New Keys?
Hello Im New here and i dont really know if this topic has been talked about yet but im sorry if it has ...

I was wondering if you can do the "Keys Quest"(finding the Key of Terror, Key of Hate and Key of Destruction) and transmute them,also Finding the portal to the secret areas , but anyway.. i was wondering if you could that offline?

thank you,

The quest can only be done on the official (closed) realms. All
people can do it- ladder and non, hardcore and soft. It can only be done on the
hell difficulty.

ItzzzJake,Oct 16 2005, 04:22 PM Wrote:Hello Im New here and i dont really know if this topic has been talked about yet but im sorry if it has ...

I was wondering if you can do the "Keys Quest"(finding the Key of Terror, Key of Hate and Key of Destruction) and transmute them,also Finding the portal to the secret areas , but anyway.. i was wondering if you could that offline?

thank you,

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
- Winston Churchill
Not convinced yet? look this site: GameFAQ, and read the guide under the "In depth FaQs"
named "1.11 Chaos Tristram Guide" by kirbix.
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
- Winston Churchill
thank you :-) i wasnt really sure so i thought i'd ask the experts ;-)

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