The Resist Formula (PvP)
Hello, I was looking around for literature on resistance rates and what resits specifically do. I know they increase the mitigation and chance to completely resist spells but does anyone have any hard numbers?

My specific questions are:

1.) How does level play a role in PvP.

2.) Are the: None, Poor, Fair, Good etc... resist levels a tier system or merely a broad indicator? I.e. with 90 Shadow resist I'm fair, and with 130 I'm also fair, will my resist rate at 90 and 130 be exactly the same, Or will it scale?

3.) How is mitigaiton determined?

4.) What are the differences between DD and other spell line resist rates.

What I've seen so far seems to indicate to me that there are set mitigation numbers of: 25% and 50% (for DD's) and most likely 75% though I have yet to get my resists to a level where I would see those numbers. At a certain resist level 25% damage mitigation becomes the norm with a small chance for a spell hitting for 100% or 50%. This number, for me as a level 60, was around 130 resist.

My hypothesis is that at a number substantially larger than 130 I would see an average mitigation rate of 50% with chances of 25% or 75%.

What I do not know is how the straight (You Resist the spell) is effected. I'm hoping it would scale with increasing resistance

Also, How is the resist rate altered for non DD spells. Mitigation is impossible for a spell that, let's say, stuns you; so would you see an increased chance for a straight resist verses a DD at the same resist level. A fabricated example being:

At 130 Shadow resist I have a 10% chance of resisting Mind Blast with a 50% chance of mitigating the damage delt by 25% a 25% chance of mitigating the damage by 50% and a 25% chance of mitigating 0% of the damage. However, I have a 30% chance of resisting Blackout(a shadow based stun).

Does anyone have any numbers or a link where this forumla has been felt out? Thank you in advance.
#2 should help you out a bit.
ArrayPaladins were not meant to sit in the back of the raid staring at health bars all day, spamming heals and listening to eight different classes whine about buffs.[/quote]
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