Hi, I have a few characters on Stormrage and I recently started a Gnome Warlock named Bleeds, who is now level 25. Most of my other characters are on the Horde side and my main which I created Nov. 23rd is a 60 Troll Hunter.

I'm posting because I was directed towards the site by Sabra and Myrrian, who so kindly helped me complete a level 31 quest in Darkshore today on my Warlock. They told me about the guild after we got to talking about the frustrations with server lag which both my Horde guild and Lurkers on the alliance side had with Magmadar in Molten Core last Saturday night.

My current strategy with WoW time allocation is to have two main characters, one on Horde and one on Alliance. I'm going to make Bleeds my alliance main and I'm scouting for guilds at this point. I am not really into PvP, I prefer taking on the raid content and trying to overcome the challenges presented by the ultra tough mobs. I've been to Molten Core at least a dozen times on my Horde guild, cumulatively through a failed alliance and 90% as a guild with small recurring contributions from a couple other guilds on the server. I have taken home no epics but continue to come ever so faithfully to the raids anyway, so that should let y'all know that I'm not a loot leech (even though it'll be a while before Bleeds could possibly do any of this stuff anyway).

Anyway, I'll keep in touch as I level Bleeds up, do you guys have a lot of lower level characters in the guild who need levelling buddies?


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