If you would have this Epic Polearm ...
Last night, the MC boss Sulfuron Harbinger dropped the Epic Polearm Shadowstrike for me.

Since I'm filling the role of an offensive Warrior in our clan's raid group, I'm planning - for the very first time - to respec my Warrior (level 60) from a reliable 30 Fury / 21 Arms build to something else with big two-handed, and maybe polearm-specialized, damage output. How would you spec such a build (all points for level 60)? Go "Mortal Strike" now? Use Two-Handed Weapon and/or Polearm specialization, or are these not worth it?

PS: The Shadowstrike will remain "Shadowstrike" (with life "leech") and will not be transformed to Thunderstrike.
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Heh, great Hunter weapon debate on Thottbot, those things always entertain me

I suggest you optimise for lucky big hits to get burst damage for pvp. Mortal strike, stuff that helps crit

Enjoy it, it's a very distinctive looking weapon
What skill are you using now that doesn't revolve around Mortal Strike Nobbie?

Shalandrax my arms/fury warrior's talents are a peculiar mix of dps versus tanking skills.

Deflection - 4
Improved Rend - 3
Tactical Mastery - 5
Anger Management - 1
Improved Overpower - 2
Deep Wounds - 3
Two Handed weapon Specialization - 2
Impale - 2
Sword Specialization - 5
Sweeping Strikes - 1
Improved Hamstring - 2
Mortal Strike - 1

Cruelty - 5
Improved Demoralizing shout - 5
Piercing Howl - 1
Improved Battle Shout - 1
Improved cleave - 3 (I use this alot in tanking and when I take on more than 1 opponent in PvE/PvP)
Enrage - 5

I love this set up - great flexibility in damage and in tanking. So to answer you question I might have respecc'd to pick up polearm specialization if I hadn't locked this girl into using swords. :D
Based on your and some other suggestions, I've now come up with this plan. Any comments?

Quote:31 Arms / 20 Fury - Offensive Warrior Build with Polearm Spec.

Arms Mastery

Deflection 5/5 - Increases your Parry chance by 5%
Improved Rend 3/3 - Increases the Bleed Damage done by your Rend ability by 35%
Tactical Mastery 5/5 - You retain up to 25 of your Rage points when you change stances
Improved Overpower 2/2 - Increases the Critical Strike chance of your Overpower ability by 50%
Anger Management 1/1 - Increases the time required for your Rage to decay while out of combat by 30%
Deep Wounds 3/3 - Your Critical Strikes cause the opponent to bleed, dealing 60% of your melee weapon's average damage over 12 sec.
Impale 2/2 - Increases the Critical Strike damage bonus of your abilities in Battle, Defensive, and Berserker stance by 20%
Two-Handed Weapon Specialization 3/5 - Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 3%
Sweeping Strikes 1/1 - Your next 5 melee weapon swings strike an additional nearby opponent
Polearm Specialization 5/5 - Increases your chance to get a Critical Strike with Polearms by 5%
Mortal Strike 1/1 - A vicious strike that deals weapon damage plus 160 and wounds the target, reducing the effectiveness of any healing by 50% for 10 sec.

Arms Total: 31

Fury Mastery

Cruelty 5/5 - Increases your chance to get a Critical Strike with melee weapons by 5%
Improved Demoralizing Shout 5/5 - Increases the Attack Power reduction of your Demoralizing Shout by 25%
Piercing Howl 1/1 - Causes all enemies near the warrior to be dazed for 6 sec.
Improved Battle Shout 4/5 - Increases the Attack Power bonus of your Battle Shout by 20%
Enrage 5/5 - Gives you a 40% Melee Damage bonus for 4 swings any time you are the victim of a Critical Strike

Fury Total: 20

Total Points Spent: 51

Level Required: 60
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
nobbie,Jul 15 2005, 08:20 AM Wrote:Last night, the MC boss Sulfuron Harbinger dropped the Epic Polearm Shadowstrike for me.

Since I'm filling the role of an offensive Warrior in our clan's raid group, I'm planning - for the very first time - to respec my Warrior (level 60) from a reliable 30 Fury / 21 Arms build to something else with big two-handed, and maybe polearm-specialized, damage output. How would you spec such a build (all points for level 60)? Go "Mortal Strike" now? Use Two-Handed Weapon and/or Polearm specialization, or are these not worth it?

PS: The Shadowstrike will remain "Shadowstrike" (with life "leech") and will not be transformed to Thunderstrike.

What is your alternative weapon? For a mortal strike build, as it stands, Arcanite Reaper is a much better weapon then this Polearm. Heck, even Doomsaw might outperform this, and the Ice Barbed Spear for sure. It is too fast, and the DPS is not high enough to overcome that downfall. You will notice that your DPS will be higher with any of the above weapon then Shadowstrike. =(

You mentioned that you are up to Sulfuron... If you can, try to get Obsidian Edged Blade instead, it is a much, much better weapon for Mortal Strike build. Sword specialization will stack with Windfury totem for some nasty rage generation, and with that you can "spam" Whirlwind and Mortal Strike for some high DPS.
My alt weapon is the "Mass of McGowan" 1-hand mace with the "Draconian Deflector" shield for more safety when tanking the hardest bosses. So far I'm satisfied with the new weapon and respec. Sure, you can always get better stuff, but then it's not my primary goal to max out my characters as far as possible. If better stuff drops, good - if not, it doesn't hurt either ;)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller

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