My first rogue
Since he's going to be only a tailor/alchemist for making mooncloth and supplying arcanite transmutes I'm not worried about getting high end patterns and potion recipies for him.

He'll be leveled only to 35 and maybe beyond, but not for any time in the near future. I'm still stuck at 58 on my main (same server) and grinding my way to 60.

Two questions:

#1 - Should I continue with skinning/leatherworking (not very high level) to make myself gear and then switch to tailoring/alchemy at lvl 35? Trade supplies is not a problem, I have nearly 200g to fund his tradeskill leveling on my main.

#2 - What is the best build that will use 26 points? I'm leaning to go mostly combat and dual-wield swords but I have no idea, as this is my first rogue. Only thing I'm set on is 5/5 Malice from the assassanation tree and 5/5 lightning reflexes from the combat tree.

I mainly want to get the most out of my talent builds with no real looking towards the endgame. With my main character (a mage) I spent my talent points in a way that didn't make me as effective while leveling but had a goal in mind for the future. I was going fire/arcane and i filled out my arcane tree first. Sure, if I had spent my talents in the fire tree I would have done a lot more damage in the early levels, but once you need imp. arcane explosion and presence of mind, you're kind of stuck without it. So I limited myself and got the arcane talents first.

I don't want to do that with this rogue. Instant gratification by lvl 35 is what I'm looking for. Rather, quick leveling for instant gratification by lvl 35.

Comments and tips appreciated :)
Level 60 UD Mage - Spirestone
Level 20 Troll Rogue - Spirestone
Savingsupertokyo,Aug 1 2005, 07:15 PM Wrote:#1 - Should I continue with skinning/leatherworking (not very high level) to make myself gear and then switch to tailoring/alchemy at lvl 35?  Trade supplies is not a problem, I have nearly 200g to fund his tradeskill leveling on my main.

If you have 200g to fund him, you'd be better off just hitting the AH for gear rather than spending the money on learning to make his own. He's going to be dropping leatherworking later on, as you've said, and as your main is 58 I'm sure you can obtain better for him than what he'd be making.

I'd say stick with the alchemy/tailoring while levelling. You'll be able to gather the cloth you need to advance your tailoring while you level him to 35, and a steady buildup of alchemy will keep you from dumping a lump sum into his trades all at once when he reaches your goal.
See you in Town,
I'd say go skinning/herbalism while leveling to get a head start on materials. Then when you get to 35, you will have a bank full of cloth, leather and herbs.

And Combat is an excellent leveling tree, head down and pick up blade flurry after maxing Malice. Use a slow main hand weapon and Sinister Strike a lot :)
I'd go herbalism & alchemy. That will let you get your alchemy up while you play as well as providing you with a steady stream of grinding potions. It's fairly hard to level alchemy off the AH as many of the key herbs (Briarthorn, Stranglekelp) are highly sought after.

Water breathing is quite an asset for herbalism, the undead racial helps a lot when looking for stranglekelp

For build I would go either Ambush and Remorseless attacks or Combat with Malice. Precision and Improved Sinister Strike are the two big big Combat talents. I think the Ambush style is strongest for grinding on greens and the Combat is better for questing
What Brista said. Go Herbalism/Alchemy first until you hit 35. Low to mid-level herbs are hard to come by in the auction house. Collect all cloth (Wool, Silk) you find in the meantime and store it on the bank. Then, at 35, drop Herbalism and learn Tailoring. Use up all the cloth you've find so far to level up Tailoring. Buy the rest of the cloth from the auction house and/or use your level 58 to fill any cloth "gaps", i.e. Mageweave and Runecloth. To level up Alchemy further (275 is needed for Arcanite Bar), buy the mid- to high-level herbs in the auction house. Always look for the least expensive way to level up. This will probably the most expensive part because high-end herbs aren't offered in droves either.

While we are on the topic of profession twinks: My level 40 Warlock, an Enchanter (and Tailor) twink, has just hit skill level 290 (Arcanite Rod), and boy, that was REALLY expensive ;) Twinking Alchemy and Tailoring was a cakewalk compared to that. I suppose that it will cost me yet another 100-150 gold to get to level 300. Those Greater Eternal Essences and Small Brilliant Shards burn your cash in no time.
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
wogan, i really like the skinning/herbalism idea, only problem is storage of the tradegoods which could be solved by making yet another alt to mule things for me. i've been mulling over the idea of an AH mule anyway.

my main is a herb/alchemist so i can get all the low level potions i want. i regularly swim down the rivers in ashenvale picking up liferoot and stranglekelp when i have nothing better to do.
Level 60 UD Mage - Spirestone
Level 20 Troll Rogue - Spirestone

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