So, any mid-20s interested in doing the Stockades? My weekend's quite up in the air, and I don't want to say maybe unless I think I can do it, so I was thinking something along the lines of Wednesday July 6th/Thursday July 7th, 6 PM server time. Mirajj's priest Daenary and Aranea, my warrior, would be in; anyone else? And do you have preferred date/time?
Tank for hire.
Haimish is 28 and has a bunch of quests for there. I'd be up for it if I'm available and you need an extra body. :) Most evenings are free except Wednesday and the rare random time when I'm actually doing something.
Taakal,Jun 29 2005, 05:44 PM Wrote:So, any mid-20s interested in doing the Stockades? My weekend's quite up in the air, and I don't want to say maybe unless I think I can do it, so I was thinking something along the lines of Wednesday July 6th/Thursday July 7th, 6 PM server time. Mirajj's priest Daenary and Aranea, my warrior, would be in; anyone else? And do you have preferred date/time?

Count Karenna in for whenever.
Taakal,Jun 29 2005, 05:44 PM Wrote:So, any mid-20s interested in doing the Stockades? My weekend's quite up in the air, and I don't want to say maybe unless I think I can do it, so I was thinking something along the lines of Wednesday July 6th/Thursday July 7th, 6 PM server time. Mirajj's priest Daenary and Aranea, my warrior, would be in; anyone else? And do you have preferred date/time?

Minimagi should certainly be ready for these by that time. Thursday nights are bad for me (as are Tuesdays at the time you mentioned) but Wednesdays are great (although I personally am better off a bit later; say 7PM). Plus; who wouldn't want a bomb slinging mage along? VC was a lot of fun yesterday even if it was tricky with no true tank and two people didn't actually get VC's head :(

- mjdoom
Flyndar (60) - Dwarf Priest - Tailoring (300), Enchanting (300)
Minimagi (60) - Gnome Mage - Herbalism (300), Engineering (301)
Galreth (60) - Human Warrior - Blacksmithing (300), Alchemy (300); Critical Mass by name, Lurker in spirit
ArynWindborn (19) - Human Paladin - Mining/Engineering (121)
mjdoom,Jun 30 2005, 12:40 PM Wrote:two people didn't actually get VC's head :(
Yeah, but I didn't actually care about that. :D I was more along just to see if it could be done. I had no intentions beforehand about taking Kinmi in there so I consider it no harm done. I did express concern to RTM about how his wife was handling not getting the head and he claims she isn't that upset about it either so I consider last night a victory. :D
Intolerant monkey.
All right: due to raiding and such by high-levels on Thursdays, as pointed out to me by Mirajj, we will be doing a Stockades run on Wednesday July 7, at 7 PM server time. I'm being deeply definitive about this as my main going to be a runner and is a bit overlevelled, and I'd like to get her through it soon; but if anyone else wishes to arrange another, please do. [And goodness knows I want to do another with my priest in a couple weeks, when she's ready.]

The list, according to availability, is:

Daenary, Aranea, Minimagi, Kareena edit: and Chippydip's warlock. Thank you. :)
Tank for hire.
My warlock is 20 right now, but should be a few levels higher and ready for Stockades by Wednesday night if you need a 5th. I doubt I'll have the Dark Irons quest done by then, but I should have the rest of the Stockade quests ready to go... and I have soulstones now which would have saved our Deadmines wipe the other night *sigh*.
Soulstones rock, and a fifth is welcome. :) We've got a full group now!
Tank for hire.
Taakal,Jul 3 2005, 11:50 PM Wrote:Soulstones rock, and a fifth is welcome. :) We've got a full group now!

The problem of being European on US servers, things like this end up at 4 am in the morning (start time!!).

I don't suppose anyone else like to do the Stockades (or possibly Black Phantom Depth (spelling?) at earlier hours? I have this Druid that by now got to level 30 and am starting to become desparate to do the Stockades since I don't plan to play alts anytime soon but don't want to miss out on any instance.

Currently I can see myself playing (this week) tonight and on saturday night (evening really, CET)
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Jarulf,Jul 6 2005, 09:03 AM Wrote:The problem of being European on US servers, things like this end up at 4 am in the morning (start time!!).

I don't suppose anyone else like to do the Stockades (or possibly Black Phantom Depth (spelling?) at earlier hours? I have this Druid that by now got to level 30 and am starting to become desparate to do the Stockades since I don't plan to play alts anytime soon but don't want to miss out on any instance.

Currently I can see myself playing (this week) tonight and on saturday night (evening really, CET)

What times, server time (just hover the game clock no need to do conversion), do you think you will be around or do you usually play for that matter?
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Gnollguy,Jul 6 2005, 03:08 PM Wrote:What times, server time (just hover the game clock no need to do conversion), do you think you will be around or do you usually play for that matter?

I play in the evening (those that I have time), typically start between 6 and 8 pm and play until I fall asleep, typically 1 or 2 am. Usually I take breaks, starts a bit later or end earlier, like playing 3-4 hours (all are CET, so starting 9-11 am PST and end arround 4-5 pm). Weekend varies, can really be anything when I have time. Typically I have time for 1-2 evenings a week and some weekend play.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.

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