules to match up is rather harder than it may appear.  I strongly recommend you do it Hardcore, to ensure there is a challenge of some sort and to keep folks from playing sloppily.

I think your team construct is a great idea, you think it is a great idea, your problem is to find six people who both think it is a good idea and to organize a time and place that you can all reliably meet to play.  The logistics end is the key.

We Variant Scum™ started a Seven Samurai team on Roland's Realm a couple of years ago  -- Seven Paladins in a team set up -- but between schedules, 1.10 coming out, and a few other things, the team could not stay together.

Sirian put together a very interesting team Elemental Strike Team, which eventually finished all three diffs pre LOD.  Check his site for the team report and possibly a few comments on the challenge of keeping a team together.  The Isolationist Team died to Lord of Destruction's release.

The Legion of Greiz took about a year, spanning from team inception, passing into the Expansion Pack, and finally to the final defeat of Baal in Hell, and the death of the Hell Cow King.(Don't forget Uber Diablo)

Teams take leadership, and someone to keep organized, and in the case you propose seven people committed to the idea.  The Grind to level 99, helped by keeping seven people together, will take even further commitment, since you will defeat Hell Baal somewhere around level 84.  The XP dropoff after 90 strikes me as a prohibitive obstacle unless you have seven folks who are dead set on reaching level 99.


I wanted to try this originally when Yegg's Tavern was still in operation, but everyone that I wanted to do this with had already been through the game several times. Scheduling was also a major problem as we weren't always online at the same time. This was before 1.10 was released. I would still like to try this, but I won't hold my breath. Maybe if we could all meet on a Weekend or something on US West, but we'll have to see, I guess.
BrianLeichty35,May 13 2005, 11:49 AM Wrote:Maybe if we could all meet on a Weekend or something on US West, but we'll have to see,  I guess.

Do you have a sense of how many hours it takes to go from A1 N to Ball Hell without rushing? "Meet on a weekend?"

Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
I suspect he doesnt have any sense(or has forgotten) of how long stuff takes.

Im sure a good group could get there in a weekend if they played steady enough but it would be an extreme effort. Like wise getting to 99 is an insane effort of monoteny, which I dont think this guys grasps.

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