Concerns about reputation
Before, there really was no need for any concerns as to when and at what level one made quests. Sure, one got less XP, but if one was doing quests just to do them and to see the plots and read the history, that did not matter.

Now, with reputation, I am constantly worried about letting quests turn grey since I feel I lose out on reputation. I sort of feel one need to do all quests at a level just before they turn grey, so one level as little as possible and can do as many as possible to get as high reputation as possible with as many as possible. That makes me feel stressed. I wonder if I skip entire areas like Wetlands, Arati/goldshore (spelling?) for a while, I might seriously lose out on reputation for, I suppose Stormwind since it seems logical it is mostly reputation for Stormwind one get there.

Now, the question is, should I be concerned at all? Or are there so many quests for all factions so that one always get enough reputation in the end any way? Do reputation really mean anything at all and shall I simply ignore it, and just focus to get to the highest level with my "home" faction?

Any reputation guides out there that list areas, factions and things to not miss out to get desirable reputation for key facctions? Anything else I have not thought about that I should?
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
I have a few level 60s, and it's my opinoin that the home city faction doesn't matter much unless you want to get a mount of a different faction from your own. Otherwise, it's best to concentrate on important faction quests for the people that will give you good recipes in the future. Ones that come to mind are the Thorium Brotherhood (quests starting about lvl 45), Timbermaw (45), and Argent Dawn (2 quests for the Black Fathom Deeps instance at 25ish).

There are many quests that have spillover reputation. Spillover refers to a class of quests (not documented) that grant reputation to all factions within a faction group (like home cities).

In general you'll be shooting for honored with the factions you visit, for either a decent selection of recipes, or a discount on goods.

I use an interesting mod to track my rep changes:
-< You can only be young once, but you can be immature forever >-
A slight hijack, but on a related note...

There's at least one questline you can get from the Bloodsail Buccaneers in stranglethorn vale if you achieve friendly reputation with them (you start out Hostile, if I recall correctly). Unfortunately, you're going to have to shred your booty bay (and due to spillover, steamwheedle cartel) reputation in order to do that. Nifty reward, though, but you're going to be turning in wastewander pouches forever to get back in booty bay's good books :)
You don't know what you're talking about.
lfd,Jul 7 2005, 03:56 AM Wrote:Nifty reward, though, but you're going to be turning in wastewander pouches forever to get back in booty bay's good books :)

Actually, by the time you are frinedly with the pirates, you will be hated by gadgetzan too, so the only way to get back rep with all of the goblins without losing the rep for the pirates is to kill venture co goblins in north STV. At level 60 this gives 2 rep for BB and 1 rep for all the other 3 citties. This will take some time :P
Ravage,Jul 7 2005, 03:48 PM Wrote:Actually, by the time you are frinedly with the pirates, you will be hated by gadgetzan too, so the only way to get back rep with all of the goblins without losing the rep for the pirates is to kill venture co goblins in north STV.&nbsp; At level 60 this gives 2 rep for BB and 1 rep for all the other 3 citties.&nbsp; This will take some time :P

The south sea pirates do not seem to be affiliated, and they give faction with Ratchet/Gadgetzan, hence presumably Booty Bay and Everlook. At level 60 it does not take long to kill level 13 pirates. Plus you get odd looks from level 13 Tauren.
"I may be old, but I'm not dead."

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