To anyone that still plays D2, I have a problem.
[/U] This is for anyone that still plays Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction.:[/U]

I have a problem and I need some help with it before I can proceed any further in the game. I am in Act 4 in Single Player on Normal Difficulty. I am running a 35th Level Barbarian and I am having a problem. I don't have very much trouble clearing out the Chaos Sanctuary before I get ready to begin opening the seals before the big showdown with Diablo, and I can usually get past the Grand Vizier of Chaos group and the Lord deSeis group pretty easily. But it is when I go to do the Infecter of Souls group that I have the problem. For some reason whenever I try to do that part I always end up with the same result; my character ends up getting killed for one reason or another. I don't know what my problem is, but because of this I never make it to the battle with Diablo. My Barbarian currently has for weapons a Long Sword that does damage vs. Demons and a Kris that causes monsters to flee 50% of the time whenever it strikes them. He is wearing a suit of Field Plate that helps with his hit recovery by 24%. I have not yet reached the point where I can start making Rune-Word items. As I said, I do not know what my problem is, whether it is my gear, or if my mouse starts to stick by the time I get to that point in the game, or what not. If I can't figure out how to overcome this obstacle, I won't be able to proceed onto the next part and there is a whole other Act that I need to be able to get through after I get past Diablo. Can anyone help me with this?
Sounds like a need for better weapons and gear. You don't mention life steal but that would also be good to have. Cubing full rejuvs is also helpful in the CS.
BrianLeichty35,Oct 4 2005, 01:44 PM Wrote:[/U] This is for anyone that still plays Diablo 2: Lord of Destruction.:[/U]

I have a problem and I need some help with it before I can proceed any further in the game.  I am in Act 4 in Single Player on Normal Difficulty.  I am running a 35th Level Barbarian and I am having a problem.  I don't have very much trouble clearing out the Chaos Sanctuary before I get ready to begin opening the seals before the big showdown with Diablo, and I can usually get past the Grand Vizier of Chaos group and the Lord deSeis group pretty easily.  But it is when I go to do the Infecter of Souls group that I have the problem.  For some reason whenever I try to do that part I always end up with the same result; my character ends up getting killed for one reason or another.  I don't know what my problem is, but because of this I never make it to the battle with Diablo.  My Barbarian currently has for weapons a Long Sword that does  damage vs. Demons and a Kris that causes monsters to flee 50% of the time whenever it strikes them.  He is wearing a suit of Field Plate that helps with his hit recovery by 24%.  I have not yet reached the point where I can start making Rune-Word items.  As I said, I do not know what my problem is, whether it is my gear, or if my mouse starts to stick by the time I get to that point in the game, or what not.  If I can't figure out how to overcome this obstacle, I won't be able to proceed onto the next part and there is a whole other Act that I need to be able to get through after I get past Diablo.  Can anyone help me with this?
The reason you are having such a problem is that the Infector of Souls really does infect you with poison. The poison damage is immense, and his venom lord buddies like to use inferno, which has been greatly increased in damage.
I say, use the skill "Taunt" and try to lure one of them away at a time and kill them. I also suggest you use frenzy, as it is the definate way to speed up any attack. Ditch the kris because you REALLY don't want them running away from you after you spent all that time getting them close to you. However, if you enjoy them running away, consider using grim ward. It's not a spectacular skill, but it allows you to send EVERYONE except bosses running away. I tend to use it when I am whirlwinding a group of enemies that keep killing me when I go straight through them. Use this, and they won't attack you. But seriously use that as a last resort.
Runewords are easily attainable now, and I suggest you use some. They aren't enigma or anything, but try "strength" in a weapon of your choice (AmnTir). Tir can be easily found by repeatedly killing the countess (make sure you are on players 1) and then cubing up. I'd give you a link to all this stuff, but I am on a mac laptop right now, and the mouse is impossible to use, and I'm too lazy to find all the direct links. The Arreat Summit, while being horribly inaccurate, does have the basic information you might need to get good runewords. Try to stay out of the "1.10 only" section, as that involves mainly realm and impossible runewords that require duped runes and such. The AS also holds the cube recipies for you.
Finally, you posted this in the wrong forum, which I am sure will be corrected quickly, but this should go in Atma's Tavern.
What is the judicial system coming to when child molesters get 5 years and cottage cheese gets 30.
A fuller description of your skills and gear might help with some more suggestions. You've got some good ones already.
Signature? What do you mean?
Nevermind. I got help from another source, so this thread can be discontinued. Thanks anyway.

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