Does anyone know more about this Blood Plague?
Greetings all.

I don't play WoW, but I found a tidbit of interesting information on a Plague players could get from a mob called Hakkar.

I was hoping some of you guys could fill me in on this because that article got me curious :)
Iolair,Sep 23 2005, 01:34 AM Wrote:Greetings all.

I don't play WoW, but I found a tidbit of interesting information on a Plague players could get from a mob called Hakkar.

I was hoping some of you guys could fill me in on this because that article got me curious :)

Haha, coverage on the BBC? Awesome.

It's exactly what the article says. The plague is a short lived dot that "infects" everyone around you every time it ticks. So you end up with waves of it sloshing back and forth through crowded areas.

I would guess a warlock or hunter pet became infected and the owner was killed by it, poofing the pet but not removing the dot (the pet could have also been intentionally dismissed). When they summoned it later, the dot ticked and voilà! Carnage akin to the classic Geddon's Bomb in the Auction House.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek
Iolair,Sep 23 2005, 04:34 AM Wrote:I was hoping some of you guys could fill me in on this because that article got me curious :)

Corrupted Blood is a two-second long damage-over-time debuff. When it expires, it inflicts somewhere around 250-270 damage (which is from 0.2 to 1 percent, or so, of high level characters' health and rather more of low-level characters' health), and also immediately checks if there are targets friendly to its previous target in the vicinity. If there are, it immediately applies itself to those targets.

The implication is fairly obvious: just two entities that are friendly to one another in close proximity can pass this debuff between them indefinitely if they don't die. Among players, the plague can fairly rapidly exhaust itself; it quickly spreads to everybody, and everybody reacquires it every time anybody's plague debuff "expires". That kind of damage results in many deaths in a short period of time.

However, the way it works has an additional implication. The plague checks for targets friendly to its original target, player-controlled or not. Hence, it can hop to computer-controlled NPCs - including ones that don't usually move. This would not be meaningful except that computer controlled NPCs obey a rule for all NPCs in WoW - if they are not in combat with something, they cannot take damage. This is so that players can't use damage-over-time debuffs of their own to disengage from enemies and kill them without fear of retaliatory attack. In this case, however, what it means is that two NPCs who don't move, and whose usual positions are next to each other, will pass the plague back and forth between each other indefinitely, "infecting" any player who ventures near.
this was implemented to help kill Hakkar. his adds infect you by releasing a poison cloud upon death, and the blood plague then HURTS hakkar rather than healing you when he does his blood leech attack.

blizzard knows that this can infect a pet, the pet can be dismissed and then resummoned in a high population area and infect a lot of people.

just like the bomb for barron geddon got fixed after people started blowing up auctionhouses with pets, this is going to get fixed shortly.
Level 60 UD Mage - Spirestone
Level 20 Troll Rogue - Spirestone
Savingsupertokyo,Sep 23 2005, 12:31 PM Wrote:this was implemented to help kill Hakkar.  his adds infect you by releasing a poison cloud upon death, and the blood plague then HURTS hakkar rather than healing you when he does his blood leech attack.

Incorrect. Corrupted Blood and Poisoned Blood are different debuffs. Poisoned Blood, the one that counters Hakkar, does not spread.
Skandranon,Sep 23 2005, 12:23 PM Wrote:Incorrect.  Corrupted Blood and Poisoned Blood are different debuffs.  Poisoned Blood, the one that counters Hakkar, does not spread.

right-o. i am an idiot.
Level 60 UD Mage - Spirestone
Level 20 Troll Rogue - Spirestone
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