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So, to the mild chagrin of my guild on Gorefiend, I have actually stuck to one character long enough to get to what one might refer to as the late game. At level 47, my mage, Lomin, is still the lowest level 'main' in the guild, excepting a new recruit the majority of us knew from a NWN server, and the warlock I play with, who would still be just ahead of me if he would actually log on every once in a while.
This is horde side, I should add. And on a pvp server.
Round about level 44, I ran out of quests. I'd already finished most of the equal level quests in Stranglethorn Vale, Badlands, Desolace, Hinterlands, Arathi, Alterac, and Feralas. I tried going to Tanaris, to take care of all of the quests I found there when I went for ZF, but it's nearly impossible to get anything done there. So much ganking. I've actually participated in several small raids pushing groups of especially anus-tacular alliance away from camping the horde Gagdetzan flight path, and could never really get away from the legions of night elves thronging the area.
After Zul'Farrak, and finishing off a few quests I'd missed, I was most of the way through level 46... and then I had very close to nothing. Nobody I knew could tell me anywhere else to go. Sooo... I was stuck AoE-grinding. Ain't mages fun? The Woodpaw Gnolls in Feralas, in fact. Running from camp to camp all willy-nilly. Slap down a flamestrike, frost nova and back off, another flamestrike, and all over the Arcane Explosion. ... which is kinda beside the point.
Anyway... I'm kinda stuck. I'm accumulating piles and piles of quests that I could do easily for good experience if I just happened to be +2 on the level scale... but I'm not, and I don't have much to do to get there. Other than Zul'Farrak Run Mark II XL which is going to take place tomorrow (today?).
I don't know about the alliance side, seeing as I haven't played an alliance character past 18, but most everyone I've talked to horde-side agrees that the span from level 45 to 50 is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for hitting 60, because of the lack of content of that level. (Which is why I would be glad that there's a pair of new towns with quests of that level in the next patch, except that Blizzard's taking its time in releasing it.)
So, has anyone had problems with this before? Anyone dreading the late-fourties span? How'd you deal with it, if you managed to?
(On a much happier, nerdier and completely off topic side note, the first episode of the anime series Fooly Cooly just played behind me while I typed this up, and Naota's English voice actor is the same as the one for Laharl in Disgaea: Hour of Darkness. Which is AWESOME. ... yeah.)
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FLCL is pretty fun. Short, but fun.
At 46, you should be doing maradon instance until you have everything quest and boss blue drop wise.
When you reach 48, you can do azshara quests and dozens of quests from un'goro too.
Those two areas alone should keep you busy for a while.
Hmm. You haven't mentioned swamp of sorrows. Go there, do quests. Possibly dustwallow marsh too, although you're a little high for there now--but not too high.
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I was going to suggest Maraudan, too. Not only are there several quests there and not only is the exp good, but also the loot is insanely good for the level of the dungeon. Too good, imho. Azshara would definitely be an excellent place to go. Swamp of Sorrows would be low for you, but it might be a good source of green quests that you can whip through quickly. Mostly when I think of that level, though, I think of Ferales and the Hinterlands, and lots of instance running. Of course, from level 40 onwards, I'm pretty much an instanceaholic. You definitely want to hit Mauradan and maybe hitting Zul Farrak a couple times would be good (it's not my favorite instance, though). Uldaman would be OK, too, although you're starting to get high for it. In a few levels, you might be able to start doing the Sunken Temple, although retail people for some reason tend to wait until like 53+ to run it, which is silly. Regarding Tanaris, it totally depends on the situation on your server. On Tichondrius, most of the action is right around Gadgetzan itself. Get the quests some how (rez, run, die, whatever) and get away from town, and you're fine to go quest all you want. Also, lately, the flight path hasn't been as much of a problem now that people understand that you don't get cp for killing people within 30 seconds of touching down.
For low 50's, you'll want to start looking at Un'Goro Crater, Felwood, and the Western Plaguelands. I would also suggest the Blasted Lands, but that depends on how camped the area is with Alliance on your server and what the Horde/Alliance ratio is like on your server (it's fairly even on Tichondrius). There's also the Burning Steppes, although that tends to be a bit of a battleground. Searing Gorge also has a couple of small quests right now. Not much, but it's fun to catch those two small series of quests in an area that most people just ride through. And, of course, there are always Maraudan Princess runs, the Sunken Temple, and the early parts of Blackrock Depths to do. However, I agree with you that having more 50ish level quests added to the game would help.
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Bob the Beholder,May 29 2005, 03:27 AM Wrote:I don't know about the alliance side, seeing as I haven't played an alliance character past 18, but most everyone I've talked to horde-side agrees that the span from level 45 to 50 is one of the biggest stumbling blocks for hitting 60, because of the lack of content of that level. (Which is why I would be glad that there's a pair of new towns with quests of that level in the next patch, except that Blizzard's taking its time in releasing it.)
I don't know how it will turn out on PvP servers (fighting over mob territory) but the new quests in Searing Gorge seem like they would be very nice for high 40s - low 50s. There seem to be a bunch of easy, straightforward kill x mobs quests as well as a few quests that send you deep into the Slag Pit (deeper than you've probably gone before). The addition of these quests will hopefully help.
As Alliance I don't ever remember dragging in my late 40s but my first char through there did many Z'F runs trying to complete Divin'o'matic (before they nerfed it) and my second char had the benefit of me knowing the questing layout well and thus I could be more efficient in questing. Not being on a PvP server also meant I could solo more quests and thus gain more experience through the normal grind associated with completing quests.
One last note I will make is to look for some of the higher level quests in slightly lower level zones. King Mukla in STV is a great example. It is a level 50 or so quest that would probably require you to bring a friend or two but the experience from completing a quest like that can be a real shot in the arm when things start to drag. My guess is that even if STV is a war zone of sorts, Mukla's island might still be relatively clear. Coming from alliance I'm not sure that I have any other valid quest suggestions but quests like this might be what you want to look for.
- mjdoom
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FLCL is quite the interesting anime...
Anyway, there's a good number of hidden or long-chain quests from level 48-50, and although it's a difficult area, you really shouldn't HAVE to grind. Some examples would be the Kalaran Windblade series in northwest Searing Gorge, which offer a lot of experience and money for some fairly easy kills.
The real problem is that a bunch of the quests, including one entire series from Searing and a good many of the ones heading into the Hinterlands require you to spend time in Tanaris... not very survivable unless you plan to run in at 3 AM.
As a druid who couldn't grind for crap, I got through the 48-50 range by doing every even-level quest I could, then doing a good few +3-4 Azshara quests that stealth helped with. That won't be possible with a PvP-server mage. I'd suggest doing as my hunter did - farm the trolls in the Hinterlands (which scale quite a large level range), and get a lower Sunken Temple or Maraudon group at any chance you see. You can still hit the Avatar of Hakkar at 48, so a group that just wants to get the chest at the bottom area should be happy to have you.
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FLCL is awesome in its absolute randomness. Wait until you see the rest.
I think this level range, 45-55, Blizzard has recognized as being a bit lacking. I'm pretty sure that's the level range for the new spot they're adding in searing gorge. I know that doesn't help you right now, but it's something that should be coming soon hopefully.
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I agree. I have been level 48-49 for almost... 2 months now.
That is probably because I don't play as much anymore, and I have joined Mongo on Tich, but still. I think I am 5% away from level 50, but I just can't make it.
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Isn't Princess level 51? I know I'd have problems tanking her at a -5 or disadvantage, since you suggest level 45 for Maraudon :(
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Artega,May 29 2005, 10:02 AM Wrote:Isn't Princess level 51? I know I'd have problems tanking her at a -5 or disadvantage, since you suggest level 45 for Maraudon :(
Oy! There's a common misconception that one has to be able to clear an entire instance before ever starting it. It's just not the case. Instances like Mauradan and Blackrock Depths are designed to be done piecemeal at different level ranges. The purple side of Mauradan starts off at around level 42 and ramps to around level 45. The orange side starts at 45 and ramps to around 49. There are lots of quests to complete there and minibosses with good loot to kill there long before one would even think of doing a Princess run. Besides, you'll probably want to get your own scepter that will enable you to do your own quick Princess runs later -- and that involves running both the purple and orange sides. It's only after Bob levels a couple more times that I would suggest a Princess run, but then hopefully his adventures on the purple and orange sides will mean that he'll be equipped with a scepter to make those runs fast and easy.