Wow. It's been awhile
I've been a long time Diablo afficianado, starting with the original. Diablo II is good... But its seems too elaborate and over-the-top. Diablo is a nice, simple, challenging game with a lot of storyline.

In regards to the godly duped items: Godly Plate of the Whale, Godly Helm of the Whale, King's Sword of Haste, et cetera, I can't even imagine how many times these have been duped. Even tough in the early days I duped hacked items heavily (I have since turned legit).. But are these items actually droppable?

I played a lot recently (about a year ago) in a legit community, but when my brother moved out he took the Diablo 1 CD. I intend to repurchase it or at least borrow it from him. I remember when I played that trading is incredibly difficult with strangers.. espescially with the bardering system. Is there a "currency" now, like on D2 with sojs/HRs, or is bardering still the law of the land? I realize that this answer may vary depending on realm.

Once I start playing again, I may be looking for people to play with on USEast.

A few things:

I've been debating with myself recently (especially after seeing lvl 99s, probably hacked, I don't know) if you can go beyond 50. If I see a character past clvl 50, is it hacked?

I remember the Cow Level rumors in 98(?) and I still have the original (edited) screenshot that sparked the discussion. I realize that there is NO COW LEVEL, especially becuase I play SC a lot now. Does anyone remember where the screenshot came from that started all the crazy cow level methods?

That's it for now. Thanks.
Lachdanan,Jul 20 2005, 04:17 AM Wrote:I've been a long time Diablo afficianado, starting with the original. Diablo II is good... But its seems too elaborate and over-the-top. Diablo is a nice, simple, challenging game with a lot of storyline.

In regards to the godly duped items: Godly Plate of the Whale, Godly Helm of the Whale, King's Sword of Haste, et cetera, I can't even imagine how many times these have been duped. Even tough in the early days I duped hacked items heavily (I have since turned legit).. But are these items actually droppable?

I played a lot recently (about a year ago) in a legit community, but when my brother moved out he took the Diablo 1 CD. I intend to repurchase it or at least borrow it from him. I remember when I played that trading is incredibly difficult with strangers.. espescially with the bardering system. Is there a "currency" now, like on D2 with sojs/HRs, or is bardering still the law of the land? I realize that this answer may vary depending on realm.

Once I start playing again, I may be looking for people to play with on USEast.

A few things:

I've been debating with myself recently (especially after seeing lvl 99s, probably hacked, I don't know) if you can go beyond 50. If I see a character past clvl 50, is it hacked?

I remember the Cow Level rumors in 98(?) and I still have the original (edited) screenshot that sparked the discussion. I realize that there is NO COW LEVEL, especially becuase I play SC a lot now. Does anyone remember where the screenshot came from that started all the crazy cow level methods?
That's it for now. Thanks.
welcome back..I think,,
Lachdanan,Jul 19 2005, 11:17 PM Wrote:In regards to the godly duped items: Godly Plate of the Whale, Godly Helm of the Whale, King's Sword of Haste, et cetera, I can't even imagine how many times these have been duped. Even tough in the early days I duped hacked items heavily (I have since turned legit).. But are these items actually droppable?

Godly helm of whale can only be bought from Wirt. King's sword of haste can drop or be bought. Godly plate of whale does not exist.

Quote: Is there a "currency" now, like on D2 with sojs/HRs, or is bardering still the law of the land?

It's not worth trading at all, unless you want a character full of duped items.

Quote:I've been debating with myself recently (especially after seeing lvl 99s, probably hacked, I don't know) if you can go beyond 50. If I see a character past clvl 50, is it hacked?


Quote:I remember the Cow Level rumors in 98(?) and I still have the original (edited) screenshot that sparked the discussion. I realize that there is NO COW LEVEL, especially becuase I play SC a lot now. Does anyone remember where the screenshot came from that started all the crazy cow level methods?

I'm not sure what screen shot you mean. Is it the one with a red town portal, supposedly leading to the cow level? If so, that comes from the single player version of the Arch-bishop Lazarus quest.
on the cow level, there is some stuff in the Hellfire expansion, but not in the original diablo.

about those items you name, take a look at Jarulfs guide, there are mainly three important issues, first what level is the monster, second what level is the prefix/suffix you want to see dropping and what level is the base item you search for. the suffixes and base item level may not exceed the monster level. And third there are some combinations that do not exist, like 'of many' which is reserved for bows.

For instance your Goldy plate of the Whale, has a total level of pre&suffixes that exceeds any monster, making it not droppable. Same counts for the Helmet.
the Kings sword of Haste has lower affixes and is droppable.

For town replace the monster lvl with you char lvl and the affixes' lvl may not exceed your lvl up to 2* your lvl. (out of my head)
(there's also a money cap on the townspeople, which actually is a little bit lower than your maximum clvl*2 value, on a side note)

In the case of the Godly Plate of the Whale, the total exceeds the maximum value for charlvl. A godly Helm of the whale however, falls just in this domain (I believe because of money issues, FPMs are worth a lot).

Lists of the affix and item levels, monster levels, affix combinations and money caps can be found in Jarulfs Guide.
Characters: Standard Diablo Rogues: 'Paardenpoep' l36, 'Purechocolade' l31; Sorcerers 'Toverkol' l40, 'Zwarte Piet' l32, 'ZureHaring' l28 (no fb), Warrior 'Klotebeest' l29, LoL characters: rogues 'Roggebrood' l26 and 'Ironvrouw' l7, sorcerer ToverLol l20, warrior LolleBolleGijs l16 ironman character name 'Ironlady', read Toverlol's journey log
Lachdanan,Jul 20 2005, 12:17 AM Wrote:I remember the Cow Level rumors in 98(?) and I still have the original (edited) screenshot that sparked the discussion. I realize that there is NO COW LEVEL, especially becuase I play SC a lot now. Does anyone remember where the screenshot came from that started all the crazy cow level methods?
That's it for now. Thanks.

The ancient rumors of the cow lvl in D1 have been disproven since the creation of starcraft. why is this? because of their cheat code: There is no cow lvl. No joke. However, there is a rumored screen shot that was floating around and i happen to know the link to. is the address. its not an actual screen shot, just a trick.
haha real cool pic.. ;)

im sorry its not real ; /

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