Scarlet Strat and/or LBRS 5 Man Needed
Yesterday I began actively questing again with La Mage and damn near passed out when I realized that she has only one spot open in her log!

Much of that has due to long held quests in Scarlet Strat and LBRS that I would dearly love to clear.

I have never done the Scarlet Side of Stratholme, so I'm doubly interested in making a 5 man run there. I need everything in there and most everything in LBRS with the exception of the Worg Pup.

Here we are with a three day weekend coming on fast. Can I get an assist with these goals?

I'm hoping for early afternoon starts on either Saturday or Sunday, like 1 pm server, but I'm flexible.
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
Sabra,Aug 31 2005, 02:54 PM Wrote:Yesterday I began actively questing again with La Mage and damn near passed out when I realized that she has only one spot open in her log!

Much of that has due to long held quests in Scarlet Strat and LBRS that I would dearly love to clear.

I have never done the Scarlet Side of Stratholme, so I'm doubly interested in making a 5 man run there. I need everything in there and most everything in LBRS with the exception of the Worg Pup.

Here we are with a three day weekend coming on fast. Can I get an assist with these goals?

I'm hoping for early afternoon starts on either Saturday or Sunday, like 1 pm server, but I'm flexible.

Have tank will travel.

Edit: My preference is to Scarlet Strat. I just don't like LBRS much...
Sabra,Aug 31 2005, 01:54 PM Wrote:I'm hoping for early afternoon starts on either Saturday or Sunday, like 1 pm server, but I'm flexible.

I'm available with either Pavis or Hykim for Saturday. I'd prefer using Pavis if we go for Scarlet Strat because that's where the quests lie, but anything's good, really. Neither of my 60's has done anything in LBRS, so no preferences there.
At first I thought, "Mind control satellites? No way!" But now I can't remember how we lived without them.
WoW PC's of significance
Vaimadarsa Pavis Hykim Jakaleel Odayla Odayla
Sabra,Aug 31 2005, 01:54 PM Wrote:Yesterday I began actively questing again with La Mage and damn near passed out when I realized that she has only one spot open in her log!

Much of that has due to long held quests in Scarlet Strat and LBRS that I would dearly love to clear.

I have never done the Scarlet Side of Stratholme, so I'm doubly interested in making a 5 man run there. I need everything in there and most everything in LBRS with the exception of the Worg Pup.

Here we are with a three day weekend coming on fast. Can I get an assist with these goals?

I'm hoping for early afternoon starts on either Saturday or Sunday, like 1 pm server, but I'm flexible.

Well I guess at some point I have to stop doing 5 mans with Treesh or neither of us will ever progress our characters in the 5 man world.....

So I suppose I'm saying that Gnolack or Taranna is available though playing one of the duo in a 5 man without the other half of that duo is going to be really hard. :(

I hope you get 4 others that really want to go instead to be honest but if you don't I can be there and I will have fun, just not as much as I know I could be.
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Though my original plans for Scarlet Stratholme fell through (what with me getting sick and busy) Dragoon can still use it. I'd be happy to bring him, if you want him, but I'd only be available on Sunday (Saturday I'll be at the Huskies vs. Air Force game). :)
Sabra,Aug 31 2005, 01:54 PM Wrote:Much of that has due to long held quests in Scarlet Strat and LBRS that I would dearly love to clear.
Lochnar has all the 5 man quests in LBRS, IIRC (worg pup was done in a raid). In Strat, I think he still needs souls and flesh, but I'm not sure what else. He also needs 5 mans for Scholo, at least to the point that he can say, "I see dead people". :lol: Oh yeah, there is still a demon in Blasted Lands that has laughed at his corpse a couple times and even pulled out the lag monster once.

So, if anyone has a desire for 5 mans in any of these areas any evening, please let me know.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
I'd love to Sabra!

And I will be there, unless other things happen and other plans arise...

You know what I mean. :wub:
The error occurred on line -1.
Saturday days are out. Sunday days are out. Basically, only Thursday days and Friday days for me so I get to say goodbye to just about all 5 manning on Stormrage now. Yay me.
Intolerant monkey.
So here's what we have so far.

A. Treesh - I won't even comment, except to say I miss Treesh all the time. :(

B. There is talk of weekend daytime raids. My 2cents - We have a lot of people who want to get some 5 mans done. IMO, We mustn't always put raiding above the good of the group.

1) Saturday - Scarlet Statholme: Shalandrax, Pavis, Zippyy & La Mage. Need healer.Who's coming with us? ]1 Stylish Tank, 2 Warlocks and a mage, all with excellent senses of humor. Don't miss this one! AM or early afternoon, Guys?

1a) GG could go with Gnolack or Taranna on Saturday AM, but GG might find it difficult without Treesh. I'll say no more. You are welcome as the flowers in May. <sniffles quietly>

Important in my book
2) Lochnar is a high level alchemist who does not have the recipe for Major Mana Potions yet and needs to do a 5 man Scholo run to get it. This needs to occur in the evening. I propose we do this Sunday night? Who'd come along? I will be there for sure. Loch, what's a good starting time? Please post.

3) LBRS - WHY doesn't anyone ever want to do this instance? I want to get in there on the slower 5 man pace to "see" it, and because I want to try for the pattern for Robe of the Archmage. This pattern was offered to me once and I turned it down. I've regretted it every since. You all tell me when?

So - as usual - everything's up in the air, but we're really, really close on Scarlet Startholme. Help!
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
Sabra,Sep 1 2005, 03:34 PM Wrote:3) LBRS - WHY doesn't anyone ever want to do this instance? I want to get in there on the slower 5 man pace to "see" it, and because I want to try for the pattern for Robe of the Archmage. This pattern was offered to me once and I turned it down. I've regretted it every since. You all tell me when?

I always wanna go to LBRS for questing... I just never have the time :(
Pesmerga,Sep 1 2005, 03:37 PM Wrote:I always wanna go to LBRS for question... I just never have the time :(

:( Not even over this holiday weekend? :unsure:
[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!
Sabra,Sep 1 2005, 03:40 PM Wrote::(&nbsp; Not even over this holiday weekend?&nbsp; :unsure:

Monday is a possibility, but I want to work on my Priest too. Weekends are rough because I can't plan anything. Either I spend the entire time with my fiancee, or she's cool with me playing while she does her own thing. This weekend is even more in doubt because she is going away on monday until thursday for work, and will most likely want to spend time with me :)
Sabra,Sep 1 2005, 02:40 PM Wrote::(&nbsp; Not even over this holiday weekend?&nbsp; :unsure:

the main problem with LBRS at a 5man, is that if you go to do it all, it's going to be at least 3-4 hours. Maybe more.

If you skip to the half with the quests, it's still going to clock in around 2 hours. On top of that, there is, aside from set pieces for hunters, rogues, warriors, and druids, there is almost nothing of note loot wise, so it doesn't get raided like other instances.

However, I know the place quite well, and am willing to go when I'm around. ;)
~Not all who wander are lost...~
Sabra,Sep 1 2005, 03:34 PM Wrote:Important in my book
2) Lochnar is a high level alchemist who does not have the recipe for Major Mana Potions yet and needs to do a 5 man Scholo run to get it. This needs to occur in the evening. I propose we do this Sunday night? Who'd come along? I will be there for sure. Loch, what's a good starting time? Please post.

I've maintanked the Strat quests needed. But with the planned raid on Saturday I dunno my availability. I *migh* be able to pull off Sunday evening. I'll check.
I have Littledude sitting with pretty much all the LBRS quests to be done. In addition to that he has, I believe, 5 inventory spots tied up with items for some of those quests. I would like to get that cleared up.

To my knowledge, none of my characters are on any quest steps for Stratholme, but I may be wrong on that. Anyway, Littledude and Taunshu currently have few free quest slots open to start new lines anyway; they have been stuck with many of their current quests for over a month as it is.
Treesh,Sep 1 2005, 01:15 AM Wrote:Saturday days are out.&nbsp; Sunday days are out.&nbsp; Basically, only Thursday days and Friday days for me so I get to say goodbye to just about all 5 manning on Stormrage now.&nbsp; Yay me.

This week is one of the ones where I have the Friday off (and taking it too, no OT). So if you need my help to do something let me know. I do know that there is a usually low attendance till about 4-5pm server, but it is not devoid of others.
Sabra,Sep 1 2005, 02:34 PM Wrote:Loch, what's a good starting time? Please post.
7PM server is pretty easy for me to plan on with the possibility of 6 or so usually doable if I know ahead of time. However, this Sunday evening, there was talk of Avarice folks doing a run in the new instance on the test server. I was thinking of joining them (although I was unable to sign up since the list is on the basin and I'm not registered so it wouldn't let me post).
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Lochnar, you can always post in any cross-link thread that I put on other guild boards and it'll be acknowledged when I see it next!

Also, I'll be happy to cross-post if you have something you'd like advertised on the Basin boards.

As to the rest... Planning around raids can be a pain, but I think it needs to be remembered that raids aren't compulsory. We will certainly hope that people will attend, but we'll understand if people have other commitments or would rather do other things than join in on a big 40-person raid. (or 20, or 15, or 10)

The Saturday (and maybe Sunday) daytime raid is a one-time experiment for this week anyway. We'll evaluate how it looks after that. I'm guessing we're not going to repeat it exactly as it is.
Tuftears,Sep 1 2005, 07:07 PM Wrote:Lochnar, you can always post in any cross-link thread that I put on other guild boards and it'll be acknowledged when I see it next!


The Saturday (and maybe Sunday) daytime raid is a one-time experiment for this week anyway.&nbsp; We'll evaluate how it looks after that.&nbsp; I'm guessing we're not going to repeat it exactly as it is.
Yeah, I know I can post here but I keep forgetting to do it. I had tried to do it at The Basin but, as I said, couldn't. Maybe I'll actually remember to go post right after this?? :blush:

As to the daytime raids, I wasn't disparaging the scheduling choice. I was simply replying to Sabra regarding the possibility of running Scholo Sunday evening.
Freshman Diablo

[Image: jsoho8.png][Image: 10gmtrs.png]

"I reject your reality and substitute my own."
"You don't know how strong you can be until strong is the only option."
"Think deeply, speak gently, love much, laugh loudly, give freely, be kind."
"Talk, Laugh, Love."
Woot! I will be home about 3:30-4 today-Friday. Let's do something fun the four of us! Maybe finish some more of our 5 man in LBRS? I'm sure we can pick up a 5th.

What do you say, Squad Goofball????

[Image: Sabra%20gold%20copy.jpg]

I blame Tal.

Sabramage Authenticated!

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