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Tal,Aug 25 2005, 03:13 PM Wrote:6 is bad for me but I can make it later (around 8) if you need a half ass warrior.
If we did 8 server time that would give me 3 hours before I jump over to Terenas for the runs over there.
Of course I could help at the earlier times if that works for other people. Gnolack or, if we really still need a healer, Taranna though I want to get a 5 man DM east done with her first (and with Treesh off on Friday that might be possible).
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
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TheDragoon,Aug 25 2005, 12:59 PM Wrote:This morning I finally got the imp portion of the quest done (and picked up some blood of innocents to give warriors a shot at their boots) and I'm ready for the Dreadsteed summoning event! I'm thinking that tomorrow afternoon might be a good time for me. This weekend is also ok, though I'll probably be doing a good bit of packing this weekend so if it needs to happen on the weekend, we should plan it ahead of time.
If you're interested, please reply and let me know if tomorrow at 6 (server time) would work for you or if that's a bad time for you, what time would be better.
Who's with me? :)
If you're willing to wait till around 9 pm server time I can help out (two Warlocks in West would be insane). Also, I should be available just about all the time on the weekend.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset
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Well, I think we'll just play it by ear for a bit. Perhaps we can put people together for a run here at 8 or 9, server time. If not, perhaps I can find some stuff to do with my warrior or I can start packing, I suppose.
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TheDragoon,Aug 16 2005, 01:14 PM Wrote:For the last month or so I've been trying to slowly prepare myself so that when my Warlock, Dragoon, hit level 60 he'd be able to get to work on his Dreadsteed, epic mount quest. So I knew what was coming, I looked up the following guides for the quests:
Warlock FAQ on the Blizzard Forums
Dreadsteed Walkthrough on
Random Guy's Livejournal
Thus, I've known for a while that I would need the following to complete the quest
-406 gold (less if I wanted to skip having all of the reagents and convince a warlock who has already done the quest to come along and use their stuff)
-35 x Black Dragonscales
-6 x Large Brilliant Shards
-25 x Dark Iron Ore
-10 x Elixirs of Shadow Power
-3 x Arcanite Bars
So far, I have the following:
-35/35 black dragonscales (so I need to take Silverflail to UBRS a few more times)
-6/6 Large Brilliant Shards (Check!)
-23/25 Dark Iron Ore (I can probably get more by taking either Dragoon or Skybreak to BRD, and since both need to do a lot of quests there, I'm not too worried. Dark Iron Ore is pretty cheap on the auction house, too)
-5/10 Elixirs of Shadow Power, with mushrooms enough to make 3 more (see below)
-0/3 Arcanite Bars but 1 Arcane Crystal (see below)
I'm fairly confident I can get the dragonscales and ore, on my own. However, I have had terrible luck so far mining up arcane crystals and I don't have any alchemists skilled enough to make the elixirs of shadow power or do the arcanite transmutation.
So that's where you all come in! :)
First, does anyone have an alchemist that I could get to make the elixirs, assuming I can acquire the materials for them? According to Thottbot, they require 3 ghost mushrooms each which I will probably end up buying on the auction house.
Second, does anyone have any ideas where I could go to find Rich Thorium Veins fairly consistently (or does such a place even exist?) and does anyone know what the going price of a transmutation to arcanite is?
At any rate, having healed for the Dreadsteed event in Dire Maul for Lissa's warlock, I'm really looking forward to going out there again to experience it from the Warlock's side! Thanks, in advance, for any advice/hints you can provide and hopefully I'll be able to get started on this quest line soon after hitting 60. :lol:
EDIT: Yesterday I saw some pretty decent prices for things on the auction house and Mirajj sent me some black dragonscales so I'm now a lot further along in several things. Now I just need to get a hold of Galreth online to get some Elixirs of Shadow Power made, get 2 more arcane crystals and do some transmuting. Oh, and I'm level 60 so I can start the quests now! B)
I'll also need to do this fairly soon. 60 is on the horizon! A very kind soul sent me the 35 scales, and I feel absolutely terrible for forgetting who it was. :(
I don't have any of the rest, but it's time to get started.
Maybe someday I'll even get around to doing that infernal infernal quest.
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Zippyy,Aug 29 2005, 11:00 AM Wrote:A very kind soul sent me the 35 scales, and I feel absolutely terrible for forgetting who it was. :(
*whistles innocently*
I've got more if any other warlock needs them, too.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
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Quark,Aug 29 2005, 11:48 AM Wrote:*whistles innocently*
I've got more if any other warlock needs them, too.
Don't you have a metric ton of those scales?
::recalls someone buying them all out when the Dreadstead quest was put in::
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Pesmerga,Aug 29 2005, 11:59 AM Wrote:Don't you have a metric ton of those scales?
::recalls someone buying them all out when the Dreadstead quest was put in::
Yeah, I managed to offload about half of them by now, but I got lazy.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
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Zippyy,Aug 29 2005, 10:00 AM Wrote:Maybe someday I'll even get around to doing that infernal infernal quest.
Don't feel too bad. Pavis hasn't done it, and he's been 60 for a while now, though he's managed to solo it up to the final battle with Kroshius. He's heard about a thing called a Doomguard, too, but it remains a mystery to him. :)
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Quark,Aug 29 2005, 11:48 AM Wrote:*whistles innocently*
I've got more if any other warlock needs them, too.
[right][snapback]87498[/snapback][/right] Thank you kind sir. I shall not forget!
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Bun-Bun,Aug 29 2005, 09:24 AM Wrote:Don't feel too bad. Pavis hasn't done it, and he's been 60 for a while now, though he's managed to solo it up to the final battle with Kroshius. He's heard about a thing called a Doomguard, too, but it remains a mystery to him. :)
Taha still has that quest...I just need to trap the DG...but the DG's are just so useless now... <_<
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset
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Infernal Quest: Kroshius can actually be soloed. Enslave one of the Infernal Bodyguards that wander around Shatter Scar Vale. They are completely immune to his attacks. The downside to that is that absolutely any damage you do whatsoever will draw aggro on to you, so you have to sit it there and watch the Infernals beating on each other till Kroshius is almost dead.
I died on my first attempt because Kroshius aggroed right after reactivation, and the IB couldn't pull him off. Second attempt went better (he was still active - just enslaved another bodyguard and tried again).
The Doomguard quest has to have one of the worst ratios between "work involved to complete it" and "reward" in the entire game. It seems every time I went near the Tainted Scar I racked up 3 or 4 deaths. Took me about 4 attempts to trap the Doomguard, and that was *with* the assistance of a friendly hunter with Freeze Trap.
Since I got the Ritual of Doom spell a month or two back I have used it precisely once - and only because I told the guild raid I was on I wanted to use it, not because we had to. (Used the DG to take out the Baron). He's an absolute pain to summon by either method, and unreliable for more than a fight or two. I summoned him outside the baron's tower - first enslave broke walking through the door. Second broke 30 seconds after the Baron was dead.