This Friday, 8/5/05
I am told that Vor Lord and Bonemage will not be online. Who will be participating in the Terenas Friday night runs this week?
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtmlWbJ-1vgb3aJmW4DJ7...NntmKgW8Cp]
Alram,Aug 4 2005, 03:58 AM Wrote:I am told that Vor Lord and Bonemage will not be online. Who will be participating in the Terenas Friday night runs this week?
Most of us (and by us I mean our regular group, lurkers +1) will be on tonight instead. We're not sure what we're going to do yet beyond a SM Armory run, but for any lurkers on Terenas, tonight will likely be bigger than tomorrow night as far as number of players goes.

(Edited to clarify "us", it was probably clear to Alram, but not to other lurkers.)
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
Alram,Aug 4 2005, 05:58 AM Wrote:I am told that Vor Lord and Bonemage will not be online. Who will be participating in the Terenas Friday night runs this week?

I will probably have time for one good run. I'm flying out of state Saturday, so I have to take some of Friday evening to get ready for that, but I can certainly be there for one good solid run. Just let me know what time, approximately when the rest of the group can be there. :-)


Bloodmourne - 85 Blood Elf Death Knight <Lurkers>
Vreeslik - 85 Undead Warlock <Lurkers>
Fazuul - 70 Tauren Druid <Lurkers>
Ooh - 70 Troll Rogue <Lurkers>
Gorkuk- 63 Orc Hunter <Lurkers>
Rojaal - 70 Blood Elf Paladin <Lurkers>
Alram,Aug 4 2005, 03:58 AM Wrote:I am told that Vor Lord and Bonemage will not be online. Who will be participating in the Terenas Friday night runs this week?

An unfortunate power outage may leave two of us (myself and khgerg) without power for the next couple of days.

So I definitely won't be here Friday (out of town) but probably won't be able to make tonight either unless they get it fixed sooner than 1-3 days estimate :(

(khgerg's characters of note are Octord (warlock) and Kevas(shaman))
I just found out that I should have power back by tonight. However there could be rolling blackouts through friday night. Assuming that I have power I will be on on both Thursday and Friday nights.
<span style="color:orange">Doomhammer:
Melis -- 60 NE Druid
<span style="color:orange">Terenas:
Octord -- 70 U Warlock
Forgar -- 70 T Druid
Loregar -- 69 BE Hunter
Selyn -- 61 U Mage
Kevas -- 35 TR Shaman
Darklurker -- 24 U Priest
Ratoo -- 17 TR Priest

[Image: 738014xuSdJ.png]
Alram,Aug 4 2005, 05:58 AM Wrote:I am told that Vor Lord and Bonemage will not be online. Who will be participating in the Terenas Friday night runs this week?
Thanks for your responses. I will have a little time tonight, Thursday, depending on what time we start. I do need the Armory, and a book from the Library.I have to leave around 10:30-11:00.

Also, I posted this because I had invited several Terenas old timers to our regular Friday night runs, and wanted them to know that there would be fewer this Friday.
[Image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQtmlWbJ-1vgb3aJmW4DJ7...NntmKgW8Cp]
Well, my power came back on around 11:00pm server time on Thursday, but it was not very stable. I will be on tonight, but there is still the threat of rolling blackouts.
<span style="color:orange">Doomhammer:
Melis -- 60 NE Druid
<span style="color:orange">Terenas:
Octord -- 70 U Warlock
Forgar -- 70 T Druid
Loregar -- 69 BE Hunter
Selyn -- 61 U Mage
Kevas -- 35 TR Shaman
Darklurker -- 24 U Priest
Ratoo -- 17 TR Priest

[Image: 738014xuSdJ.png]
I don't believe I'll be on tonight (Friday) but we'll see.
Gracile 85 DK wowarmory
Faible 83 Pally wowarmory
Wimpy 82 War wowarmory
Zwakke 80 Sha wowarmory
Alram,Aug 4 2005, 05:58 AM Wrote:I am told that Vor Lord and Bonemage will not be online. Who will be participating in the Terenas Friday night runs this week?

I seem to keep finding new things I need to accomplish tonight before my flight tommorrow, so I'm not sure now what kind of time I will have tonight. However, I will have TeamSpeak on, on the default regular Lurkers server, with the speakers cranked. I will be in the house, and will hear if someone hollers for me. And I'll check in from time to time. I guess what I'm saying, is when we can get a group together, and about ready to go, I can make time for at least one run. So don't be afraid to try and raise me on TS even if I'm not in the game. I'll be packing and things, but will keep an ear on TS.

Bloodmourne - 85 Blood Elf Death Knight <Lurkers>
Vreeslik - 85 Undead Warlock <Lurkers>
Fazuul - 70 Tauren Druid <Lurkers>
Ooh - 70 Troll Rogue <Lurkers>
Gorkuk- 63 Orc Hunter <Lurkers>
Rojaal - 70 Blood Elf Paladin <Lurkers>
Alram,Aug 4 2005, 03:58 AM Wrote:I am told that Vor Lord and Bonemage will not be online. Who will be participating in the Terenas Friday night runs this week?
My plans for a date with my spouse fell through for tonight due a sick baby (poor little guy), so I may be on depending on what my wife feels like doing with her time. If I'm on, it will probably be later than usual, but I hope to help with whatever is being run at the time that I am on.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight

I'll be on at the usual time (8:30 mtn). If no one is on I'll hang out a bit to see if we can get a group going later. Look for Yuri or Xame in game,
I'll be playing the AH.
Yuri - Mage/Arcane 85 Undead
Thirdrail - Shaman/Resto 85 Tauren
Vicstull - Rogue/Subtlety 85 Troll
Penten - Priest/Discipline 85 Blood Elf
Storage guild Bassomatic

Starting next Friday (12th) I should be able to make Fridays more regularly.

But my appearance on weeknights may be less frequent.
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.

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