MC raid signup for Thurs, Oct 13
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~Not all who wander are lost...~
Wow, 6 bosses stomped into the ground, with not a single wipe! We are back with a vengeance!
~Not all who wander are lost...~
Mirajj,Oct 14 2005, 12:07 AM Wrote:Wow, 6 bosses stomped into the ground, with not a single wipe! We are back with a vengeance![right][snapback]92048[/snapback][/right]
Thoughts and observations on my "virgin run" raiding MC (these aren't complaints! These are just things I learned and maybe some suggestions):

1) Healing styles best for 5-man groups are pointless in raid situations.
This I already knew, and was aware that Greater Heal would be rarely used because 85% of the time, some other healer will have flash healed a tank before you can get a big heal off. But what kinda disappointed me was how useless Renew was for me. In 5-man groups, Renew is awesome for keeping Main Tanks afloat while the big heal is casting, and it also serves the critical role of healing non-tanks who have taken some damage but are no longer being hit, i.e. rogues, mages, warlocks, etc. With my standard uber-healing 26 disc/25 holy talent build, Renew is by far the most efficient healing spell. And using it was a waste in the raid.

Ramala the rogue at 82% health and not taking hits at the moment? I slap a Renew on him and forget about it, because it'll top him off in a jiffy and use very little mana...except that another healer would put a quick heal on him and my Renew is wasted as an overheal. Three non-tank members of my group taking fairly significant but not extreme damage? Cast an uber Inner-Focused, critical-hit Prayer of Healing - only to watch 2 of the 3 get flash healed while I'm casting and thus my big group heal is wasted with a veritable crapload of overhealing - think 400 points healed out of a potential 3,600 (800 point heal since it's not level 60 x 6 players (5 + pet) x critical hit = 2400 + 1200 = 3600). Nice 3200 point overheal there! While in a 5-man group, my abilities at casting the right heals at the right time to survive for the longest time possible are treasured, but in a 40-man group they're a waste.

It comes down to Flash Heal. When someone's hurt enough, Flash Heal them and that's about it. Renew can be cast on tanks who are engaging targets, since they will get something out of it, but for the rest I'm just overhealing and wasting mana. Like all classes, I need to reduce my skill set to one or two things that my class does best and milk that instead of trying to be fancy. That means Flash Heal. The other solution is to establish true healer rotations - e.g. "these two healers flash the main tank, the other queues up greater heals, and every other healer trusts these three to do their job." Unfortunately, we don't have anything close to a healer rotation. We will likely need one for the harder fights, I dunno. Most healing I saw last night was "every healer for themself" and even when people were assigned specific tanks to watch, heals were raining down from outside those assignments. I wouldn't complain about this, help's always appreciated - except that on some fights (like Garr), tanks were dropping like flies and I lost Darian once the guards killed other tanks and came for my Dwarf butt. Darian was my assigned tank, and I noticed heals landing on him that weren't mine - even though he was doing fine thankyouverymuchkthxbye. :) Not sure what happened to the other tanks, since I can't keep track of the whole fight.

So, no more fanciness, I'll be stickin to me Flash even if it's not as efficient.

2) In situations where a single main tank is on a boss, our healing setup could probably use some improvements. ***This is not a complaint or a dig on anyone, just a suggestion for a possible better way to do things***
The Druid class is actually the superior class for maintaining health on a main tank. Their heals are better for one-on-one healing. What makes Priests shine is their "oh crap" abilities to save wipes on large numbers of people, due to PW:S and Prayer of Healing. A fully Restoration-spec'ed Druid is a better choice for these fights.

I'm thinking Magmadar here. The Big Doggie casts a group fear every thirty seconds and I enjoyed being the Fear Ward bot for Anadrol. But then I noticed two things:

a) Everyone was getting pretty spread out, and it made healing difficult. I'd see that some people were getting hurt pretty bad but I'd have no idea where they were in the thick of things.

B) Most players stayed in front of Magmadar. I pointed out in Healerchat that players will take more damage staying in front of Magmadar instead of behind or to the sides of him. This puts more strain on the healers to keep squishies and leatherwearers alive. During the fight, I noticed this pretty quickly and moved my butt to the safer positions. I think I was the only healer back there for the various other players who had taken position in the back.

I think the most efficient setup for the Mag fight is to have two or three Druids out front healing the main tank, with Priests in position on the sides and back where everyone else would congregate. I also recognize that this was my first ever encounter with him and I'm a n00b, so feel free to tell me why this is a bad idea. But at least consider it.

3) I don't see what the big deal about Molten Core was. Gee, that was easy! ;) :-) :P :0 Six bosses, no wipes, and I am not the bomb. Gawd, my fragile ego...

4) That was hella fun. Group 3 for-e-var! Goooooooo Group 3! I finally managed to get a "I can't believe I lived through that" comment near the end of the night. I was beginning to think something was wrong with me!

5) You guys in healerchat are a riot. Good thing the other raid members don't hear what we say about them! *snicker*

*Cleoboltra whistles innocently*

6) I need better gear. Darian died against Shazz when the boss was at like 5% health (dammit!) because I had to blow 2,500 mana keeping a Paladin alive who wasn't aware they were inside Shazz's AoE range and getting rocked, so I lost my main tank. With better gear I would have had mana left after blowing my Inner Focus, mana potion, and a Demonic Rune. Did everything I could to keep my tank vertical and it just wasn't enough.

7) Speaking of that, do you other healers tend to go through a lot of mana potions or is it just my gear? On the Baron Geddon fight I blew through three mana potions - yes, the fight was that long - scaring myself silly just getting enough mana to keep Darian afloat until the very end when those gargantuation AoE fire blasts started leveling everyone.


Edit: fixed my bad math and typos.
Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Bolty,Oct 14 2005, 08:32 AM Wrote:    a) Everyone was getting pretty spread out, and it made healing difficult.  I'd see that some people were getting hurt pretty bad but I'd have no idea where they were in the thick of things.[right][snapback]92065[/snapback][/right]

It has been my understanding from healer chat that everyone who isn't a tank should be as self reliant as possible but that paladins were expected to do what they could to keep the DPS alive.

Bolty,Oct 14 2005, 08:32 AM Wrote:6) I need better gear. 


To get better gear in a timely fashion we're going to have to raid or do things like Dire Maul often. I'm more than happy to tank for you in DM as I still need my warrior book and hopefully *cough*Quel'Serar*cough* will drop. :)

*pantomines picking up a phone*

Just call me. ;)
Mirajj,Oct 14 2005, 01:07 AM Wrote:Wow, 6 bosses stomped into the ground, with not a single wipe! We are back with a vengeance!

I am furious that the morons in charge of my apartment building can't keep the *profanity* internet up. This is the third time in a month that it's been down. I asked my friend to hop onto SR and tell you that I wouldn't be able to make it.

Six... wow. Pretty soon we'll be clearing MC in a day!

I missed the first run with Mirajj as leader. I missed Bolty's first run. Six bosses!

You didn't leave anything left for me to kill on Saturday! :D
The error occurred on line -1.
Mirajj,Oct 14 2005, 01:07 AM Wrote:Wow, 6 bosses stomped into the ground, with not a single wipe! We are back with a vengeance!

Great work Mirajj!

Sooooo what were the lewtz?
Tal,Oct 14 2005, 08:54 AM Wrote:Great work Mirajj!

Sooooo what were the lewtz?

Every piece of might. All of them.... Well, there were 5 of them...
Bolty,Oct 14 2005, 07:32 AM Wrote:Thoughts and observations on my "virgin run" raiding MC (these aren't complaints!  These are just things I learned and maybe some suggestions):

1) Healing styles best for 5-man groups are pointless in raid situations.

2) In situations where a single main tank is on a boss, our healing setup could probably use some improvements.&nbsp; ***This is not a complaint or a dig on anyone, just a suggestion for a possible better way to do things***
&nbsp; The Druid class is actually the superior class for maintaining health on a main tank.&nbsp; Their heals are better for one-on-one healing.&nbsp; What makes Priests shine is their "oh crap" abilities to save wipes on large numbers of people, due to PW:S and Prayer of Healing.&nbsp; A fully Restoration-spec'ed Druid is a better choice for these fights.

I'm thinking Magmadar here.&nbsp; The Big Doggie casts a group fear every thirty seconds and I enjoyed being the Fear Ward bot for Anadrol.&nbsp; But then I noticed two things:

&nbsp; &nbsp; a) Everyone was getting pretty spread out, and it made healing difficult.&nbsp; I'd see that some people were getting hurt pretty bad but I'd have no idea where they were in the thick of things.

&nbsp; &nbsp; B) Most players stayed in front of Magmadar.&nbsp; I pointed out in Healerchat that players will take more damage staying in front of Magmadar instead of behind or to the sides of him.&nbsp; This puts more strain on the healers to keep squishies and leatherwearers alive.&nbsp; During the fight, I noticed this pretty quickly and moved my butt to the safer positions.&nbsp; I think I was the only healer back there for the various other players who had taken position in the back.

I think the most efficient setup for the Mag fight is to have two or three Druids out front healing the main tank, with Priests in position on the sides and back where everyone else would congregate.&nbsp; I also recognize that this was my first ever encounter with him and I'm a n00b, so feel free to tell me why this is a bad idea.&nbsp; But at least consider it.


5) You guys in healerchat are a riot.&nbsp; Good thing the other raid members don't hear what we say about them!&nbsp; *snicker*

*Cleoboltra whistles innocently*

6) I need better gear.&nbsp; Darian died against Shazz when the boss was at like 5% health (dammit!) because I had to blow 2,500 mana keeping a Paladin alive who wasn't aware they were inside Shazz's AoE range and getting rocked, so I lost my main tank.&nbsp; With better gear I would have had mana left after blowing my Inner Focus, mana potion, and a Demonic Rune.&nbsp; Did everything I could to keep my tank vertical and it just wasn't enough.

7) Speaking of that, do you other healers tend to go through a lot of mana potions or is it just my gear?&nbsp; On the Baron Geddon fight I blew through three mana potions - yes, the fight was that long - scaring myself silly just getting enough mana to keep Darian afloat until the very end when those gargantuation AoE fire blasts started leveling everyone.


Edit: fixed my bad math and typos.
I'll somewhat organize my thoughts here and respond using the numbered points you set up Bolty.

1. I still use renew in the 40 man raids. I'll throw it around on the non-tanks especially. I use it so I don't screw up other healers' flash or *cough* greater heals (and their equivalents for druid/pallies), but still feel like I'm actually helping in some small way. Whether or not that's most mana efficient, meh. I get bored so I throw out renews. Shoot me. :P

2. I've noticed when I'm fear ward botting Anadrol, that I'm the only one really in range of the folks behind Mags so I hit them as best I can, but most of the time the squishier folks know they're on their own basically because of how spread out things get. Like Onyxia, everyone gets spread out into evens and odds and it's damned hard to actually find anyone (even with having everyone's name shut off so I only see the person I've selected) when it's time to fear ward. So it's basically just worry about the tanks and healers who are actually next to me. I don't waste my time running all over trying to get a specific one (besides the main tank) because it's just not possible in the really big areas.

5. It was actually pretty quiet and tame in healerchat. :) You should see when we get loopy and/or bored. ;)

6. Better gear definitely makes a difference in there. So will two levels. ;) But better gear will make more of a difference.

7. I rarely ever drink mana pots. I blew through three in a pubbie LBRS run early on Thursday, but I didn't drink a single pot in MC last night. If I start getting low, I bandage the squishies who won't be still taking damage and I use the crystal restores on people who are still taking damage to help eke out every bit of healing I can. I don't have the fancy discipline talent tricks to rely on (except for 4 points in Mental Agility), but I am better geared than Cleoboltra. I have a decent mixture of stamina, intellect, spirit and regen x mana over 5 seconds gear and having discipline priests buff me with divine spirit helps too. :) If there are no divine spirit priests around, I use my crystal force to help keep my mana pool happy. Also, when it's not absolutely crucial for me to be healing and I'm low on mana (or even if I just want to top off), if there's a judgement of wisdom on the critter I wand away. That plus the wisdom buff and my normal regen keeps me pretty happy mana wise. Maybe I'm just not pulling my weight enough with healing (last night I was a bit more sluggish than I would have liked, although there were more times when I was slideshowing than I would have liked too), but it's rare when I'm run completely out of mana if I'm not the priest in the group with the main tank. When I'm the main tank healer, I run low/out much more frequently. :)

Cirya died too often last night, even taking into account that we told her to hit a feral form so she was up there in the fray. It seemed like when I really needed my bars to update quickly, that's when they updated the slowest. There were a couple of times where Cirya went from fully healthy to dead in record time on my screen, but I doubt it happened that quickly for Cirya. If we can keep Taha alive through hellfires while having serrated bites on, Cirya should have been able to be kept alive too better than what I did.

Edit: Forgot to mention I've also got a bit of +healing gear on too thanks to higher level equipment. The intell helps to get crit heals (along with having holy specialization) so I don't like to sacrifice that and really, I don't like to sacrifice anything so that's why I've got a fairly balanced gear set. Although, I am still a bit lower than I'd like on stamina, but it's getting there. :)
Intolerant monkey.
Bolty,Oct 14 2005, 08:32 AM Wrote:I slap a Renew on him and forget about it, because it'll top him off in a jiffy and use very little mana...except that another healer would put a quick heal on him and my Renew is wasted as an overheal.&nbsp; Three non-tank members of my group taking fairly significant but not extreme damage?&nbsp; Cast an uber Inner-Focused, critical-hit Prayer of Healing - only to watch 2 of the 3 get flash healed while I'm casting and thus my big group heal is wasted with a veritable crapload of overhealing

Noticed something that impressed me when people were spamming damage meter output after you took off:

You finished 4th on the healing list -- and didn't even appear on the top-10 overhealing list. So I think you were actually doing the work there. ;)
Darian Redwin - just some dude now
Darian,Oct 14 2005, 08:58 AM Wrote:Noticed something that impressed me when people were spamming damage meter output after you took off:

You finished 4th on the healing list -- and didn't even appear on the top-10 overhealing list.&nbsp; So I think you were actually doing the work there.&nbsp; ;)
I forgot to mention in response to Bolty about that. Frequently in Molten Core, the heals will actually go off before the casting animations complete on my screen so it's entirely possible that those "other healers" were actually just you. ;)

My overheal was right at the "normal" 10% or so (on my Recap anyway :P ) because I use holy nova. If it gets that high when I'm not using holy nova, then I'm doing something horribly wrong (and that has happened in raids before).
Intolerant monkey.
1) I've mentioned it before but it's even worse for me as a druid. My paladin actually heals in raids fairly close to what I do in 5 man but my druid completely changes style and gets frustrated. I've mentioned before that I think druids are better suited to main tank duties but we've always stayed more or less free for all. It bothers me, because I do think we can do things better but since it does work I don't really harp on it too much.

2) On Mags people will get spread because he throws the loogies around and you just have to move out them. The MT (and I've MT'd Mags before) will even have to move Mags to avoid standing in them as well. So even if people start on the sides they may end up in the back or the front or the other side. Mag will turn to throw loogies at the sides which can confuse the MT.

We do also have people heal themselves. I was tank #2 last night and I used 2 bandages in the mags fight (I used 10 in the Geddon fight after I died and was later rezzed after being the bomb so much while trying to tank him and then landing in his last pulse and not resisting any of it even at 246 FR, I think I was the bomb 5 times in that fight) and I was one of the people getting heals thrown at me frequently.

Of course in the Geddon fight Treesh was my healer and she got killed early and was doing out of combat rezzing and with her being in the same room it was easy to say don't worry bout me I will bandage since Anadrol had him under control and there was no need for me to try and get him back.

3) Yeah, we are on farming status for all the bosses you saw last night. The only one we have problems with at times is Garr because we are short on warlocks in the alliance.

4) That was one of the most fun raids I've been on in there. Of course I was trying to milk as much enjoyment out of it as I could since I'll be out of the game for awhile here (I should be doing other stuff and not posting right now).

5) I wasn't even spying on healerchat last night, but I know meat was much fun and I know that healerchat gets pretty crazy at times. :)

6) My only toon that is really geared well is Gnolack. Taranna is good enough (getting a tier 2 set helm from Onyxia helps that too) but there is stuff she can still use (wildheart chest and shoulders would be nice), and Balador is still running in early 50's gear for the most part. Of course since I don't pay attention to where loot drops I don't always know where I should be going, but when I get back into the game (yes Sabra that is a when not an if) and I'm around just holler at me if you want to go somewhere. I'm generally pretty successful on getting groups formed when I try to, though it's generally 15-20 minutes to get it formed since I try to get as many people to a place that they still want to go.

7) Taranna generally doesn't run out of mana, I rarely drink pots but then again my innervate would generally be used on myself and that helps a lot. She also has a good amount of healing/5 sec and until the respec she had the 15% mana regen while casting. Balador ran himself dry 3 times in Onyxia (though we only had 2 priests that run and I was 4th on total healing by my charts) and drank pots and ran seal of wisdom along with smacking the dragon who had wisdom judged on her so I was getting mana back pretty quick there too when I needed to. I was also one of the few healers alive towards the end of phase 3 so there was a lot of "you need to cast now". Of course since Taranna has almost never had a designated person to heal she was often the one who would land a heal that would waste someones renew or interrupt someones greater heal and I could just sit around not casting if I wanted.

I'm glad you had fun though.

I'm also glad to see that even with all the warrior loot dropping that we were able to get loot handled quickly. The tanks were giddy with how fast we were all getting geared up. :) Of course now I have 3 toons in the negative so pretty much whoever I bring will be hoping that everyone else has the item that drops. :)
It's all just zeroes and ones and duct tape in the end.
Darian,Oct 14 2005, 08:58 AM Wrote:You finished 4th on the healing list -- and didn't even appear on the top-10 overhealing list.&nbsp; So I think you were actually doing the work there.&nbsp; ;)[right][snapback]92078[/snapback][/right]

Combat stats are cute, but I place absolutely no faith in them nor consider them any indicator of who is doing "the work." What counts is victory; one can rack up healing like crazy spamming certain spells but have little help in the overall scheme of things; likewise some healer may sit back and only cast a few heals here and there, but they're all at the perfect times to save the raid...example:

Landing a heal/shield on the tank or another healer just in time to save them from a The Bomb blast (and fall). Remember that one time you were the Bomb (out of three) and landed with THREE PERCENT HEALTH? On TS, people were saying "dayum;" myself, I was whooping in victory because I managed to save you with a shield and heal in time (after chugging a mana potion). And I kept you afloat on the other two Bombs as well. Keeping you alive in that situation was far more important than spamming some Flash Heals on random people. As far as I know, shields don't show up on healing lists, no? Think I care? Pfft... :)

That's what always amuses me about shadow priest defenders on the WoW forums, who state "I'm fully shadow spec'ed but I always finish in the top 3 in healing in my raids!" As if that means anything! If you're #1 in healing but your groups keep wiping because you don't have the mana to last long enough, what good are you? (Not that I'm against shadow priests, it's a fully viable playstyle and I'm not here to start a war on that.)

The best healer is the one who keeps the players vertical. We all did a fantastic job of that last night - who cares who was #1 or who overhealed too much?

What matters to me, Darian, are the results. You died three times on my watch. You might not have played with me enough to realize that I LOATHE THAT! While the Garr fight death might not have been saveable with better equipment, because I got aggro'ed twice after some tanks went down, the other two times you died could have been salvagable if I had better equipment. I failed you three times and that's what counts, despite pulling out every trick I had in the book to extend my mana pool. I need better stuff to avoid more frustration. I saw the mana pools and regen of some of the other Priests and I saw how lacking I am. I will be on a lot this weekend, and my first task is to get blooded...

Watching Ramala die to a Rain of Fire/Shadowbolt/Rain of Fire combo in about 1.3 seconds was pretty wild, though. I can't blame myself for that one. :)

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Bolty,Oct 14 2005, 05:32 AM Wrote:Ramala the rogue at 82% health and not taking hits at the moment? I slap a Renew on him and forget about it, because it'll top him off in a jiffy and use very little mana...except that another healer would put a quick heal on him and my Renew is wasted as an overheal. Three non-tank members of my group taking fairly significant but not extreme damage? Cast an uber Inner-Focused, critical-hit Prayer of Healing - only to watch 2 of the 3 get flash healed while I'm casting and thus my big group heal is wasted with a veritable crapload of overhealing - think 400 points healed out of a potential 3,600 (800 point heal since it's not level 60 x 6 players (5 + pet) x critical hit = 2400 + 1200 = 3600). Nice 3200 point overheal there! While in a 5-man group, my abilities at casting the right heals at the right time to survive for the longest time possible are treasured, but in a 40-man group they're a waste.
Renew and Prayer of Healing actually do have some good uses in the Molten Core. Renew is best used when thrown onto a player who is at high life and just starting to take damage. I've found that when I throw renew on people who are relatively high on life that it will counteract a lot of damage that player takes and so other healers are less likely to throw a flash heal on since the character hovers around 85%-90% life.

Prayer of Healing can also be very good, particularly against any bosses/mob with AoE attacks that hit your party. However, because of the mindset that most healers use, you just have to realize that often people will heal someone in your party before your heal lands. You've just got to shrug it off and keep going. :)

Quote: The Druid class is actually the superior class for maintaining health on a main tank. Their heals are better for one-on-one healing. What makes Priests shine is their "oh crap" abilities to save wipes on large numbers of people, due to PW:S and Prayer of Healing. A fully Restoration-spec'ed Druid is a better choice for these fights.
The problem is that, in the Molten Core, things go from "oh crap" to "dead" almost immediately. Therefore, most people just heal as best they can at almost all times and things usually work out.

As for Magmadar, that sort of boss is one where you just have to realize that the players other than the main tank can heal themselves. I'm pretty sure basically everyone brings large stacks of runecloth bandages and perhaps some potions to MC raids. Therefore, don't worry so much about getting into range of someone unless they REALLY need a heal. Usually if someone is in dire need of a healer, one is nearby or they are well out of range of any damage they might take.

Quote:Speaking of that, do you other healers tend to go through a lot of mana potions or is it just my gear?
Pretty much. Even Silverflail, who probably has the most +mana/5 seconds gear in the Avarice, goes through potions like crazy. They provide, essentially, a larger mana pool and allow you to stave off healing off of your mana regeneration for longer. This is why any mana potions I find with my other characters get sent to Silverflail.
Bolty,Oct 14 2005, 10:53 AM Wrote:What matters to me, Darian, are the results.&nbsp; You died three times on my watch.&nbsp; You might not have played with me enough to realize that I LOATHE THAT!&nbsp; While the Garr fight death might not have been saveable with better equipment, because I got aggro'ed twice after some tanks went down, the other two times you died could have been salvagable if I had better equipment.&nbsp; I failed you three times and that's what counts, despite pulling out every trick I had in the book to extend my mana pool.&nbsp; I need better stuff to avoid more frustration.&nbsp; I saw the mana pools and regen of some of the other Priests and I saw how lacking I am.&nbsp; I will be on a lot this weekend, and my first task is to get blooded...

Remember all my whiny posts about Aleri just not being geared up well enough so I was horribly frustrated? Yeah, I know how you're feeling. And that was just in the higher 5 mans where it hit me. Yeah, I was the only healer there for the vast majority of them, but still. People just shouldn't die under my care except in rare circumstances. Every death (well, except for the ones where I purposely let someone die because they're just too much of a monkey) bugs me. It killed me every time I missed a heal on Cirya last night (and a couple of heals on Gnolack that -just- missed) and ended up dead. Especially towards the end when I just couldn't keep focus well enough. Or well enough for my own personal standards. ;)

Anywho, we'll get you geared up. You'll probably get geared up quicker than Aleri did because you don't shun pubby groups. ;) Player skill can only go so far in the end game. It can go a long way, but you still need the equipment to really be effective. Even us squishies. ;)
Intolerant monkey.
Bolty,Oct 14 2005, 11:53 AM Wrote:Combat stats are cute, but I place absolutely no faith in them nor consider them any indicator of who is doing "the work."[right][snapback]92089[/snapback][/right]

I don't in a lot of cases, and I don't count on them in any way for close measurement, nor do I rely on them in any way for damage stats. There are too many things which might happen outside a player's zone to place any sort of serious reliance on the numbers. However, they can be used to note serious spreads; if combat stats are showing that Rogue A has done 11% of the raid's DPS and Rogue B has done 4%, then the discrepancy is large enough to confirm that their damage outputs are indeed wildly divergent.

I do place a little more faith in them, to an extent, for healing because on a raid the truth of the matter is that 90% of all heals are going to go off within my collection radius. If you'd been 7th in healing and had been 9th on the overhealing list, I wouldn't have made that comment; it's the fact that you were way up on the healing list and not even in the top ten on the overhealing list which indicates to me that you were getting the work in. ;)

Quote:Landing a heal/shield on the tank or another healer just in time to save them from a The Bomb blast (and fall).&nbsp; Remember that one time you were the Bomb (out of three) and landed with THREE PERCENT HEALTH?&nbsp; On TS, people were saying "dayum;" myself, I was whooping in victory because I managed to save you with a shield and heal in time (after chugging a mana potion).

Heheh, that was awesome.

Quote:As far as I know, shields don't show up on healing lists, no?

Correct. ;D

Quote:What matters to me, Darian, are the results.&nbsp; You died three times on my watch.&nbsp; You might not have played with me enough to realize that I LOATHE THAT!

All the good priests do. ;D

Quote:While the Garr fight death might not have been saveable with better equipment, because I got aggro'ed twice after some tanks went down, the other two times you died could have been salvagable if I had better equipment.&nbsp; I failed you three times and that's what counts, despite pulling out every trick I had in the book to extend my mana pool.

You failed me three times -- which, given the number of bosses we faced last night, would be about five fewer times than normal. We're going to die occasionally on raids; part and parcel. I know for a fact that I never died because you weren't healing, which is the important thing. ;D

I'm not about to deny that we need to get you geared up -- but you're already good enough that gearing you up is just going to make you truly formidable on raids. (This is no surprise; you've taken two priests to 60 the "right" way. It would be a surprise if you weren't one of the best priests, talent-wise, on the server.)
Darian Redwin - just some dude now
A few comments:

Renew: I still use this in raid situations. It may not always be the most efficient spell but it is still useful to try to keep up on tanks at least. You always want to have tanks at the highest health possible and having renew ticking during the battle helps with this. I've personally rearranged CTRA to show renew as the second buff showing (after fear ward) to try to minimize the times I throw a renew on someone who already has one.

Magmadar: For this fight I always try to stay behind Mags with the melee. I rearrange my CTRA into classes (if I haven't already) and put the rogues and dps warriors closest to my heal bar. Basically I just keep fear ward up and toss heals on melee if they are under half health or so. This allows me to only cast intermittently, increasing regen. If a melee is under half health I like to try to throw a heal their way just in case Magmadar decides to spit on that person (or someone close by) next. You just have to get used to the fact that melee moves a lot in this fight (especially while running in fear) and that you are going to get out of range messages sometimes ;)

The way I heal in large raid situations without assigned roles is not conducive to "winning" on recap but I tend to hold back and cast more sporadically or where a heal looks to be more necessary. This means that I generally have a fuller mana pool (less pots) but that I also tend to do less healing overall. In order to do this you have to have a feel for how much healing your raid has vs. incoming damage. You will be kicking yourself all night if a tank goes down because you started casting a heal too late during a lull in healing from the other healers. For this task flash is obviously king.

On one last note, gratz to you guys for coming back with a bang. And if you ever need an extra healer on these Thursday night runs after I get home (usually around 9:30) feel free to give me a buzz, I'm probably just burning time in battlegrounds anyway.
Flyndar (60) - Dwarf Priest - Tailoring (300), Enchanting (300)
Minimagi (60) - Gnome Mage - Herbalism (300), Engineering (301)
Galreth (60) - Human Warrior - Blacksmithing (300), Alchemy (300); Critical Mass by name, Lurker in spirit
ArynWindborn (19) - Human Paladin - Mining/Engineering (121)
Some MC healing notes:
  • I use 'rejuvenation' (the druid version of renew) when people are banged up a little. It's a fast way to spread healing around to a lot of people who just took a minor ding. If anyone is flash healing people who've taken less than 800 damage, let it go, those guys probably have Renew and Rejuvenation up on them.<>
  • We used to be big on healer rotations when we were doing Basin raids, but the Avarice alliance tends not to do that. So far I can't say they're really wrong, but it does mean, as you saw, some mana waste due to overhealing.<>
  • Magmadar: melee is on its own as far as I'm concerned. My top priority is lasting the fight out and keeping the tank up. If the tank gets feared, then half the time the tank runs out of range and I have to pray a healer on the other side has him. Remember, I'm going to be on the tank's side of Magmadar, staying at maximum range, and the melee is going to be on the back side of Magmadar to avoid the breath attack.<>
  • Shields: this is why I kept my 31 restoration spec. Sure, I could get 20% more mana by going 30 feral/21 restoration... But that's about +1200 mana, where innervate gives me around 3-4k mana, or can be used on a priest. So, innervate, nature's swiftness, and full healing touch, go! :w00t: It's all about the wipe savers.<>
Bolty,Oct 14 2005, 11:53 AM Wrote:Watching Ramala die to a Rain of Fire/Shadowbolt/Rain of Fire combo in about 1.3 seconds was pretty wild, though.&nbsp; I can't blame myself for that one.&nbsp; :)


Oh man, last night was the two most vicious deaths I've ever had. On Gehennas, I got hit first with that Rain of Fire targetted on Anadrol. Two ticks, not a big deal, I'll just bandage up when I'm safe. Right before I hit the bandage, bam, 2.6k damage from Shadowbolt. Oh crap, time for a pot, start moving the mouse and before I got half a screen I got hit by the second Rain of Fire.

The Baron Geddon fight just was annoying in its own way. Died once pulling him, no big deal since I was ressed and the pull went off. But that left me without buffs, and since I was completely in fire gear I was left with 3.1k life or so. Was in the AoE pulses and became the bomb at the same time, so I drink a pot and run away at full health for the bomb. Then I didn't resist the explosion at all, 3.2k damage :(. I have a habit of going from full life to empty in no time when my Fire Resist fails me.

Lesson learned, next time I'm running straight to the Paladin who's giving me 60 FR :)
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
Tuftears,Oct 14 2005, 03:24 PM Wrote:Some MC healing notes:
Magmadar: melee is on its own as far as I'm concerned.&nbsp; My top priority is lasting the fight out and keeping the tank up.&nbsp; If the tank gets feared, then half the time the tank runs out of range and I have to pray a healer on the other side has him.&nbsp; Remember, I'm going to be on the tank's side of Magmadar, staying at maximum range, and the melee is going to be on the back side of Magmadar to avoid the breath attack.

Being nearly on my own was fine last night, when I had a pally aura helping my Fire Resist out. Just remember two things, though:

1) That was the first time we had all Rogues with an FR aura against Magmadar.
2) Bandaging is often ineffective against Magmadar, due to us constantly getting hit by his stacking DoT. I'm reduced to Vanish+Eat sometimes.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!

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