Hunter Build Ideas
With all the new hunter junk, I came up with two ideas for Mio.

Idea #1

Idea #2

Looking for comments from anyone wishing to give them. Thanks.

Note: This post is short and sweet because I'm tired....
Pesmerga,Jul 30 2005, 01:49 PM Wrote:With all the new hunter junk, I came up with two ideas for Mio.

Idea #1

Idea #2

Looking for comments from anyone wishing to give them.  Thanks.

Note: This post is short and sweet because I'm tired....

Idea #1 is pretty close to what I came up with in about 3 minutes, just some small differences here and there. Some I won't even mention, simply based of not knowing Hunter class enough and/or being preferences. However:

I'd take Deterence and Readiness over Improved Feign Death. That gives you the chance to do Feign Death twice in a row - any monsters resisting the first time might get taken the second, and it makes you much more versatile. Any interest in PvP should mean Deterence/Readiness also, since Feign Death is usually /laughed at during PvP.

I'd take Wyvern Sting over one point in Hawk Eye. You can never have too much Crowd Control. The fact that this also has a DoT makes it even more appealing.

I'm not so keen on the second build. The first build focuses on talents that make you better all the time, the second focuses on talents that make you better in this spot or this spot.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
Idea #1 is along the lines of what a lot of people are suggesting as the new cookiecutter except that you eschew Wyvern Sting for Scatter Shot. It depends how much you feel you need Scatter. Scatter is very strong against ganking rogues and charging warriors and is our only deadzone attack. Wyvern Sting seems more predatory: - consider this as an opener - Aimed shot, Wyvern Sting, Aimed shot .... Wyvern Sting seems to particularly suit Hunters defending in WSG. In addition to trapping the flag we can now stop the carrier with something reliable, not a lucky Improved Concussive Shot. For me I'll pick Wyvern Sting but it's certainly an interesting choice

Idea #2 is pretty sound and is rather original compared to all the 31/20 builds people are coming so far. Full specialisation on shooting things, not worried about pvp talents or pet talents

The only thing is: if you're just concerned about shooting things why play a hunter? We do less ranged dps than mages warlocks and shadow priests and we have no way to reduce the threat from that damage. It seems to me that maybe this build or something close is what a number of people may take for petless instancing. I haven't yet met a group who insists I don't use my pet, I'm not looking forward to it in late game raids
Brista,Jul 30 2005, 12:30 PM Wrote:The only thing is: if you're just concerned about shooting things why play a hunter? We do less ranged dps than mages warlocks and shadow priests and we have no way to reduce the threat from that damage.

Huh? Removing threat is the one thing Hunters can do better than all other dps classes. Feign Death removes all aggro from the hunter instantly. A whole lot of mages would love to have that skill. Add to that the cc's and disengage skills that hunters get, and hunters are the one class that one never has to worry about pulling aggro. My priestess never has to heal a hunter, unless the mobs are doing some kind of large range aoe attack.

Regarding Idea #1, pretty much you have to take out the point in Hawk Eye and get either Wyvern Shot or Scatter Shot. They're way too important.

Brista, remember that you have to be out of combat to use Wyvern Sting. So, the openner would be Aimed Shot, Feign Death/Wyvern Sting (a macro with the two together would be good), and Aimed Shot -- followed by normal attacks to finish people off. That's going to be deadly.
MongoJerry,Jul 31 2005, 04:16 PM Wrote:Feign Death/Wyvern Sting (a macro with the two together would be good)

No dice, unless things have changed. The global cooldown would be triggered, and there's no delay function in macros. So, at the very least, you'd need an AddOn that provided delay functionality to wait for the global cooldown to end.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
MongoJerry,Jul 31 2005, 09:16 PM Wrote:Huh?  Removing threat is the one thing Hunters can do better than all other dps classes.

Heh, you're quite right, what was I thinking of? :blush:
Scattershot is more useful for PVP than wyvern sting.

For Leeah's PvPwnage build, I'm looking at the following:

Marksmanship Talents - 21 points

# Improved Concussive Shot - rank 5/5
# Efficiency - rank 4/5
# Lethal Shots - rank 5/5
# Aimed Shot - rank 1/1
# Mortal Shots - rank 5/5
# Scatter Shot - rank 1/1

Survival Talents - 30 points

# Deflection - rank 5/5
# Improved Wing Clip - rank 5/5
# Trap Efficiency - rank 2/2
# Survivalist - rank 5/5
# Deterrence - rank 1/1
# Surefooted - rank 3/3
# Killer Instinct - rank 3/3
# Readiness - rank 1/1
# Lightning Reflexes - rank 5/5
Three reasons for hunters to feign death in pvp battles:

1. to mess with opponents' targeting
2. to send hostile pets back to their owners
3. to break rogue combos
Thinking about my Hunter respec. I mainly solo and WG, my Hunter is 57

I'll definitely try out Wyvern Sting at some point but I think I'll start off with 31 in Beast mastery and 20 in Marksmanship. Emphasis will be on shooting things and pet damage and seeing how well I can kill players with an uber pet (*hugs Broken Tooth*)

The important talents are:

Beast Mastery

Bestial Swiftness (I've killed mounted players with this, the pet has actually soloed them while they're riding off with me riding along behind)

Unleashed Fury, Ferocity, Frenzy (pet damage)

Bestial Wrath (unstoppable pet damage)

Intimidation (pet stun. It's interesting that so many players are seeing Scatter shot as a must have when this can be a 3 second version or can be much more. It's certainly an alternative dead zone move)

Spirit bond (this makes me at least twice as hard to kill in most fights, and allows me to split tanking with the pet in pve)


Lethal shots, mortal shots (more crits, bigger crits)
Brista,Aug 1 2005, 02:27 PM Wrote:Bestial Swiftness (I've killed mounted players with this, the pet has actually soloed them while they're riding off with me riding along behind)

Just a note that you won't be able to do this any more, because in the 1.6 world, pets go into follow mode when their owners mount up.

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