Star Wars Episode 3
WarLocke,May 20 2005, 01:56 PM Wrote:I thought teleportation was proven and reproducible - only with electrons or some other subatomic particle, though?

Maybe it was Tachyons, I forget...

It was regular particles. They do something called "entangle" the particle, than when the teleporting has to happen, they send some information about the particle. It's more complicated than that by far, But I don't remembedr any more.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Doc,May 19 2005, 08:47 PM Wrote:Blue on blue has more importance than you think. [right][snapback]78007[/snapback][/right]


Blue on Blue is an official American military doctrinal term for friendly fire incidents. "Good guy attacks good guy."

I wonder at the coincidence, Obi Wan and Darth, what with the "if you are not with me, you are my enemy" and "That 's the way democracy ends, to thunderous applause" and a few hundred other allegedly coy references. George, hit me with a sledge hammer, I don't get it yet. Are you just pissed due to common first names?

The only saving grace is that Episode IV had already established that, like the Roman Empire, the Empire evolved from a Republic (not a democracy) by a Senate giving to a dictator (a general in Rome, a Chancellor -- aka Hitler-- in SW) too much latitude.

Beyond that, Star Wars Episode 3 established, for all time, that

1. Yoda knows how to make an entrance.

2. Hayden Christensen is not an actor, but he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

3. Natalie Portman should have been replaced by a CGI wench. No acting required. And, no Jar Jar if GL would have done his CGI on a wench.

4. George Lucas needs to leave the country. Charge? Felonious negligence. Evidence? Jar Jar was not killed and horribly mangled for our entertainment, and to rub salt in the wound, Jar jar was still alive at the end of the film.

5. George Lucas doesn't "get" combat above a 3 v 3.

6. As soon as a Princess gives birth to twins, she loses the will to live. Nice Post Portman Depression, George. I'll have salza on my psycho babble.

7. Obi Wan was finally able to kick a bit of arse. Huzzah.

8. Ewan McGregor needs a back brace, having carried three films on his back.

9. I am glad it is over.


Edited to cut out some nastiness.
Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete
Occhidiangela,May 20 2005, 09:04 PM Wrote:Doc:

Blue on Blue is an official American military doctrinal term for friendly fire incidents. "Good guy attacks good guy."

This I knew actually. It does make it more... What's the word I am looking for... Damn I don't know. But to be totally honest, while I knew this, I had not made a mental connection for the military application in some goofy space opera.

And, since we are on the subject of people having body parts lobbed off and replaced with mechanical bits... Very soon I will be spending time with one of my underlings sons. He is done with his duties in Iraq, and it has cost him his legs and part of his face. She is hoping that I can talk some sense into the boy and help him find some sort of will to keep going. I have a lot of experience in dealing, and healing up from traumatic injuries. While I have both my legs, I know all about disfigurement. I can only hope and pray that whatever influence I have will keep this young man from going down the path to his own personal darkside. He has everything down to the knee... So it is very possible for him to walk again. And do so with dignity. The problem, as I see it, will be getting him to want to recover to that point. All he does is sit and stare out the window. Has not said a single word in weeks. Poor kid isn't even old enough to legally buy himself a drink. He just got home from Germany and I guess in about a week or so I will try to spend some time with him.

This war is effecting us all... Anybody else in, or close to, this sort of situation? Anybody have somebody they know coming back minus a few bits?

I spent some time helping to rehab soldiers coming home from another war, this one in some God forsaken jungle. Only I was still a kid then my self. Whole lotta painful memories coming up to the surface in the deep waters of my mind. I am not liking what I am remembering.
All alone, or in twos,
The ones who really love you
Walk up and down outside the wall.
Some hand in hand
And some gathered together in bands.
The bleeding hearts and artists
Make their stand.

And when they've given you their all
Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
Banging your heart against some mad buggers wall.

"Isn't this where...."
Urza-DSF,May 20 2005, 07:49 AM Wrote:and Corran Horn, son of the man who chased Han Solo to the Imperial Training Base on Cordata, crafted one for himself as well.
I thought it was "Cardia", the planet later immolated by Kyp when he used the sun crusher on its star. Although I haven't read the acual books relating to pre-new hope Han, just later ones that the author may not have done his/her research properly.

BTW, is Corran anyone else's favorite jedi? Something about him having no ability with telekenesis but more able to bend minds as well as absorb blaster shots makes me say "COOL!" :)

And one thing about the new jedi order, did anyone else hate how it ended where the dark side is determined to be from the selfishness of the force wielder and not a part of the force itself? That just didn't seem to fit with how jedi "fall to the dark side" where they are corrupted by dark power. With ep 3 that fits even less since Anakin wanted to save Padme. :huh: I hope TNJO ending was the plan all along and not something the author just came up with. Otherwise I will have to hunt him down and beat him with a newspaper. <_<

Edit: Oh, and I think it would have been cool if Vader had gotten the emperor's red lightsaber as some kind of bond of trust or reward since you never see him with one later.
Sir_Die_alot,May 20 2005, 10:13 PM Wrote:With ep 3 that fits even less since Anakin wanted to save Padme. :huh: I hope TNJO ending was the plan all along and not something the author just came up with. Otherwise I will have to hunt him down and beat him with a newspaper. [right][snapback]78147[/snapback][/right]

Anakin wanted to save padme for himself because he can't contemplate life without her. Same with his mother. Notice that he was completely fine to go through 10+ years without much of a care what happened to his mom but then when it became apparant to him through the force that she would actually die and he wouldn't be able to maintain his "fantasy" world suddenly he had to go save her. Although i wouldn't say Anakin is a sociopath, many of his actions have sociopathic tendancies.

Edit: Also notice that when Padme no longer went along with his beliefs and how he thought life should be he turned on her. Add to it the paranoid ideations and delusions of granduer (although when everyone's telling me i'm the chosen one i'll probably have delusions of granduer as well.)
Sir_Die_alot,May 20 2005, 11:13 PM Wrote:I thought it was "Cardia", the planet later immolated by Kyp when he used the sun crusher on its star. Although I haven't read the acual books relating to pre-new hope Han, just later ones that the author may not have done his/her research properly.

Yep, it is, just a mispelling on my part... :unsure:

Quote:BTW, is Corran anyone else's favorite jedi? Something about him having no ability with telekenesis but more able to bend minds as well as absorb blaster shots makes me say "COOL!" :)

Heh, he is a fun character, and its nice to see that everyone isnt just super-uber with everything for once.

Quote:And one thing about the new jedi order, did anyone else hate how it ended where the dark side is determined to be from the selfishness of the force wielder and not a part of the force itself? That just didn't seem to fit with how jedi "fall to the dark side" where they are corrupted by dark power. With ep 3 that fits even less since Anakin wanted to save Padme. :huh: I hope TNJO ending was the plan all along and not something the author just came up with. Otherwise I will have to hunt him down and beat him with a newspaper. <_<

Hmmm...tough one, espically since I havent seen the 3rd movie yet. However, since I disavow the exsistance of anything from episodes 1-3 that weren't already cannon before they were put out, I'm not worried about it

Quote:Edit: Oh, and I think it would have been cool if Vader had gotten the emperor's red lightsaber as some kind of bond of trust or reward since you never see him with one later.

Heh, a bond of trust from a Sith Master? Vader is Palpatine's tool, nothing more, nothing less. Between the two it is all "Might makes Right." If Vader had ever felt that he had surpassed Palpatine in power he would not have hesitated to strike the old man down, and same goes for Palpatine cutting Vader down if he ever really thought his student would turn on him.
"You can build a perfect machine out of imperfect parts."

He's an old-fashioned Amish cyborg with no name. She's a virginal nymphomaniac fairy princess married to the Mob. Together, they fight crime!

The Blizzcon Class Discussion:
Crowd: "Our qq's will blot out the sun"
Warlocks: "Then we will pewpew in the shade"
evil double post
Urza-DSF,May 21 2005, 12:37 AM Wrote:Yep, it is, just a mispelling on my part...&nbsp; :unsure:
W00t! I'm a bigger SW nerd! B)

Quote:tough one, espically since I havent seen the 3rd movie yet.&nbsp; However, since I disavow the exsistance of anything from episodes 1-3 that weren't already cannon before they were put out, I'm not worried about it
Heh, a bond of trust from a Sith Master?&nbsp; Vader is Palpatine's tool, nothing more, nothing less.&nbsp; Between the two it is all "Might makes Right."&nbsp; If Vader had ever felt that he had surpassed Palpatine in power he would not have hesitated to strike the old man down, and same goes for Palpatine cutting Vader down if he ever really thought his student would turn on him.
edit: Small spoiler in reply.

That's kind of the point. Let Vader THINK he still needs the master- never even making his own saber. The "trust" would be the emperor's leash on Vader as it was before he turned.
Star Wars??


Get ready for...

Store Wars
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
Just saw the movie, my mom wanted to see it so we got tickets. I liked it, even though the dialogue was really ugly at the beginning and with Anakin. The music was pretty cool at points, and it got through the ifeelings that the words didn't. I really liked the background chanting when Palpatine talks to Anakin.

It took them an awful long time to get that first death star built compared to the second one. Must have learned a lot for the next time around. :rolleyes:

They did the previews before the movie in a wierd way though. The had previews for "the island", "Batman begins", "War of the Worlds", "Mr. and Mrs. Smith", 'Stealth", and maybe another one. All of these previews were exactly the same, except for being for different movies, if you get what I mean. They had the same structure of starting with the slogans and explanation of the movie, than went to the loud sounds and explosions and action, than finished. It was a wierd way to do the previews.
I may be dead, but I'm not old (source: see lavcat)

The gloves come off, I'm playing hardball. It's fourth and 15 and you're looking at a full-court press. (Frank Drebin in The Naked Gun)

Some people in forums do the next best thing to listening to themselves talk, writing and reading what they write (source, my brother)
Occhidiangela,May 21 2005, 02:04 AM Wrote:I wonder at the coincidence, Obi Wan and Darth, what with the "if you are not with me, you are my enemy" and "That 's the way democracy ends, to thunderous applause" and a few hundred other allegedly coy references.&nbsp; George, hit me with a sledge hammer, I don't get it yet.&nbsp; Are you just pissed due to common first names?

Beyond that, Star Wars Episode 3 established, for all time, that

1.&nbsp; Yoda knows how to make an entrance.

2.&nbsp; Hayden Christensen is not an actor, but he stayed at a Holiday Inn Express last night.

3.&nbsp; Natalie Portman should have been replaced by a CGI wench.&nbsp; No acting required.&nbsp; And, no Jar Jar if GL would have done his CGI on a wench.

4.&nbsp; George Lucas needs to leave the country.&nbsp; Charge?&nbsp; Felonious negligence.&nbsp; Evidence?&nbsp; Jar Jar was not killed and horribly mangled for our entertainment, and to rub salt in the wound, Jar jar was still alive at the end of the film.&nbsp;

5.&nbsp; George Lucas doesn't "get" combat above a 3 v 3.&nbsp;

6.&nbsp; As soon as a Princess gives birth to twins, she loses the will to live.&nbsp; Nice Post Portman Depression, George.&nbsp; I'll have salza on my psycho babble.

7.&nbsp; Obi Wan was finally able to kick a bit of arse.&nbsp; Huzzah.

8.&nbsp; Ewan McGregor needs a back brace, having carried three films on his back.

9.&nbsp; I am glad it is over.


Edited to cut out some nastiness.

What Occhi said, but with more revulsion at the end...

The plot was good! The music was ok. (although I have no idea why they resurrected "Duel of the Fates" for the frisbee-match between Yoda and Palpy. It's a good song, don't get me wrong, but wasn't that the themesong for Darth Maul in SW1?) The CGI was great as ever. The rest was pretty much crap.

"Written by George Lucas". If you see this on any film, you know you ought to get paid to see it. The dialogue was so bloody awful, I rolled my eyes so much it started to hurt. There were times when Hayden opened his mouth, I just wanted to scream in agony.

Speaking of acting performances, perhaps it's just me, but I felt the only actor who actually gave a convincing performance was that Saruman-guy (Chrissy Lee), and he was in there for like 2 seconds before The World's Greatest Actor® went 'Edward Scissorhands' on him. Ewan McGregor did alright, but it's difficult to appreciate his performance, when his lines were so terribly written. For shame, Lucas!

Btw, what the hell happened with Princess Amidala? In episode 1 she was a gutsy gal with a brain on her. I seem to recall she was something more than the googly-eyed, 'oh hold me, you big man you' twat from SW3. Where did her character go? Out the window with Samuel L. Jackson (and his performance in this movie)?

No no no, this was all matters of wrong. The thing that irks me the most is that this piece of crap actually forced the film studio of Joss Whedon's "Serenity" to postpone the airing of that film by almost 6 frikkin' months! It was scheduled for April 22nd, but because of Lucas' ass of a movie, we have to wait till September 30th to enjoy Whedon's masterpiece.

The story was good. Couldn't we give this film to someone talented and ask them to rewrite and reshoot the whole damn thing? Arg!! I'm so annoyed. The writing and the performances throughout ruined the good parts of the film, of which there actually was several, surprisingly enough.

Oh and btw, the transition from good-Ani to bad-Ani was unbelievably retarded. I didn't buy that for a second! :blink:
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
WarLocke,May 20 2005, 11:12 AM Wrote:(I'm sorry, Yoda is not the "hop around like a pregnant cat on acid' type).
I'm adding that to my "things to see before I die" list :P
DeeBye,May 19 2005, 04:53 PM Wrote:Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader.

You heard it here first&nbsp; :shuriken:

Well, there were a lot of good ideas in there, but I'd have to echo the idea of getting Lucas to write the overview, and having someone else write the screenplay and direct it :/

Wasn't as bad as I expected it would be, but is there one large continuity hole? In ep.6 doesn't luke ask leia about their real mom, and she remembers some stuff??? So I wasn't expecting Padme to die... or am I mis-remembering?
whyBish,May 23 2005, 01:10 AM Wrote:Wasn't as bad as I expected it would be, but is there one large continuity hole?&nbsp; In ep.6 doesn't luke ask leia about their real mom, and she remembers some stuff???&nbsp; So I wasn't expecting Padme to die... or am I mis-remembering?

Leia's Alderaanian mom is the one she remembers, not Padme.
DeeBye,May 22 2005, 07:36 PM Wrote:
That reminds me of that chicken thing.

Anyway, he only got sattelite dish and worm in under 20 questions, the rest took more. :) Water, gold, electron, homework, and something else.
Obi2Kenobi,May 23 2005, 01:03 AM Wrote:That reminds me of that chicken thing.

Anyway, he only got sattelite dish and worm in under 20 questions, the rest took more. :) Water, gold, electron, homework, and something else.

Vader took 30 to get Marmot. He guessed groundhog, which is a type of marmot, so I had to give it to him.

Take that darkside! :P
DeeBye,May 23 2005, 01:36 AM Wrote:
Water bottle. Took him 30 questions. :) No wonder he lost in Star Wars 6.
Ask me about Norwegian humour Smile
[wcip]Angel,May 23 2005, 08:25 AM Wrote:Water bottle. Took him 30 questions. :) No wonder he lost in Star Wars 6.

Sword. Took him 28 questions. :D
whyBish,May 22 2005, 11:10 PM Wrote:Well, there were a lot of good ideas in there, but I'd have to echo the idea of getting Lucas to write the overview, and having someone else write the screenplay and direct it :/

Wasn't as bad as I expected it would be, but is there one large continuity hole?&nbsp; In ep.6 doesn't luke ask leia about their real mom, and she remembers some stuff???&nbsp; So I wasn't expecting Padme to die... or am I mis-remembering?

The other plot hole is that Padme tells Annikin in this last film that she has to tell the queen that she is retiring to raise their child. I thought Padme was the queen, Amidala. Immense gafffe.

As to Lucas: Harrison Ford said that Lucas doesn't seem to understand the acting process and therefore has no patience with it. "What do you mean you don't understand? It's on the page!" (mock slapping script motions)

Sounds like another George and the statecraft process . . . better stop.


Cry 'Havoc' and let slip the Men 'O War!
In War, the outcome is never final. --Carl von Clausewitz--
Igitur qui desiderat pacem, praeparet bellum
John 11:35 - consider why.
In Memory of Pete

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