Diablo 1

Having played Diablo 1 through several times I was hoping to play online but whenever I try to connect to battlenet it doesn't work.

So I guess my first question is can you still play Diablo 1 on Battlenet?

Cheers, Mark
Mark9977,Aug 25 2005, 09:47 PM Wrote:Hi,

Having played Diablo 1 through several times I was hoping to play online but whenever I try to connect to battlenet it doesn't work.

So I guess my first question is can you still play Diablo 1 on Battlenet?

Cheers, Mark

Yes, you can still play Diablo 1 on battle.net.

DeeBye,Aug 25 2005, 09:41 PM Wrote:Yes, you can still play Diablo 1 on battle.net.


Thanks for the reply. I don't seem to be able to connect so I must be doing something wrong. I will tell you what I have so far.

I am playing Diablo 1 version 1.09 on Win98SE (which is fully patched). I use Zonealarm free edition as my firewall. I am connected to the internet via a cable modem so I have high speed internet.

When I connect to battle.net I get an error response that tells me to to connect to a non-existent webpage www.battle.net/support/errormessages

I get this when I try to connect with the gateway FSGS and Broodwars.

Any help would be much appreciated.

Cheers, Mark
Mark9977,Aug 26 2005, 06:26 PM Wrote:I get this when I try to connect with the gateway FSGS and Broodwars.


If you want to connect to bnet, then you must use their gateways. FSGS is certainly not a bnet gateway (does FSGS even exist anymore?) and I've never heard of a 'broodwar' gateway, so I doubt it's a bnet one either (though granted I haven't played SC or BW in years).

Reset you gateways to the default bnet ones, and you should be able to connect fine.

If you don't know how to do this manually, download the BNet Gateway Configuration Utility (http://www.minisat.ro/bb/Games/StarCraft/BnetGCfg.exe)

"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields

I was able to succesfully reset the gateways using the info from the battlenet site once I knew that was what I needed to do and was able to play a bit of a game the other night. Thanks for your help!

It wasn't as fun as I thought. People kept coming up to me and killing me, so I really didn't get to do much. Is this the norm?

Also last night when I tried to login to my account and play again battlenet said I wasn't using the correct password, even though I 100% for certain was.

Any thoughts on these two issues?

Cheers, Mark
I can't comment on the first issue, as I don't play in public games on bnet.

As for the password issue, there is a way around this.

Select your character as normal, and then when you get to the screen where you enter your password, rename the character and click 'New Account'. You can then enter a new password for the character.

The only downside to this is that the character won't have the same name afterwards, but that's not really much of an issue. The other alternative is to not play for three months, and after that time the password on that particular account will have expired. ;)
"What contemptible scoundrel stole the cork from my lunch?"

-W.C. Fields
Accounts must be played for at least 2 hours in the first 24 hours that the account was created. If that wasn't the case, then your account may have already been deleted - so try to create an account with the same name, and see if it goes through.

Diabolic Psyche - the site with Diablo on the Brain!
the Langolier,Aug 31 2005, 05:25 PM Wrote:Accounts must be played for at least 2 hours in the first 24 hours that the account was created.  If that wasn't the case, then your account may have already been deleted - so try to create an account with the same name, and see if it goes through.

Last I checked, it was a 48 hour window, not 24.

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