guild creation
I've been playing on Lightbringer alot lately with some friends. Some are already in guilds and some don't want to be in one. I was thinking about making my own guild just so that I could have a tabard of my design and so that I stop getting messages from people about joining their guild. I'll probably be the only one in the guild. I was thinking about calling it "kitty love" just because I tend to always get my chars a maine coon (its horde btw) and the friends I play with have cat pets as well (not that they will probably be in the guild heh). So anyway, I was wondering if I could get some help with signatures for the guild charter. I figure the easiest way will be for people to create troll/orc characters and then I can run down to The Den from Org and they can sign the charter. So would some of you be willing to help me with this? I spend alot of time on the server so it shouldn't be a problem to get a hold of me, though if you know when you can come on it might help me be in the area. It would be easier if a time was agreed on for when most people will do this so that I'm not constantly running back and forth, though I'm willing to do that if needed. What time is good for everyone?

So the information. The server is Lightbringer. My character is a troll shaman called Swirly. You can either whisper me when you are on or join the "lurkers" channel since I'm in that on any server I am on. Thanks to anybody who helps. : )

edit: So far RTM, Treesh, and GG have signed (as well as one non-lurker friend). Treesh did point out that there used to be a problem where everyone had to be logged in at once for a charter to be turned in. Is this still a problem or has it been fixed? Does anybody know? My friend signed the charter last night and her name is still listed today so I had assumed that that meant people could just sign and log. Hope that is a correct assumption.
swirly,Jul 11 2005, 08:50 AM Wrote:I've been playing on Lightbringer alot lately with some friends.  Some are already in guilds and some don't want to be in one.  I was thinking about making my own guild just so that I could have a tabard of my design and so that I stop getting messages from people about joining their guild.  I'll probably be the only one in the guild.  I was thinking about calling it "kitty love" just because I tend to always get my chars a maine coon (its horde btw) and the friends I play with have cat pets as well (not that they will probably be in the guild heh).  So anyway, I was wondering if I could get some help with signatures for the guild charter.  I figure the easiest way will be for people to create troll/orc characters and then I can run down to The Den from Org and they can sign the charter.  So would some of you be willing to help me with this?  I spend alot of time on the server so it shouldn't be a problem to get a hold of me, though if you know when you can come on it might help me be in the area.  It would be easier if a time was agreed on for when most people will do this so that I'm not constantly running back and forth, though I'm willing to do that if needed.  What time is good for everyone?

So the information.  The server is Lightbringer.  My character is a troll shaman called Swirly.  You can either whisper me when you are on or join the "lurkers" channel since I'm in that on any server I am on.  Thanks to anybody who helps. : )
I've still got some character slots open so I can help. :) Just give me a time and I'm there. :)
Intolerant monkey.
I'll help too. Send me an IM when you're on, I'll make a character quick & sign your charter.

AIM: remocwen
ICQ: 31138118
The guild has been made! Thanks everyone! For future note, you have to have the charter in your main backpack to turn it in. Don't know if everyone needs to be online or not since all were this time around.
I'm pretty sure that the one time i registered a guild there were a few people offline, although I could just be remembering incorrectly. Much love to the kitty love

Level 2 Troll Rogue from kitty love
Currently enjoying liberating the land of Sanctuary

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Stormrage - US (Inactive)

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