Big Blue Post
Brista,Sep 10 2005, 09:56 PM Wrote:I don't quite understand why you say there is little need to skill for PvP to defend oneself

Unless you pvp in very tight packs then Protection Warriors and Holy Priests are at a disadvantage

Are you saying that your players do well in battlegrounds pvp because your organisation is superior to disorganised players with cookie-cutter builds? Or are you simply saying you don't really care how you do in battlegrounds since you're optimising for PvE raiding

The latter: we're optimising for PvE raiding and forgoing thereby PvP effectivity.

What I meant with "there is no need to skill PvP to defend oneself", was referring to fact, that since the implementation of BGs there is little risk of being ganked out in the wilds anymore, therefore you don't need making compromises towards PvP to be able to go about your daily business.

If you opt for a PvP career, then yes PvE specs will put you on a serious disadvantage. This why the more ambitious guilds on our server are either clear cut PvE or PvP guilds. Dungeon crawl or battleground zerg, you have to chose where you want to excel. The PvP/PvE specializing schism is such. that a priest friend of mine is seriously twinking up a second priest char on the same server, just to have a shadow priest for PvPing as her first one is skilled holy/disc for PvE raiding. :blink:

I'm not an addict ... maybe that's a lie.
Hedon,Sep 11 2005, 12:32 AM Wrote:The PvP/PvE specializing schism is such. that a priest friend of mine is seriously twinking up a second priest char on the same server, just to have a shadow priest for PvPing as her first one is skilled holy/disc for PvE raiding.  :blink:

I've strongly considered this myself.
Personally I'd like to see the high end holy talents make you more of an effective PVP healer.

Some examples my guild has come up with is things like making holy nova have a short stun effect that hits up to 5 targets, similar to war stomp. Another would be to include a spell that's a channeled high HPS heal that does something like 1800 health over three seconds and give it a 30 second cooldown.

A talent to improve power word shield would be nice, and maybe even one to make it so it couldn't be dispelled would be very nice.
Lord BEEF,Sep 12 2005, 02:06 PM Wrote:Personally I'd like to see the high end holy talents make you more of an effective PVP healer.

Some examples my guild has come up with is things like making holy nova have a short stun effect that hits up to 5 targets, similar to war stomp. Another would be to include a spell that's a channeled high HPS heal that does something like 1800 health over three seconds and give it a 30 second cooldown.

A talent to improve power word shield would be nice, and maybe even one to make it so it couldn't be dispelled would be very nice.

Holy tree talents that make it easier for a healing priest to live more than three seconds in an organized fight would be nice. My simple solution: Make a high end Holy Tree talent that lets Psychic Scream work through warrior fear immunity, fear ward, wotf, and rogue anti-fear trinkets. Or perhaps to make it easier to implement, make a high-end holy tree talent that causes an aoe "confuse" and have it be on the same cooldown timer as Psychic Scream. It should require enough of a talent point investment that dedicated shadow priests couldn't get it, since it would be too powerful in their hands.
/votes for option 2

Having an uncounterable fear would lead to something that COULD counter the fear... and so forth. A confuse or a "paralsys poison" of some sort which could be countered, just not by the same things that counter fear would be the best way.
Hedon,Sep 8 2005, 09:59 AM Wrote:Would become a requirement? It is often already one, though most emphasis is put on the disc tree rather than the holy tree. Many guilds will not allow shadow priests to join their raids already.

Our guild alliance requires for the healing classes:

For Priests:
0 points in Shadow;

For Druids:
at least 31 points in Restoration;

For Shamans;
0 points in Elemental; at least 21 points in Restoration;
I concur that with an improved priest holy tree, druids would run the risk of losing their raid slots in favor of more priests. Though I would like to see a revamped holy tree for my priestess, I personally do not consider this to be the highest priority.
The Blizzard post looks good: The double layer raid content in Ahn’Qiraj sounds promising, as well as finally new non raid content in form of a massive influx of questlines in Silithus and improvements to the Darkmoon Faire.

Hmm. Never been a fan of the required talent specs for raiding. Our beloved facemelters heal well enough. It's suggested that druids have innervate, and that shamans have mana tide and that mages spec frost, but there really is nothing other than suggestions in my guild.

edit: except 100 unbuffed FR
Level 60 UD Mage - Spirestone
Level 20 Troll Rogue - Spirestone

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