Terenas WC run Friday 8:30 P.M. Mountain time
I hope this post isn't off base seeing as we're looking for just one.

As some of you know, bonemage and I play regularly in a group of five with a couple of alternates. One of our members is going to be out of town this Friday. One of our alternates won't be able to make it, and our other (Dunar in the guild on Terenas) is too high a level (having too much fun with his druid ;)

So we'd love to team up with a Lurker as we haven't to date done much partying with the lurkers (despite a lot of item exchanges and chat).

If anyone is of appropriate level and wants to come that would be super. We have priest, warrior, mage, and rogue. Any class would be fine if you're of appropriate level (a shaman or warlock for wipe protection would be nice but not necessary).

None of us have been in WC before and we're all 20-21 I believe so it shouldn't be a zerg fest, should be fun.
Bump out of desperation.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
bonemage,May 13 2005, 11:11 AM Wrote:Bump out of desperation.
There's a good chance I have someone needing to do wailing caverns. It might be my rogue who still has quests for there, but I just don't remember offhand. I didn't want to speak up earlier because I didn't know what all instances I was being dragged into and when for Stormrage. It looks now like Friday night isn't taken up by something on Stormrage and I've really been missing my horde playtime lately so I'll bring in somebody for you guys. :) The beauty of having alts. ;)

Edit: Just checked Kamah. She still needs to do all of the wailing caverns quests. Most of them have at least one or two things done on them, but they are all still in her log. She's a little big for it, but I do know my way around WC. :) I can also keep my mouth shut if you want the joy of exploration not ruined by having a know-it-all along. ;)

Edit2: Goddamnit. I lost a day somewhere. Today is Friday and there's a Zul run I'm involved in tonight. Feh. This blows. I had a chance to help a lurker and get quests out of my log but couldn't. I'm so sorry Bonemage. And now we see the drawbacks to alts - just not enough time to do it all.
Intolerant monkey.
Excellent! If there is more interest for other players, it would be great if we could put together 2 parties to run WC, that way everyone who is interested can speak up and not be left out.

We use TeamSpeak to discuss things while we play, for those that like a healthy discussion, but it isn't needed.


We'll do something else at another time.

And by something else an another time I don't mean we aren't doing the instance, just that we'll have to hook up with Treesh some other time.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Treesh,May 13 2005, 09:17 AM Wrote:Edit2:  Goddamnit.  I lost a day somewhere.  Today is Friday and there's a Zul run I'm involved in tonight.  Feh.  This blows.  I had a chance to help a lurker and get quests out of my log but couldn't.  I'm so sorry Bonemage.  And now we see the drawbacks to alts - just not enough time to do it all.


There will be another time though. :) I think we're hiding from our own bit of guild drama on Doomhammer, meaning we are on Terenas more and more.

And I think four manning WC with no knowledge of the instance and no wipe protection sounds a fine challenge if no one else is available.

vor_lord,May 13 2005, 11:48 AM Wrote:And I think four manning WC with no knowledge of the instance and no wipe protection sounds a fine challenge if no one else is available.
One thing I'll mention, the druids like to sleep people a lot. If you can keep your party awake, things are pretty easy. :)
Intolerant monkey.
Treesh,May 13 2005, 10:06 AM Wrote:One thing I'll mention, the druids like to sleep people a lot.  If you can keep your party awake, things are pretty easy. :)
Good to know. All but 1 of us are undead, so WotF will serve us there to help reduce the amount of sleepers.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
We had a successful run -- thanks to Swirly for bringing his warrior out and helping us find our way around!

Minus a dumb priest mistake causing a single early wipe <raises hand sheepishly>, things went smoothly.

Half our party was stuck in combat most of the time -- it was weird, first time I've seen that happen.
vor_lord,May 14 2005, 02:29 AM Wrote:We had a successful run -- thanks to Swirly for bringing his warrior out and helping us find our way around!

Minus a dumb priest mistake causing a single early wipe <raises hand sheepishly>, things went smoothly.

Half our party was stuck in combat most of the time -- it was weird, first time I've seen that happen.

Glad to hear that it went well. The Zul'Farrak run that kept Treesh and I from trying to help out on this one went well for us as well.

Wailing Caverns is notorious for keeping people in combat. Marn was stuck in combat for about 90% of it when Treesh and I two manned it with Mogo and Marn. My pet ended up becoming unhappy and I think was about to bolt before we hit a spot that dropped me from combat just as something attacked Treesh. So her poor shaman was fighting 2 elites while I'm sitting there feeding my pet. :) Since the mobs were all still green in there for us, it was a tough thing to do.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Gnollguy,May 14 2005, 07:08 AM Wrote:So her poor shaman was fighting 2 elites while I'm sitting there feeding my pet.&nbsp; :)&nbsp; Since the mobs were all still green in there for us, it was a tough thing to do.
Nerf Shaman. ;)

Glad to hear the run went well. I like Wailing Caverns despite the length and in-combat bugs. Although it is much shorter when you aren't two-manning it. :whistling: I'm glad Swirly was able to give you guys a hand and I'm sure cracked jokes all the while. ;)
Intolerant monkey.
Treesh,May 14 2005, 07:04 AM Wrote:Nerf Shaman. ;)

Glad to hear the run went well.&nbsp; I like Wailing Caverns despite the length and in-combat bugs.&nbsp; Although it is much shorter when you aren't two-manning it.&nbsp; :whistling: I'm glad Swirly was able to give you guys a hand and I'm sure cracked jokes all the while. ;)
Sadly, Swirly had a phone call for most of the entire instance so we were robbed of most of his jokes as he only had time to play the game. Everyone got some item upgrades, so I think/hope everyone went home happy.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight

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