What went right and wrong with Majordomo?
Alrin,Sep 9 2005, 09:13 AM Wrote:Actually yes, the purple shield does infact reflect damage back to the attacker. I don't think it negates damage done though, so if you were to hit a 3k execute attack, the mob would still suffer it, but it would also be reflected back.

Knowing the shields is key.
We have people in the raid that cannot use CTRAID for various reasons.
It is essential to be aware what color means what.
Purple means you will get hit back with skills/attacks if you are in melee combat.
Ie, a paladin that hammers a healer with a purple shield will stun HIMSELF.

Purple Shield = Physical damage/skills are reflected back.
That's incorrect. I know for certain that I have wailed away at elites/healers with purple shields on them with no heal support (assigned healers dead / healing others once my offtanked mob is dead) and not taken any damage besides the periodic AoE. If you check your damage meters log, please point out where this reflected damage occurs. Several melee skills (paladin stuns, etc. would be considered "spells" and reflect when there is a white shield up.

If you don't want to believe me, check this reference
Quote:# Damage Shield: Every 30 seconds, Majordomo will cast one of two spells onto himself, and all of his adds that are still alive. One of them is a Shield that will absorb alot of the damage that it will take. It can still take damage, but not near as much as normal. Lasts 10 seconds.
# Damage Reflector: This is the second of the two spells that the Majordomo will cast. This spell will reflect any magical effect, poisons, etc back onto the caster. This is the ability everybody should be mindful of, as you can end up killing yourself if you are unloading your DPS too fast. The second thing is that Mages on Polymorph duty (which will be explained further down) can have Polymorph reflected back onto them. Very important that everyone in the raid knows when this ability has been cast. Lasts 10 seconds
or this reference:

Quote:Approximatly every 30 seconds, Majordomo will cast a shield on all the adds, which lasts for 10 seconds. The shield that he casts seems to be a random choice between the following:

Magic Reflection: Any spell cast on the add is reflected back onto the caster.
Damage Shield: Makes the add immune to all melee damage.
Lissa,Sep 6 2005, 10:59 AM Wrote:Other thing I noticed, people are missing the Raid cues as well as missing the damage shield colors.  I noticed a number of people still hand to handing during the purple shield (which only gets you killed quicker and makes your healer in your group spend unnecessary mana) and people still casting spells during the white shield (reflects the spells back, again unnecessary mana usage by healers).  This is probably the prime endurance fight where we need to pull as little mana away from the healers as possible while killings Domo's guards.  I think once everyone gets use to which color shield means which, this fight won't be that bad.
Kind of echoing what Olon was saying, I never noticed taking any reflection damage from ranged attacks. I held off during the melee shield as it was a waste of effort which gave me an opportunity to bandage, etc.
”There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy." - Hamlet (1.5.167-8), Hamlet to Horatio.

[Image: yVR5oE.png][Image: VKQ0KLG.png]

Domo is all about positioning and endurance. If the initial pull is bad and kills/runs a healer or two oom, you're going to wipe. If the adds are too close together, you're going to wipe from the overlapping AEs. If the adds get too far away and get Seperation Anxiety, you are going to wipe and it won't be pretty.

A fairly common tactic is to kill the first two elites, beat the second pair of elites down to 10%-20% life, kill two healers, and finish the remaining four as fast as possible.

Quote:Out of cuuriosity, can the elites or healers be feared? Would be interesting to see if we could keep a batch of 'em running scared while we beat down on a select few.

I think they're immune to fear, and if they aren't immune you wouldn't want to risk them getting to far from domo, regardless.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek
This is how The Core does Major Domo:


Two warriors and a couple of healers are assigned to take care of Major Domo. If one tank gets teleported, that's fine, because the other one's there to taunt and pick him up again. Domo's generally not a problem (although priests in other groups should pay attention and Fade if Domo runs after them as occationally happens).

We have two groups set up to self-sufficiently tank two elites. That usually involves 1 warrior, 2 healers (priest or druid), and a shaman. I'm starting to wonder if that might be overkill and I think that perhaps the 2 healers are enough, but that could be merely a function of our gear.

Four mages are assisgned to sheep the four healers. These mages should be told emphatically that their only job in this fight is to keep their targets sheeped. Some mages have a tendency to also want to do dps, which then leads to them either lose their target or not sheep enough. The only time we ever wipe to Domo is when the mages let some Healers run around killing people (read: priests). When the raidassist warning comes up that some sort of shield is about to be cast, all the mages should resheep their Healers immediately. They don't want to end up sheeping themselves if the shield ends up being a magic reflect shield. As a bonus, a warlock can be assigned to cast Curse of Shadows on the Healers, which lowers the target's resistance to arcane spells. It's not necessary, but it's a helpful addition.

Two warriors are assigned to tank the other two elites and are assigned a healer or two each. Since these elites are the first to be killed, though, they don't have to tank for long, so they don't have to have a major healing rotation assigned to them. If for some reason we don't have six warriors in the raid, we'll sometimes use a druid bear tank on the second elite to be killed. I imagine a paladin tank would work as well.

Make sure all the priests buff everyone with Shadow Protection prior to the fight.

The Fight

The warrior whose elite is to be killed first is assigned to be the main assist, and all the dps people assists him or her. The order of attack goes:

1. Kill the first two elites
2. Kill one healer.
3. Get the other two elites down to 20% health. (Yell out in teamspeak, "SWITCH!" and make sure everyone switches to the next target along with the main assist). This period is also a resting period where people can regen mana. The Domo and two elite groups are set up to be self-sufficient and able to tank their targets indefinitely, so the rest of the raid at this point can use wands or auto-shoot to deal damage and let themselves regen a bit.
4. Kill a second healer. At this point, the other healers pop out of sheeps and two tanks should quickly pick each of them up.
5. Quickly finish off the two elites.
6. Kill the last two Healers. With 35+ people free to kill them, they die fast.

The system works very well. At first, it seems complicated, but in the end the only person who needs to know the order is the Main Assist. Everyone else just needs to be trained to assist that person and to switch when they're told to. Just remember "Elite, Elite, Healer, Elites to 20%, Healer, Finish Elites, Healer, Healer."

Quote:If the adds are too close together, you're going to wipe from the overlapping AEs. If the adds get too far away and get Seperation Anxiety, you are going to wipe and it won't be pretty.

Edit: Just to add onto what Rinhart said, you definitely want to break up the pack to make sure that people aren't hit with overlapping aoe's. However, we don't do anything special regarding positioning like train guards down the hill or anything. We just fight the four at most unsheeped mobs away from each other at the edges of Domo's platform area, and the Domo group tries to tank him wherever they can as best they can. I've never seen Seperation Anxiety, so I imagine that as long as you keep all the mobs on the platform, you won't run into any special problems with that.
Since we have decided to spill all the beans, I will throw my 2copper in.

Our theory is Domo teleports the closest thing to him. So whoever is tanking him should stay at max melee range, and all the hunters send their pets in. That saves you 4-5 teleports, and everyone can feast on charred tiger at the end of the fight.

We also use a hunter and a warrior to keep Domo occupied instead of 2 warriors. That's one more tank in the melee pile availible for emergency tank duty. It also uses less mana, but has a greater risk of Domo getting loose.
oldmandennis,Sep 9 2005, 06:37 PM Wrote:Since we have decided to spill all the beans, I will throw my 2copper in.

Our theory is Domo teleports the closest thing to him.  So whoever is tanking him should stay at max melee range, and all the hunters send their pets in.  That saves you 4-5 teleports, and everyone can feast on charred tiger at the end of the fight.

We also use a hunter and a warrior to keep Domo occupied instead of 2 warriors.  That's one more tank in the melee pile availible for emergency tank duty.  It also uses less mana, but has a greater risk of Domo getting loose.

Last night I tanked Domo for the second time and we (Critical Mass) have always tanked him with two warriors. Sure I'm running around like crazy spamming taunt, sunder, and shield block (and very little else) but with two warriors on the ball you can come close to locking Domo and the few times that he does get a free hit or two he doesn't hit THAT hard as long as the warriors are right behind him to taunt him back. We usually tank him fairly close to the pit so if a warrior gets ported they hopefully shouldn't have far to run to reengage.
Flyndar (60) - Dwarf Priest - Tailoring (300), Enchanting (300)
Minimagi (60) - Gnome Mage - Herbalism (300), Engineering (301)
Galreth (60) - Human Warrior - Blacksmithing (300), Alchemy (300); Critical Mass by name, Lurker in spirit
ArynWindborn (19) - Human Paladin - Mining/Engineering (121)

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