New Weapon
The other day I was looking for something to do, and for some reason it dawned on me that I still needed red dragon scales for a chromatic cloak. Playing a Balance Druid, the lack of intellect would be rough, but an additional 1% crit would be fun to at least test out. So I grabbed a buddy of mine (a hunter) and we hit the Dragonkin out near Grim Batol.

I walked away with stacks of rugged leather and 15 red dragon scales, which wasn't a bad haul given my whole goal for being there, but more importantly The Hand of Edward the Odd. Now, the dilemma...

I'm a packrat and often hold onto things "just in case". As such, I've got a Tome of Knowledge in the bank "just in case" I get a good one handed weapon. I'm currently using the Hammer of the Grand Crusader.

Looking at the stat totals:

Hammer of the Grand Crusader
26 Intellect
10 Stamina
9 Spirit
+22 Healing

Hand of Edward the Odd & Tome of Knowledge
21 Intellect
8 Stamina
18 Spirit
8 Strength
8 Agility
Chance on Hit: Next spell cast within 4 seconds will cast instantly.

The stats lean things in the way of the Crusader, but only by 5 intellect and 2 stamina. The added properties are definitely in favor of Edward. My playstyle is usually to run right in and whack away on mobs for Omen of Clarity procs. Whether I'm functioning as a healer or artillery, free spells = good. And assuming I'm with a group who knows what they're doing, I won't be pulling aggro by lending my meager melee dps.

Additionally, there's always the chance that along the road I'll obtain a better offhand item, which would bring the combo stats up to par with the Crusader. Right now the unbound Edward is sitting in my bank next to my Tome of Knowledge, like the One Ring calling out for me to equip it.. just once... just for a moment...

What would you do?
See you in Town,
Running in to smack things in a 40-man raid instance is not the best of ideas, and often not a great idea in some high-end raids, but apart from that, it could be handy. I would keep it around just in case I saw a situation where it'd be useful.
Personally, I'd probably try to sell it on the auction house or give it to a friend who could use it more. I think that the stats really aren't superior enough compared to your current stats (less intellect, less stamina, less healing power in favor of spirit and some other mods that aren't overly helpful) that I would want to take the hit in the checkbook in order to use it. :)
Or you could hit the realm forms of whatever server you're on, make a post stating that you have a still-unbound Hand of Edward the Odd and watch as Shamans offer you thousands of gold to put it in the Gadgetzan Auction House.
Bob the Beholder,Aug 15 2005, 04:46 PM Wrote:Or you could hit the realm forms of whatever server you're on, make a post stating that you have a still-unbound Hand of Edward the Odd and watch as Shamans offer you thousands of gold to put it in the Gadgetzan Auction House.

The thought had crossed my mind, except for the fact that gold is easy to come by in this game; epics are not.
See you in Town,
When I first saw that mace's stats I rubbed my eyes... watched again... couldn't believe my eyes.. The portential for paladins and shamans is enormous.. not really in pve (although instant heals are handy) but in pvp this would make an enormous difference. Nice find!
Former webmaster.

When in deadly danger,
When beset by doubt,
Run in little circles,
Wave your arms and shout.
Bob the Beholder,Aug 15 2005, 10:46 PM Wrote:Or you could hit the realm forms of whatever server you're on, make a post stating that you have a still-unbound Hand of Edward the Odd and watch as Shamans offer you thousands of gold to put it in the Gadgetzan Auction House.

You would make some shaman a very happy frost shocker.

Last time one of those went on sale on Gorefiend, my guildmaster--a 60 shaman--took in every single bit of cash he possibly could, selling off everything he'd been stockpiling, and pulling in loans from every one of his friends, absolutely set on buying that thing for as much as 2,500 gold. Of course, some other random shaman went "1500 RIGHT NOW NOWNOWNOWNOWNOW" before my friend's offer went through and got it immediately.
Hrmmmm. It's a difficult one. Healing wise I actually like to have quite a lot of spirit floating around, so for me that would be a plus. For running around on your own that's a pretty nice proc for a druid, and will become VERY nice with the next patch when weapon procs work when shapeshifted. :D (On that note, it took me until last night before I realised that this means omen will proc in forms, making it a MUCH more versatile spell.)

Honestly, I'm not really sure, but I would hang onto it, think about it, wait for the test realms to go up and test it there. :D That way if you don't think it's that great, you can still sell it.
I hate flags

"Then Honor System came out and I had b*$@& tattoo'd on my forehead and a "kick me" sign taped to my back." - Tiku

Stormscale: Treglies, UD Mage; Treggles, 49 Orc Shaman; Tregor, semi-un-retired Druid.

Terenas (all retired): 60 Druid; 60 Shaman. (Not very creative with my character selection, am I?!Wink
Watto44,Aug 17 2005, 08:15 AM Wrote:For running around on your own that's a pretty nice proc for a druid, and will become VERY nice with the next patch when weapon procs work when shapeshifted. :D  (On that note, it took me until last night before I realised that this means omen will proc in forms, making it a MUCH more versatile spell.)

I haven't heard anything about procs working in forms. Excuse my skepticism, but do you have a source for that information?
At first I thought, "Mind control satellites? No way!" But now I can't remember how we lived without them.
WoW PC's of significance
Vaimadarsa Pavis Hykim Jakaleel Odayla Odayla
Threw a +22 int on it, and my Crusader mallet had +9, so my stats are still going up by using it.

Levelled up my 1H mace skill last night at Sorrow hill, beating down skeletons. Instant, free, critical strike Starfires are VERY fun. The weapon procs often... but I almost get the feeling it's a % and not limited by a certain number of ppm. I saw it go off three times in the span of 10 seconds at one point.

Definitely enjoying the weapon, though I'll admit it'd be far more useful on a Shaman. Thanks for the input. :D
See you in Town,
Bun-Bun,Aug 18 2005, 01:49 AM Wrote:I haven't heard anything about procs working in forms. Excuse my skepticism, but do you have a source for that information?

/cry I said something that was completely and utterly false. For that I appologise. Profusely. I did hear that weapons were going to proc in forms, but just did a quick search of blue posts in the druid forums, and couldn't find anything. While I think I heard this in a very early preview post about the 1.7 patch changes, back when druids were still getting a talent revamp, I could not find this post on the official forums. (I tried doing a blue search in both the general and druid forums, as well as scanning all of Caydiem's posts. Interestingly enough I couldn't even find the "blue" post where druid talent changes were mentioned.)

Once more, big apologies for my stupidity. Let this be a lesson kiddies, check your facts before you open your yap.

Well, now that I feel like a complete tit.... /run /hide in corner /pull blanky over head :(

PS. I really wish I could find that post. ><
PPS. I still think it's a good weapon.
PPPS. I hope weapon procs are being at least considered for 1.8
I hate flags

"Then Honor System came out and I had b*$@& tattoo'd on my forehead and a "kick me" sign taped to my back." - Tiku

Stormscale: Treglies, UD Mage; Treggles, 49 Orc Shaman; Tregor, semi-un-retired Druid.

Terenas (all retired): 60 Druid; 60 Shaman. (Not very creative with my character selection, am I?!Wink

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