Alliance: where do elves go after Darkshore?
I'm a bit confused as to where Night Elves are supposed to go after Darkshore

Is is Ashenvale? Or is it across to the other continent?
Brista,Aug 25 2005, 11:34 AM Wrote:I'm a bit confused as to where Night Elves are supposed to go after Darkshore

Is is Ashenvale? Or is it across to the other continent?

The normal advancement path would take you to Ashenvale, but if you are feeling brave about the run through the wetlands and down to Loch Modan/Westfall i would do those before Ashenvale personally. Or better yet if you have a guildie that can portal you to Stormwind or Ironforge hit that up with a quickness.
Brista,Aug 25 2005, 11:34 AM Wrote:I'm a bit confused as to where Night Elves are supposed to go after Darkshore

Is is Ashenvale? Or is it across to the other continent?

Having any number of NE's... :D Here is my plan, weighted toward doing as many NE quests (to gain faction with Darnassus) as low leveled as I can. I try to do the cloth quests in all locations as low level as I can.

Around lvl 15, I usually go over to Loch Modan and Ellwyn and pick up any green quests and complete them. Then I do Westfall, and complete a run on VC. After that usually at lvl 20-22 now, I head back to Darkshore and get a group to do Black Fathoms Deep. Then work on Ashenvale, and Wetlands and work on quests until Lvl 25-26, when I head back and work on Darkshire, until I'm ready for the Stockades (without DI wars). You could also head off to Shadowfang Keep if you wanted a mid 20's instance before Stockades.

Finish anything in Loch Modan, Darkshire, Ashenvale, and the Wetlands and you should be in your 30's, so head to Desolace, and do whatever you can there. Rather than jump right into STV, go run Gnomeregan and head to Southshore and gain a few levels. Find a group to do Scarlet Monestary and Razor Fen Kraul. Wait to start STV until you are at least lvl 33, as it's too hard for a lvl 30 solo. STV will take you level 50, but take breaks and run Razor Fen Downs, and Uldaman.

In your 40's you can start doing some Badlands quests as well. If you need to get faction with the Thorium Brotherhood, start preparing for that in your low 40's and do the quests starting at lvl 45, as well as the Timbermaw Furblogs(45). It makes a huge difference in effort to do these faction quests at as low a level as possible. At level 45 you might need to form a team to do the grinding of the Deadwood Furbolgs, and you will gain levels grinding them. If you get bored grinding in Felwood for reputation, you can head to Taneris and grind on the southsea pirates for reputation with ALL the goblin towns.

At level 50's, as a NE you should make sure you do the quests in Feralas and Taneris. You can start doing the Morrowgrain quest from Feathermoon at lvl 49, or from Darnassus at lvl 50. Do this to push your Darnassus rep up as far as you can stand to continue gathering Un'Goro soil, and remembering to grow your seeds every 10 minutes. I only do Feathermoon now, since the only reward is more seeds, rather than tons of berry juice and cheese. After the bugs quests in Gadgetzan, there is not much NE related quests until Dire Maul.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

After Darkshore, I went to Ashenvale but got bored quickly by the area, monsters and quests. So, I hopped on the zeppelin to the east and did some grinding in my favorite Horde area Silverpine Forest and Hillsbrad Foothills until about level 25 (hearth location Southshore). To make it less boring, I also did some grinding in the Wetlands in between (hearth location Menethil Harbour). After 25, I went to Duskwood (hearth location Darkshire) which is a fantastic leveling ground if you are a fan of creepy, spooky areas like Silverpine Forest. Lots of Skeletons, Worgen, Ghouls and the like in rotten farms and graveyards there. Raven Hill has an awesome atmosphere (beware the single patrolling level 35 elite boss near Forlorn Rowe and the catacombs/cemetries). The quests you can get in Darkshire are nicely done and get you quickly to level 30. After 30, I went back to Hillsbrad (Southshore) and started grinding through the Yetis (Darrow Hill, Growless Cave up to the Alterac areas). This is where I'm now with level 31, almost 32 (just killed the level 36 rare-spawn "Skhowl" there solo with my Night Elf Druid :)). I'm going to do Yetis up to 34 and then Alterac Ogres up to 37 with some visits in the Arathi Highlands (Raptors, Ogres). At 37/38, grinding in Swamp of Sorrows is great until level 40, which is my first goal for now to get that nice Tiger mount. I have to note that I'm a very visual, atmosphere oriented guy who always picks the areas and monsters that fit my personal taste best, so don't consider my tipps the best possible way for a Night Elf :) All of the aforementioned areas, by the way, are also great for an Alliance herbalist/alchemist as the herbs there allow you to level up these professions very quickly (Kingsblood, Life Root, Khadgar's, Steelbloom, Goldthorn, Winter's Bite etc).
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
nobbie,Aug 25 2005, 06:32 PM Wrote:After 25, I went to Darkshore (hearth location Darkshire)

I think you mean "Duskwood" ;-)

My little baby nelf has just had to leave Darkshore and Aubergi... er, Auberdine, on account of running out of quests that she could do and not being able to tackle the level 17 quests that remained. There seems to be a definite gap in the quests around that area, unless there's an NPC I've missed somewhere.
You don't know what you're talking about.
lfd,Aug 25 2005, 04:16 PM Wrote:My little baby nelf has just had to leave Darkshore and Aubergi... er, Auberdine, on account of running out of quests that she could do and not being able to tackle the level 17 quests that remained.  There seems to be a definite gap in the quests around that area, unless there's an NPC I've missed somewhere.
I never had a gap of quests in Auberdine that I can remember. I've had issues with them going grey or green sooner than I'd like because I collect so many my experience shoots up too quickly. :) With my nightelves who plan to stay on Kalimdor as much as possible it's Darkshore and then Ashenvale/Stonetalon Mountains. Unfortunately, if you do that, you generally miss out on the lower instances unless you go and specifically target those quests to get you into the instances on the other continent.
Intolerant monkey.
Treesh,Aug 25 2005, 02:35 PM Wrote:I never had a gap of quests in Auberdine that I can remember.  I've had issues with them going grey or green sooner than I'd like because I collect so many my experience shoots up too quickly. :)  With my nightelves who plan to stay on Kalimdor as much as possible it's Darkshore and then Ashenvale/Stonetalon Mountains.  Unfortunately, if you do that, you generally miss out on the lower instances unless you go and specifically target those quests to get you into the instances on the other continent.

That's my experience as well. Blizzard (finally) added so many quests to Darkshore that there's no need to leave for the other continent if you don't wish to for a long time. If you want to stay in Kalimdor, make sure to check out not only Ashenvale but also Stonetalon Mountains. There are several quests there that people often miss, because since you have to go through Ashenvale to get to Stonetalon, there's this feeling that you should do Ashenvale first when that's in fact not the case. A good portion of Stonetalon is lower level than Ashenvale and some parts are in the same level range as Ashenvale. Also, make sure to pick up the flight path there.
lfd,Aug 25 2005, 09:16 PM Wrote:I think you mean "Duskwood" ;-)
Yes, of course ;)
lfd,Aug 25 2005, 09:16 PM Wrote:My little baby nelf has just had to leave Darkshore and Aubergi... er, Auberdine, on account of running out of quests that she could do and not being able to tackle the level 17 quests that remained.  There seems to be a definite gap in the quests around that area, unless there's an NPC I've missed somewhere.
Go to Silverpine Forest and grind Bears, Wolves, Ghouls and Moonrages until 20. Then go to Duskwood and get your first level 20 quests.

As the others have said, Darkshore is good as is Stonetalon Mountains for your level, but I don't like the grey Darkshore nor do I like the Stonetalon Mountains (visually) :)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
nobbie,Aug 25 2005, 02:53 PM Wrote:As the others have said, Darkshore is good as is Stonetalon Mountains for your level, but I don't like the grey Darkshore nor do I like the Stonetalon Mountains (visually) :)

That's funny, because Darkshore is my favorite teen's zone. It has a lot of story to the place with lots of quests and different kinds of quests to do, and the characters populating the area are funny and interesting. (Silverpine Forest would be my favorite teen's area, but there isn't enough to do there <_< ). Plus, I like the thematic dreary look to Darkshore. It gives it much more character over the generic looking Westfall, Loch Modan, or the Barrens. Again Silverpine Forest comes close to Darkshore in my book, but even Silverpine looks kind of like a generic forest, whereas Darkshore has that thematic look that makes you feel the taint creeping in from Felwood.
MongoJerry,Aug 25 2005, 10:22 PM Wrote:That's funny, because Darkshore is my favorite teen's zone.
I always need to eat chocolate to stand the darkgrey, dreary look of Darkshore ;)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
Personally my elves hop on over to Ironforge as soon as they can (level 1 by summon or death run is not too soon). Ironforge is the alliance hub and you'll spend a lot more time there than in Darnassus, so it makes sense to build it's reputation fastest (while still shopping around for easy quests from each stream for best leveling).

OTOH, if you want a tiger as a non-elf... get summoned to Teldrassil at level one so you can get Darnassus rep. As far as I know there are no benefits to getting your own faction reputation up, while building another to Exalted generally permits use of their mount.
Warlock,Aug 25 2005, 09:23 PM Wrote:Personally my elves hop on over to Ironforge as soon as they can (level 1 by summon or death run is not too soon). Ironforge is the alliance hub and you'll spend a lot more time there than in Darnassus, so it makes sense to build it's reputation fastest (while still shopping around for easy quests from each stream for best leveling).

OTOH, if you want a tiger as a non-elf... get summoned to Teldrassil at level one so you can get Darnassus rep. As far as I know there are no benefits to getting your own faction reputation up, while building another to Exalted generally permits use of their mount.

Because I want the discount for my more expensive mount someday. I spend a few silvers to a couple gold buying neccesities, or repairing armor in IF. And, part of it is role play. I'm an elf, so why do I care what dwarfs or humans think of me? I want to be revered by my own kind.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

kandrathe,Aug 26 2005, 08:39 AM Wrote:Because I want the discount for my more expensive mount someday.&nbsp; I spend a few silvers to a couple gold buying neccesities, or repairing armor in IF.&nbsp; And, part of it is role play.&nbsp; I'm an elf, so why do I care what dwarfs or humans think of me?&nbsp; I want to be revered by my own kind.
You get the 10% discount if you're Honoured, which you will be well before level 50. There's no additional discount for Revered or Exalted.
Flymo,Aug 30 2005, 09:06 AM Wrote:You get the 10% discount if you're Honoured, which you will be well before level 50.&nbsp; There's no additional discount for Revered or Exalted.

Actually Celethirian is friendly and honored in most everything now (except Bloodsail, and still neutral with the Desolace Centaurs), and I'm 3/4 toward revered in all the races. She is riding the mount she wants for now (Tigers are the coolest imho). Who knows? Like for alchemy getting revered with the Argent Dawn, or Honored with the Tibermaw, or Honored with Steamwheedle it might be useful someday.

The biggest factor is that she's an elf and wants to do good by her own kind. Maybe someday she will convince that rude druid to step aside and let the Huntresses run things for awhile.

"Crouch tiger, I sense a hidden dragon."
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]


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