Dreadsteed Quest Preparation
For the last month or so I've been trying to slowly prepare myself so that when my Warlock, Dragoon, hit level 60 he'd be able to get to work on his Dreadsteed, epic mount quest. So I knew what was coming, I looked up the following guides for the quests:

Warlock FAQ on the Blizzard Forums
Dreadsteed Walkthrough on WorldofWar.net
Random Guy's Livejournal

Thus, I've known for a while that I would need the following to complete the quest
-406 gold (less if I wanted to skip having all of the reagents and convince a warlock who has already done the quest to come along and use their stuff)
-35 x Black Dragonscales
-6 x Large Brilliant Shards
-25 x Dark Iron Ore
-10 x Elixirs of Shadow Power
-3 x Arcanite Bars

So far, I have the following:
-35/35 black dragonscales (so I need to take Silverflail to UBRS a few more times)
-6/6 Large Brilliant Shards (Check!)
-23/25 Dark Iron Ore (I can probably get more by taking either Dragoon or Skybreak to BRD, and since both need to do a lot of quests there, I'm not too worried. Dark Iron Ore is pretty cheap on the auction house, too)
-5/10 Elixirs of Shadow Power, with mushrooms enough to make 3 more (see below)
-0/3 Arcanite Bars but 1 Arcane Crystal (see below)

I'm fairly confident I can get the dragonscales and ore, on my own. However, I have had terrible luck so far mining up arcane crystals and I don't have any alchemists skilled enough to make the elixirs of shadow power or do the arcanite transmutation.

So that's where you all come in! :)

First, does anyone have an alchemist that I could get to make the elixirs, assuming I can acquire the materials for them? According to Thottbot, they require 3 ghost mushrooms each which I will probably end up buying on the auction house.

Second, does anyone have any ideas where I could go to find Rich Thorium Veins fairly consistently (or does such a place even exist?) and does anyone know what the going price of a transmutation to arcanite is?


At any rate, having healed for the Dreadsteed event in Dire Maul for Lissa's warlock, I'm really looking forward to going out there again to experience it from the Warlock's side! Thanks, in advance, for any advice/hints you can provide and hopefully I'll be able to get started on this quest line soon after hitting 60. :lol:

EDIT: Yesterday I saw some pretty decent prices for things on the auction house and Mirajj sent me some black dragonscales so I'm now a lot further along in several things. Now I just need to get a hold of Galreth online to get some Elixirs of Shadow Power made, get 2 more arcane crystals and do some transmuting. Oh, and I'm level 60 so I can start the quests now! B)
TheDragoon,Aug 16 2005, 12:14 PM Wrote:First, does anyone have an alchemist that I could get to make the elixirs, assuming I can acquire the materials for them?  According to Thottbot, they require 3 ghost mushrooms each which I will probably end up buying on the auction house.

Galreth can not only make these elixirs but he has a bunch of extra ghost mushrooms sitting around that I could donate to the cause. Buying them on the AH could add a decent chunk to your costs...

TheDragoon,Aug 16 2005, 12:14 PM Wrote:Second, does anyone have any ideas where I could go to find Rich Thorium Veins fairly consistently (or does such a place even exist?) and does anyone know what the going price of a transmutation to arcanite is? 


I've always preferred Un'Goro loops for mining RTVs. Others may suggest Winterspring or Burning Steppes (although BS is camped more often than the others in my experience). Silithus is a possibility but you have to deal with bugs :(

As for transmutes, I know there are a lot floating around the guild. I don't particularly want to offer up Galreth's at the moment though because I am working on a little side project of my own that will tie up my transmutes for another two weeks or so probably.

- mjdoom
Flyndar (60) - Dwarf Priest - Tailoring (300), Enchanting (300)
Minimagi (60) - Gnome Mage - Herbalism (300), Engineering (301)
Galreth (60) - Human Warrior - Blacksmithing (300), Alchemy (300); Critical Mass by name, Lurker in spirit
ArynWindborn (19) - Human Paladin - Mining/Engineering (121)
TheDragoon,Aug 16 2005, 01:14 PM Wrote:First, does anyone have an alchemist that I could get to make the elixirs, assuming I can acquire the materials for them?  According to Thottbot, they require 3 ghost mushrooms each which I will probably end up buying on the auction house.[right][snapback]86214[/snapback][/right]

Shalandrax can harvest the ghost mushrooms. Unfortunately the only place consistently that I've seen the 'shrooms is RFK and while being a pretty buff dps machine, Shal isn't able to handle the multiple mob pulls to get to the 'shrooms. A bit of help and I can probably get all that you need in a single night of instance resetting. I don't think she has the recipe but Galreth has your back on that one.

TheDragoon,Aug 16 2005, 01:14 PM Wrote:Second, does anyone have any ideas where I could go to find Rich Thorium Veins fairly consistently (or does such a place even exist?) and does anyone know what the going price of a transmutation to arcanite is?[right][snapback]86214[/snapback][/right]

Shalandrax can add a transmute into the mix for you.

TheDragoon,Aug 16 2005, 01:14 PM Wrote:At any rate, having healed for the Dreadsteed event in Dire Maul for Lissa's warlock, I'm really looking forward to going out there again to experience it from the Warlock's side!  Thanks, in advance, for any advice/hints you can provide and hopefully I'll be able to get started on this quest line soon after hitting 60.  :lol:

I'm more than happy to MT the event for you. T'was fun. :)
mjdoom,Aug 16 2005, 10:27 AM Wrote:As for transmutes, I know there are a lot floating around the guild.  I don't particularly want to offer up Galreth's at the moment though because I am working on a little side project of my own that will tie up my transmutes for another two weeks or so probably.
While this is a reply to mjdoom's post, this applies equally to everyone:

Please, please don't feel obligated to offer up things like the transmutes and what-not. I tried very hard to word that post in a way that I wouldn't make people feel bad about not helping out on things like that. If you want to help, great, but I absolutely do NOT expect people to burn transmutes or give me anything toward this. Simply, I didn't think I was going about finding arcane crystals in a very good manner and wanted some advice (and someone to make the potions :) ) on how to do it better.
TheDragoon,Aug 16 2005, 01:48 PM Wrote:While this is a reply to mjdoom's post, this applies equally to everyone:

Please, please don't feel obligated to offer up things like the transmutes and what-not.  I tried very hard to word that post in a way that I wouldn't make people feel bad about not helping out on things like that.  If you want to help, great, but I absolutely do NOT expect people to burn transmutes or give me anything toward this.  Simply, I didn't think I was going about finding arcane crystals in a very good manner and wanted some advice (and someone to make the potions  :) ) on how to do it better.

No obligation whatsoever. I'm feeding the Kharma cycle bish. ;)

Edit: In other words - I help because I can. :)
I may have some black dragonscales floating around that you can nab. Send me a tell on-line sometimes.
Tal,Aug 16 2005, 10:41 AM Wrote:Shalandrax can harvest the ghost mushrooms. Unfortunately the only place consistently that I've seen the 'shrooms is RFK

Actually ghost 'shrooms crop up pretty consistently in DM East. It should be very easy to get 3-4 at a time just resetting the instance at the backdoor and clearing the first mobs with a group of 3-5, or you can go on backdoor boss-killing sprees.
Tal,Aug 16 2005, 10:41 AM Wrote:Shalandrax can harvest the ghost mushrooms. Unfortunately the only place consistently that I've seen the 'shrooms is RFK and while being a pretty buff dps machine, Shal isn't able to handle the multiple mob pulls to get to the 'shrooms. A bit of help and I can probably get all that you need in a single night of instance resetting. I don't think she has the recipe but Galreth has your back on that one.
Shalandrax can add a transmute into the mix for you.
I'm more than happy to MT the event for you. T'was fun. :)
Maraudon also has Ghost Mushrooms in decent supply.
Dagorthan – Level 85 Blood Knight
Turothan – Level 83 Blood Knight
Sarothan – Level 62 Blood Knight
Durambar – Level 82 Warrior
Strifemourne – Level 80 Death Knight
"I'm fairly confident I can get the dragonscales and ore, on my own. However, I have had terrible luck so far mining up arcane crystals and I don't have any alchemists skilled enough to make the elixirs of shadow power or do the arcanite transmutation."

Tap me when we are online together and I can help you get what you need. We can get the shrooms you need, and I haven't transmuted anything in two weeks.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

TheDragoon,Aug 16 2005, 10:14 AM Wrote:For the last month or so I've been trying to slowly prepare myself so that when my Warlock, Dragoon, hit level 60 he'd be able to get to work on his Dreadsteed, epic mount quest.  So I knew what was coming, I looked up the following guides for the quests:

Warlock FAQ on the Blizzard Forums
Dreadsteed Walkthrough on WorldofWar.net
Random Guy's Livejournal

Thus, I've known for a while that I would need the following to complete the quest
-406 gold (less if I wanted to skip having all of the reagents and convince a warlock who has already done the quest to come along and use their stuff)
-35 x Black Dragonscales
-6 x Large Brilliant Shards
-25 x Dark Iron Ore
-10 x Elixirs of Shadow Power
-3 x Arcanite Bars

So far, I have the following:
-35/35 black dragonscales (so I need to take Silverflail to UBRS a few more times)
-6/6 Large Brilliant Shards (Check!)
-23/25 Dark Iron Ore (I can probably get more by taking either Dragoon or Skybreak to BRD, and since both need to do a lot of quests there, I'm not too worried.  Dark Iron Ore is pretty cheap on the auction house, too)
-5/10 Elixirs of Shadow Power, with mushrooms enough to make 3 more (see below)
-0/3 Arcanite Bars but 1 Arcane Crystal (see below)

I'm fairly confident I can get the dragonscales and ore, on my own.  However, I have had terrible luck so far mining up arcane crystals and I don't have any alchemists skilled enough to make the elixirs of shadow power or do the arcanite transmutation.   

So that's where you all come in!  :)

First, does anyone have an alchemist that I could get to make the elixirs, assuming I can acquire the materials for them?  According to Thottbot, they require 3 ghost mushrooms each which I will probably end up buying on the auction house.

Second, does anyone have any ideas where I could go to find Rich Thorium Veins fairly consistently (or does such a place even exist?) and does anyone know what the going price of a transmutation to arcanite is? 


At any rate, having healed for the Dreadsteed event in Dire Maul for Lissa's warlock, I'm really looking forward to going out there again to experience it from the Warlock's side!  Thanks, in advance, for any advice/hints you can provide and hopefully I'll be able to get started on this quest line soon after hitting 60.  :lol:

EDIT:  Yesterday I saw some pretty decent prices for things on the auction house and Mirajj sent me some black dragonscales so I'm now a lot further along in several things.  Now I just need to get a hold of Galreth online to get some Elixirs of Shadow Power made, get 2 more arcane crystals and do some transmuting.  Oh, and I'm level 60 so I can start the quests now!  B)

FYI, you only really need to buy the Xorathian Dust and get the pages imbued. The only reason to spend the 250g to get the finalized items along with collecting the above items is so you can spawn the event yourself instead of depending on another warlock to do so. The main quest giver is the one that gives you the quest to get the Xorathian Dust, to get the pages imbued in Scholo, and then to go to DM West and fight the Steed and it's Master. All other quests, the gathering of the materials for the bell, book, and candle, are for the goblin so you can buy the materials for doing the event yourself (without another warlock around).
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
Lissa,Aug 17 2005, 11:59 AM Wrote:FYI, you only really need to buy the Xorathian Dust and get the pages imbued.  The only reason to spend the 250g to get the finalized items along with collecting the above items is so you can spawn the event yourself instead of depending on another warlock to do so.  The main quest giver is the one that gives you the quest to get the Xorathian Dust, to get the pages imbued in Scholo, and then to go to DM West and fight the Steed and it's Master.  All other quests, the gathering of the materials for the bell, book, and candle, are for the goblin so you can buy the materials for doing the event yourself (without another warlock around).
Ah, I guess I didn't really realize that I wouldn't need to come up with a lot of those reagents if I found another warlock to come with me. However, since I've got basically all of them so far, I think I'll just keep going and be able to spawn the event, on my own. :)
I think I've just about got everything I need, now. :) My thanks go out to Gnollguy, Tal, Kandrathe, Mirajj, mjdoom, and Garrin for their offers of help! Once I finish catching people online, I should have everything I need! :w00t:

So far, I have the following:
-35/35 black dragonscales (Check!)
-6/6 Large Brilliant Shards (Check!)
-23/25 Dark Iron Ore (I forget who it was, but someone said they'd sell me 2 of this so I could have it completed! Thanks!)
-5/10 Elixirs of Shadow Power, with mushrooms enough to make 3 more (Now I just need to catch Galreth online to make some elixirs)
-0/3 Arcanite Bars but 3! Arcane Crystals (Tal said he'd transmute one for me and Kandrathe/Gnollguy both gave me options for the other two. Thanks, guys!)

"-5/10 Elixirs of Shadow Power, with mushrooms enough to make 3 more (Now I just need to catch Galreth online to make some elixirs)"

Or other Alchemist... :)
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

TheDragoon,Aug 17 2005, 03:23 PM Wrote:Once I finish catching people online, I should have everything I need!  :w00t: [right][snapback]86404[/snapback][/right]

Lucky bastage!

I went through herbalism, mining and alchemy professions to get them all. Paid skinners too, and a friend to disenchant for shards.

Then again....

I outright gave away 6 arcanite bars to my two warlock friends, and a mix mash of other things. Acquired two Robe of Void patterns for them too, then one for myself.
Drasca,Aug 17 2005, 01:35 PM Wrote:Lucky bastage!

I went through herbalism, mining and alchemy professions to get them all. Paid skinners too, and a friend to disenchant for shards.

Then again....

I outright gave away 6 arcanite bars to my two warlock friends, and a mix mash of other things. Acquired two Robe of Void patterns for them too, then one for myself.
Well, I DID buy a lot of the stuff off the auction house. For some reason there was an unusually high number of decent deals yesterday which I took advantage of to finish off most of the stuff.
kandrathe,Aug 17 2005, 03:34 PM Wrote:"-5/10 Elixirs of Shadow Power, with mushrooms enough to make 3 more (Now I just need to catch Galreth online to make some elixirs)" 

Or other Alchemist... :)
ditto - may even have a few mushrooms - I can also do a transmute if my cooldown comes up but it may be that the others have one sooner - I tend to use it as soon as the cooldown finishes to build Lochnar's bank account back up after getting his kitty :)
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Woo! I now have all of the items I need to go get the reagents, so I'll be doing the quests over the next couple days.

This brings me to the next stage: Planning the dungeon runs!

First off, once I've gotten the first couple links of the quest done, I'll need to head into Scholomance as either a 5-man group (if I want to do it more legitimately) or a raid (if I want to cheese it). Of course, I vastly prefer the 5-man route, so that's what I'm going to try to do!

Basically, the run will need to go through the opening areas (with a possible stop at Kirtonos the Herald, if people have blood and want to), clearing Rattlegore for his key and working the way to Ras Frostwhisper. The cool thing about this is that we'll be able to get to 2 of the deeds on the way, clear out the plagued whelps, and go after Vectus & Co. and Ras for the people who have those questlines. In other words, the following quests:

Plagued Hatchlings
Kirtonos the Herald
Barov Family Fortune
The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper
Dawn's Gambit

Please note that the quests that involve Kirtonos and Ras Frostwhisper are part of the same line, but different stages of that quest line.

Now, I know people are in various stages of this, but perhaps we can put a run for this together in the next couple of days. If not, I'll be gone at the start of next week but should be back Thursday if we want to give it a shot, then.

After this dungeon run comes the epic mount event in Dire Maul West. I expect this will likely happen at the end of next week or perhaps that weekend. Stay turned to find out more! ;)
This morning I finally got the imp portion of the quest done (and picked up some blood of innocents to give warriors a shot at their boots) and I'm ready for the Dreadsteed summoning event! I'm thinking that tomorrow afternoon might be a good time for me. This weekend is also ok, though I'll probably be doing a good bit of packing this weekend so if it needs to happen on the weekend, we should plan it ahead of time.

If you're interested, please reply and let me know if tomorrow at 6 (server time) would work for you or if that's a bad time for you, what time would be better.

Who's with me? :)
TheDragoon,Aug 25 2005, 03:59 PM Wrote:This morning I finally got the imp portion of the quest done (and picked up some blood of innocents to give warriors a shot at their boots) and I'm ready for the Dreadsteed summoning event!  I'm thinking that tomorrow afternoon might be a good time for me.  This weekend is also ok, though I'll probably be doing a good bit of packing this weekend so if it needs to happen on the weekend, we should plan it ahead of time.

If you're interested, please reply and let me know if tomorrow at 6 (server time) would work for you or if that's a bad time for you, what time would be better.

Who's with me?  :)

6 is bad for me but I can make it later (around 8) if you need a half ass warrior.
Sorry, no can do on that. Slightly too early for me, and Friday is the most reliable AV day of the week, so it's the one day I refuse to 5man.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!

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