Who Needs What Set Gear Where?
So now that we are tippytoe'ing into the higher instances, folks are starting to realize that they want to finish their first level sets...Every piece of which, aside from the 1-3 possible BoE pieces, requires at least 4 friends, and usually several tries at an instance.

We need to get these +4 friends together, and get some of this stuff. So I'll go first. Basically, if I'm around, I'm pretty much available for any run or even just to give someone a hand, or add some DPS. I have beaten down on the Baron more times than I want to count, so can easily lead a group/raid there without a problem. I think that we all know UBRS quite well. I'm not so familiar with Scarlet Stratholme, but have been there a couple of times.

I need...

~The cap from Scholomance. I have been on 16 raids in the place, and a couple of 5mans. I can lead anyone through there, without a hitch, given the caliber of the Allies.

~The Gloves and Mantle from LBRS. Here is my sticking point. I've only been in there twice, and once I made it as far as Warmaster Voone (who didn't drop my gloves, punk that he is). So I would be unable to lead in there, but quite happy to bend my DPS to the task of beating the place down. I also think that we need a couple more UBRS keys than the 2-3 currently held by the Allies.

I like raiding, and I love raiding/grouping with the Allies. If you need someone to come along to help get your set pieces, give me a holler. Chances are I'd be more than happy to go.

X-posted to the CA Forums.
~Not all who wander are lost...~
I need the following:

Beaststalker's Cap from Scholo
Beaststalker's Mantle from LBRS
Beastie hat. And Elements hat. And SC hat. And Devout hat. And Magister's hat. And Wildheart hat.

Oh, and Valor hat, too. ;)
Darian Redwin - just some dude now
Darian,Aug 2 2005, 11:32 PM Wrote:Beastie hat.  And Elements hat.  And SC hat.  And Devout hat.  And Magister's hat.    And Wildheart hat.

Oh, and Valor hat, too.  ;)

In the raids that I've done, I've seen 10 Dreadmist Masks, 2 Magisters Crowns, 1 Devout Crown, 1 Shadowcraft Cap, 1 Wildheart Cowl, and 1 Lightforge Helm. I'm about due up for Valor and BS. ;)

I may be wrong about this one...but I think that the Elements BoP set pieces only drop to Horde?
~Not all who wander are lost...~
Mirajj,Aug 3 2005, 12:00 AM Wrote:In the raids that I've done, I've seen 10 Dreadmist Masks, 2 Magisters Crowns, 1 Devout Crown, 1 Shadowcraft Cap, 1 Wildheart Cowl, and 1 Lightforge Helm. I'm about due up for Valor and BS. ;)

I may be wrong about this one...but I think that the Elements BoP set pieces only drop to Horde?

Wrong! :D Because I have 3 BoP Elements things. that means I also need the Elements pants, chestpiece, and hat!
Mirajj,Aug 2 2005, 11:37 PM Wrote:So now that we are tippytoe'ing into the higher instances, folks are starting to realize that they want to finish their first level sets...Every piece of which, aside from the 1-3 possible BoE pieces, requires at least 4 friends, and usually several tries at an instance.

Shalandrax needs everything from the Valor set but the gloves and bracers. More importantly she needs some more tanking gear. Sharanna has the complete Lightforge set but still needs to go into BRD with a miner or with friends to get a Blood of the Mountain to create her Smoking Heart of the Mountain trinket.

Both are good on weapons/shields.

Since I'm still saving up for Shar's epic mount quest I'm more than interested in raiding often. ;)
Mirajj,Aug 3 2005, 01:00 AM Wrote:I may be wrong about this one...but I think that the Elements BoP set pieces only drop to Horde?

That's the epic gear that does that.

As for my wishlist, it's not all set pieces. Some is fire resist gear, some I want as an alternative to SC, one I want to get rid of the 2nd most annoying proc in the game, some is just to try different combinations of stuff.

Felhide Cap - DM East
Satyr's Bow - DM East
Specter's Blade - Scholo (requires a Pally w/ or finished Epic Mount quest)
SC Bracers - Scholo
SC Tunic - UBRS *shudders*
SC Spaulders - Scarlet Strath
Pads of the Dread Wolf - LBRS
SC Gloves - LBRS

There are some other ones that are interesting or I'd like to try out for different reasons, but these would either be the true upgrades or allow me to change equip elsewhere for upgrades.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
Quark,Aug 3 2005, 09:32 AM Wrote:Specter's Blade - Scholo (requires a Pally w/ or finished Epic Mount quest)

80 or so more gold and 4 Strat waters and we'll be ready to start on that. :)
Galgamesh is now on the cusp of raiding age (56). He's been in LBRS and BRD already. I'm sure there are plenty of things he can use, both set pieces and regular drops, so I'd be more than willing to raid pretty much anything when I'm available.

Edit: He already has the Shadowcraft belt.
Currently enjoying liberating the land of Sanctuary

[Image: arethor.jpg]
Stormrage - US (Inactive)
Arethor,Aug 3 2005, 09:07 AM Wrote:Galgamesh is now on the cusp of raiding age (56).  He's been in LBRS and BRD already.  I'm sure there are plenty of things he can use, both set pieces and regular drops, so I'd be more than willing to raid pretty much anything when I'm available.

Edit: He already has the Shadowcraft belt.

Bah! You're not even a real person :) Silly gnome.
I've got 3 characters approaching level 60 so there are lots of places I can get some gear at. :) However, there is a lot of stuff that isn't necessarily set parts that I could use so I'll list them here, too. Here's the set stuff I would like:

Silverflail (Level 60)
-Devout Crown (Darkmaster Gandling - Scholomance)
-Skullsmoke Pants (Vectus - Scholomance)
-Devout Gloves (Archivist Galford - Scarlet Stratholme)
-Pattern: Truefaith Vestments (Balnazzar - Scarlet Stratholme)
-Shadowy Laced Handwraps (Baroness Anastari - Undead Stratholme)
-Whipvine Cord (Alzzin the Windshaper - East Dire Maul)
-Boots of the Full Moon (Captain Kromkrush - North Dire Maul)

Skybreak (Level 57)
-All Valor pieces (Rend, UBRS - Drak, UBRS - Rivendare, UD Strat - Ramstein, UD Strat - Gandling, Scholo - Kirtonos, Scholo)
-Lots of other stuff (Skybreak doesn't have much in the way of gear right now)

Dragoon (Level 56)
-Dreadmist Robe (General Drakkisath - UBRS)
-Dragonrider Boots (Warchief Rend Blackhand - UBRS)
-Necrophile Set (Scholomance)
-Alanna's Embrace (Ras Frostwhisper - Scholomance)
-Dreadwalker Mantle (Rattlegore - Scholomance)
-Deadmist Mask (Darkmaster Gandling - Scholomance)
-Dreadmist Mantle (Jandice Barov - Scholomance)
-Thuzadin Sash (Nerub'enkan - Undead Stratholme)
-Anastari Heriloom (Baroness Anastari - Undead Stratholme)
-Crimson Felt Hat (Magistrate Barthilas - Undead Stratholme)
-Dreadmist Sandals (Baroness Anastari - Undead Stratholme)
-Deadmist Leggings (Baron Rivendare - Undead Stratholme)
-Ring of Demonic Potency (Alzzin the Windshaper - East Dire Maul)
-Rod of the Ogre Magi (Tribute - North Dire Maul)
-Crown of the Ogre King (King Gordok - North Dire Maul)
-Robe of the Everlasting Night (Immolthar - West Dire Maul)

And of course, Silverflail now has Finkle's Skinner and the +5 skinning enchantment, so I'd be happy to bring her on any UBRS runs if I'm available. :)

EDIT: Silverflail picked up -Crown of the Ogre King, Padre's Trousers, and Cloak of the Cosmos as well as the Emerald Flame Ring so she's got everything she needs for Dire Maul West (though I'm happy to go and heal if my other characters aren't needed).
Darian,Aug 2 2005, 09:32 PM Wrote:Beastie hat.  And Elements hat.  And SC hat.  And Devout hat.  And Magister's hat.    And Wildheart hat.

Oh, and Valor hat, too.  ;)
I think I'll call you Hatman from now on. :) Do you have a Hatcave or Hatmobile yet?
Quote:Porlupus wrote:
I still only have three of my Beaststalker pieces. Specifically, I need:

- Pants: Baron (Strat Undead)
- Cap: Gandling (Scholo)
- Belt: BRS Random (BoE, but I haven't found it on the AH for less than 80g which I'm not currently willing or able to pay).
- Mantle: Wyrmthalak (LBRS)
- Gloves: Voone (LBRS)

As with Mirajj, I have also only been to LBRS twice and I don't think that I have ever killed either of the necessary mobs for my drops. I have also only run Scholomance twice, and as far as my current equipment is concerned, I need that headpiece more than any other.
Celethirian has three four parts of BS set as well, Bindings, Belt and Pants. So I need the Cap, Mantle, Gloves, Tunic, & Boots.

Tunic drops from General Drakkisath, and the boots from Nerub'enkan in Stratholme.

Edit: 8-3-2005 : Fun Strat raid coughed up the boots. W00t!
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Umm, this is hard for me to answer since I just don't look at this stuff.

Gnolock would like the Draconian Deflector, gloves with +def and a real one hander. I think that means I need to go DM West for everything but the DD which drops off the general. Though Dal'Rends stuff in UBRS would be good one hander upgrades. I've looked at some of the quest reward one handers and they are simply too fast for me to tank with. I got a dagger that was very similar to the swords for damage and speed and I just didn't get the rage I wanted. Though I have not tested again now that I have anger management. I don't have valor chest, legs, hat, maybe something else but I don't really care. More Dark Iron ore and stuff from Molten core to make some of the Dark Iron gear. Doing the +100 HP libram for my helm and legs would probably help more.

Taranna doesn't really care as I have been effective in feral and caster wherever I have gone. She gets a few upgrades here or there, that's cool. I don't think I have the wildheart hat (irrelevant now thanks to the Ony drop), chest, pants, or shoulders. Again I don't think I care too much about them. There really isn't a druid feral set (except for the PvP stuff) so I've gotten a few shadowcraft things that other rogues had. I wouldn't mind more of those or some devilsaur stuff since I'm mostly a cat when feral (think mini ambush/backstab rogue). Though I need to look at stromshroud vs devilsaur for cat form. But I think me going to Un'Goro and getting devilsaur leather would be better for me than hunting set items.

So I guess that means I'm willing to go along if you need me to go, but I don't really have any goals for gear for myself.

A few more levels and I wouldn't mind hunting light forge stuff with Balador though.

Edit: Oh Gnolack could use that +def +stam cloak from a tribute run. But well some of you know about how horrible tribute runs go for me most of the time. I think we are up to 3 server crashes on them now. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Mirajj,Aug 2 2005, 08:37 PM Wrote:So now that we are tippytoe'ing into the higher instances, folks are starting to realize that they want to finish their first level sets...Every piece of which, aside from the 1-3 possible BoE pieces, requires at least 4 friends, and usually several tries at an instance.

We need to get these +4 friends together, and get some of this stuff. So I'll go first. Basically, if I'm around, I'm pretty much available for any run or even just to give someone a hand, or add some DPS. I have beaten down on the Baron more times than I want to count, so can easily lead a group/raid there without a problem. I think that we all know UBRS quite well. I'm not so familiar with Scarlet Stratholme, but have been there a couple of times.

I need...

~The cap from Scholomance. I have been on 16 raids in the place, and a couple of 5mans. I can lead anyone through there, without a hitch, given the caliber of the Allies.

~The Gloves and Mantle from LBRS. Here is my sticking point. I've only been in there twice, and once I made it as far as Warmaster Voone (who didn't drop my gloves, punk that he is).  So I would be unable to lead in there, but quite happy to bend my DPS to the task of beating the place down. I also think that we need a couple more UBRS keys than the 2-3 currently held by the Allies.

I like raiding, and I love raiding/grouping with the Allies. If you need someone to come along to help get your set pieces, give me a holler. Chances are I'd be more than happy to go.

X-posted to the CA Forums.

For my characters, it isn't sets now, but specific items...

Taha needs to hit UBRS till Rend drops those damn boots. Also in need there is the PHotB and also the Ace of Beasts. Taha also needs to get the Bonecreep Stylus from Gandling in Scholo and possibly Alhanna's Embrace if Ras ever sees fit to drop it. The remaining items all come from Dire Maul West and North, the robe that Immol'thar drops (if I can't get Alhanna's), Sublime Wristguards from either Mol'dar or Slip'kik (non-tribute run, but good chance for shackle keys to let the goblin loose), Ogre King's Crown (if I can't get my hands on PHotB), and Staff of the Ogre Magi. Otherwise, it's stuff out of the Raid instances (which all of us are looking for).

Lissanna is down to needing a small number of items, mostly from UBRS (Emberfury Necklace, Painweaver, and Dal'Rend's main hand, yes Darian, Arleas, and everyone else, Lissanna needs it too... :P ). Need the Beaststalker Gloves (only mail gloves worthwhile for a Hunter). The mail boots that Immol'thar drops. Also would like to get the Ace of the trinket that looks like it may be of use to hunters (I think it's Warlords, but not sure).
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
Pesmerga,Aug 3 2005, 05:26 AM Wrote:Wrong!  :D  Because I have 3 BoP Elements things.  that means I also need the Elements pants, chestpiece, and hat!

Right, but have you ever seen the Hat, Pants, or Chest piece for Elements drop for the Alliance? I don't think they can, I think Blizzard made Gandling, the Baron, and the General smart enough lootwise to detect if the party is alliance or horde and drop Lightforge or Elements appropriately.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
Lissa,Aug 3 2005, 01:37 PM Wrote:Right, but have you ever seen the Hat, Pants, or Chest piece for Elements drop for the Alliance?  I don't think they can, I think Blizzard made Gandling, the Baron, and the General smart enough lootwise to detect if the party is alliance or horde and drop Lightforge or Elements appropriately.

Hrm... that would make me sad.... Tis a good point though... don't think I've seen those items drop.
Gnollguy,Aug 3 2005, 01:30 PM Wrote:Umm, this is hard for me to answer since I just don't look at this stuff.
Hmmm, my thought exactly.

[rant] In fact, this aspect of the end game really bothers me. With all the knowledge of items that are available, bosses become glorified vendors. The currency for "buying" their items is not gold, but the time needed to get to them and win, usually multiple times. This kills a lot of the exploration of the mid to high end instances because people make a beeline for the boss, led by someone that has been there before. I have been guilty of coveting a few boss drops, but usually not until I had been there and seen it drop and then losing the roll, or being told that said boss could have dropped <insert item here>. I much prefer to play just to explore and kill new things (geez I sound sociopathic, don't I?) and be happily surprised if I get an item that is an upgrade to one of the sets I have put together (though not necessarily item sets but, rather, my stamina, damage, resistance and riding around town sets). [/rant]

That being said, the only things that I can say I do want for Lochnar are fire resistance items that don't sacrifice intellect, stamina, and less so, spirit. Anything else that is an upgrade in any respect is gravy.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
LochnarITB,Aug 3 2005, 06:01 PM Wrote:Hmmm, my thought exactly.

[rant]&nbsp; In fact, this aspect of the end game really bothers me.&nbsp; With all the knowledge of items that are available, bosses become glorified vendors.&nbsp; The currency for "buying" their items is not gold, but the time needed to get to them and&nbsp; win, usually multiple times.&nbsp; This kills a lot of the exploration of the mid to high end instances because people make a beeline for the boss, led by someone that has been there before.&nbsp; I have been guilty of coveting a few boss drops, but usually not until I had been there and seen it drop and then losing the roll, or being told that said boss could have dropped <insert item here>.&nbsp; I much prefer to play just to explore and kill new things (geez I sound sociopathic, don't I?) and be happily surprised if I get an item that is an upgrade to one of the sets I have put together (though not necessarily item sets but, rather, my stamina, damage, resistance and riding around town sets).&nbsp; [/rant]

That being said, the only things that I can say I do want for Lochnar are fire resistance items that don't sacrifice intellect, stamina, and less so, spirit.&nbsp; Anything else that is an upgrade in any respect is gravy.

I agree. However, thus was the logic of the game designers. For me, to progress to Onyxia, I needed to find gear to pump my stamina without neutering my attack skills. For Molten Core, there will be more requirements and more resistances required. Mephisto run anyone?

I would have preferred that the best 1st tier end game gear would have been garnered through difficult crafting and difficult quest rewards, rather than farming instance bosses. Crafting is one aspect of the end game that is seriously broken, Imho. 30 stonescale oil (3 hours fishing), 10 mountain silver sage, and a trip to Scholo Alchemy lab to make one potion that effectively banishes you for 1min duration is ridiculous. Armor smiths, and leather workers are outdone by a plethora of green items, and quest rewards. Anyway, don't get me started... :)
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

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