Raiding 101
Quote:There's also mana channeling wand (60.9 dps, 4 mana/5 seconds) , lorespinner, milli's book. Last two are DM quest rewards... hmm. Possibly horde only. Mana channeling wand is off Cho'Rush the Observer in Dire Maul north (next to king, so this screws with tribute a bit). Its worth doing non tribute runs for this and various warrior equipment upgrades from the guards. One more, there's a quest reward, Crown of the penitent, that is 20 int and 6 mana per 5 seconds. Unsure of quest off-hand. Band of Rumination also drops off UBRS, but you'll be competing mages as this is 5 mana per 5 seconds and +1 crit, but no other stats.
Lorespinner : Lethtendris's Web, Alliance and Horde completable, currently unavailable to most undead priests.
Milli's Lexicon : Shards of the Felvine, Alliance and Horde completable.
Crown of the Pentinent : Houses of the Holy, Alliance and Horde completeable, the holy water gathering quest.

Quote:I don't have spirit formula however. I need to ask my priest friend about that, but Daamien on my server just gained manastorm leggings 14 mana / 5 seconds, and that's the equivalent of 41 spirit he says. Pretty damn useful I say.
For priests, mana regen per tick = (spirit / 4) + 13
For most other casters, mana regen per tick = (spirit / 4) + x
For druids, mana regen per tick = (spirit / 5) + 15
One tick occurs every two seconds, determined by the server clock.

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