Big set of Warlock Changes
Blizzard finally recognized the problem and it was the negative resistance thing.
Blue Post

Basically, the summary is that they're putting ruin back to 100% bonus, but in 1.9 they're changing the resistance debuffs to not go below zero, but they will also add the ability to increase damage to the target a little bit. It'll bring down the amount that the damage is increased when using the spell (since there won't be any of those double base damage crits), but will still make it usefull across a variety of targets.
Raelynn - Gnome Warlock - Herbalism/Alchemy
Markuun - Tauren Shaman - Skinning/Leatherworking
Aredead - Undead Mage - Tailoring/Enchanting

Gutzmek - Orc Shaman - Skinning/Leatherworking
Raelynn,Sep 30 2005, 01:01 PM Wrote:Blizzard finally recognized the problem and it was the negative resistance thing.
Blue Post

Basically, the summary is that they're putting ruin back to 100% bonus, but in 1.9 they're changing the resistance debuffs to not go below zero, but they will also add the ability to increase damage to the target a little bit.  It'll bring down the amount that the damage is increased when using the spell (since there won't be any of those double base damage crits), but will still make it usefull across a variety of targets.

Yep, just saw the post. This might also help PvE play as well because if you can't go negative, this means that the debuffs the core hounds use on occasion won't outright cause some players to shrivel and die if the core hound happens to turn their way and breathe before they get decursed.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
Whoa, cool.
Hey, they can read! Seriously, this is very good news, even if it means my PvP battles with 'locks are 85% sure win, 15% "what the hell happened?!" for one more patch :)
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
I find your comments amusing Quark. My battles against rogues usually start at the "15% - what the hell happened?" point and proceed from there. :)

But the changes to resistance sound good. Personally I'd gladly sacrifice the occasional "OMG!!!!" damage spike (from a crit + heavy vulnerability bonus), for a smaller, but more consistent vulnerability bonus.

A few notes:

Make no mistake, Pyroclasm is still an utterly worthless talent.

Here was my test. I gathered four mobs, sac'd my voidwalker and popped my mark of resolution. Then I cast hellfire. All four mobs died on the very last tick (which was perfect).

Four mobs, 15 ticks. 60 effective ticks. Statistically, Pyroclasm should have proc'd around 15 times.


This leads me to believe that the 26% chance to stun is spread out over the entire channeling, making pyroclasm JUST as useless as it was before, if not MORE-so.

I'm not sure if it even works with Soul Fire. I cast 14 soul fire's and pyroclasm never proc'd. I would have kept going but I ran out of shards.
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Quark,Sep 30 2005, 04:27 PM Wrote:Hey, they can read!  Seriously, this is very good news, even if it means my PvP battles with 'locks are 85% sure win, 15% "what the hell happened?!" for one more patch :)

And that's why Ruin / Negative resistence nerfs screws Locks in PvP. In addition, they nerfed soul link, which I'm very unhappy about. Death coil fear is nice, but its really an admittance that they over-nerfed regular fear. In addition, our regular fear is even further reduced in usefulness... and suppression may be truly useless in PvP now that negative resistences won't be possible on players.

Is CoS useful on players at all now? Nope. Doesn't help fear resist checks. Banish? Uh oh. Helloooo raid nerf via screwing locks specifically.

Heck, now I'm worried for Demon Enslavers. Absence of Negative shadow resistence makes enslavement impossible.

Truly, Blizzard breaks warlocks every major patch.
Quote:There's a Blizz board room somewhere with the following discussion going on:
Quark,Sep 29 2005, 05:39 PM Wrote:You sound like a kiddy.  Honestly, you do.  That diatribe is something straight out of the General Forums.
I think that was the idea?
The error occurred on line -1.
Drasca,Oct 1 2005, 05:16 AM Wrote:Heck, now I'm worried for Demon Enslavers. Absence of Negative shadow resistence makes enslavement impossible.
Actually, this would be unchanged since both the Infernal and Doomguard have more than 75 points of resist and weren't going negative anyway.
savaughn,Oct 3 2005, 10:38 AM Wrote:Actually, this would be unchanged since both the Infernal and Doomguard have more than 75 points of resist and weren't going negative anyway.

You think Summonable enslaves are all there are? Think again. Demon enslaving inside and out of instances will become even more trivial than it already is. Banish too, will diminish. Those MC elementals are going to hurt. Now that resistences can't go negative to counter level differences and diminishing return, its just pointless to even cast CoS.

Yes, blizzard is breaking the warlock again, applying a hammer where we need a screwdriver.
Drasca,Oct 3 2005, 09:49 AM Wrote:You think Summonable enslaves are all there are? Think again. Demon enslaving inside and out of instances will become even more trivial than it already is. Banish too, will diminish. Those MC elementals are going to hurt. Now that resistences can't go negative to counter level differences and diminishing return, its just pointless to even cast CoS.

Yes, blizzard is breaking the warlock again, applying a hammer where we need a screwdriver.

I disagree. This cuts both ways because now mobs can't do the same to players as well. Also, you didn't pay attention to what Blizzard said, that being that CoE and CoS would now increase damage if the resistance would have gone negative.
Sith Warriors - They only class that gets a new room added to their ship after leaving Hoth, they get a Brooncloset

Einstein said Everything is Relative.
Heisenberg said Everything is Uncertain.
Therefore, everything is relatively uncertain.
Lissa,Oct 3 2005, 02:47 PM Wrote:Blizzard said, that being that CoE and CoS would now increase damage if the resistance would have gone negative.

Correction: there's a damage bonus for CoS/CoE regardless of resistences.
Quote:Curse of Shadow, Curse of Elements, and any other resistance lowering spells . . . will now also increase Shadow and Elemental damage (respectively) done to the target.

Quote:this damage bonus will not provide as much damage to low-resistance targets as the current resistance-lowering effect does

which tend to be bad for both raid agro management and for pvp balance).

Bad for PvP balance? Bad for whom? Negative resistence spikes was the warlock's ace in the hole. As much as I don't approve or rely on it, I appreciate its existence.

There will be fewer damage spikes, which you're very well aware, to combat pvp with. Other resistence countering effects, fear, banish, even polymorph on Major domo's bodyguards, etc will also be nerfed along the way. Warlock utility and damage will both be nerfed, the scale of which I can only begin to imagine.

Removal of negative resistences is a huge matter, much larger than a PvP damage nerf. Its a fundamental change everywhere in warlock ability.

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