Rogue Skills Action Bars + Hotkeys
I'd be interested how the (long-time) Rogue players here have their skill icons arranged in the action bars, and why you've chosen that arrangement (screenshot would be nice). Also interesting would be your skill hotkey setup, if you have one, and if you have/use different arrangements for PvE and PvP (action bars + hotkeys) :)
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
[Image: Rogue.jpg]

Back when I was 21/8/22, Preparation was in between Blind and Stealth while Cold Blood was in place of Blade Flurry. The simple idea is direct attack skills on bottom, other skills on top. I have the BottomRight bar in use, but I typically only had my assist macros there and my combat log slightly off to the side, so it covers about 8 of the 12 buttoms. The first three buttons are hotkeyed to 'R', 'T', and 'Y' for easy assisting while fighting. Bottom bar uses standard keys, top bar uses Ctrl+1 to Ctrl+=. Sidebar has no keybindings.

If you're wondering about my rant in there, it's something I have to do more testing about. After respecing and getting a new item, I went from +3% hit and +11 daggers to +9% to hit and +11 daggers. My melee miss rate went from about 23/24% to 22.2%. Another Rogue I've talked to has +10% to hit and a typical miss rate of 17% in MC/BWL ...
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!
[Image: WoWScrnShot_102605_161243.jpg]

An old copy of my UI I'll try and post a new image with the changes.

The spells i like to click to activate are stacked in the middle for easy access. Below that is Autobar which allows me access to healing items and poisons.

The main action bar is set up based on the buttons I find myself typically using while fighting and what's easiest for me. For some reason I like the middle buttons of the keyboard.

[Image: WoWScrnShot_102605_161142.jpg]

Here's an image while stealthed (and with moded artwork i had been playing around with)

The Distract and Pickpocket button are in easily clickable areas, the Pickpocket button actually is used to let me know when i'm in range.

Really the only 2 buttons i used off my "Stealthed" bar are 2, 6 & 8 as I'm a sword rogue.

As for hotkeys, H mounts up, I think that's about all I have keyed right now.

I'll try and get a newer shot posted as it's a little better organized and streamlined.

Edit: I had made a page showing my UIs since someone had asked before. You can find it here. As with my rogue's, the other two interfaces have changed a bit. Guess I need to update it :P
Currently enjoying liberating the land of Sanctuary

[Image: arethor.jpg]
Stormrage - US (Inactive)
This is the my ui! Things get messy as I play... so generally I take some time once in a while to clean up the damage I've done. It's been a while since the last time I did that so you may see double buttons etc. Basically I use the same bars for pvp as pve I just switch the positions of ss and feint.

stealthed and unstealthed:

[Image: ui13ap.jpg]

[Image: ui26ct.jpg]

edit: Some notes about my UI.
Basically my UI is just nurfed UI with a few extras.
The hotkeys are as seen. Numeric for the bottom and shift+1,2,3 etc for the top row. In pvp I find skills like sprint vanish evasion etc to be invaluable, so I've tried to make them as accessible as possible. The more important skills tend to be closest to the "1" and the less important ones further out. I prefer to have stealth on my visible bar that I put most buttons that I manually click just because it's so easy to see when and when I cannot pop back into stealth. What you do not see in the picture is scrolling combat text or cooldowncount on the action bars.
MaxPower#1485 60 SC Barb/32 HC Witch Doctor/22 HC Wizard/17 HC Demon Hunter
Interesting, most of you seem to use modified interfaces/UI. I'm currently trying to figure out a good setup using the four standard action bars from the original UI with a level 60 test Rogue from the patch 1.9 test server.
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
nobbie,Nov 26 2005, 08:26 AM Wrote:Interesting, most of you seem to use modified interfaces/UI. I'm currently trying to figure out a good setup using the four standard action bars from the original UI with a level 60 test Rogue from the patch 1.9 test server.
You actually have 6 action bars with the standard UI. I use the standard UI and have Eth's bars setup as follows. (A screenie may be edited into this post sometime today).

Bar 1:
  1. Riposte <>
  2. Feint <>
  3. Sinister Strike <>
  4. Gouge <>
  5. Backstab <>
  6. Evasion <>
  7. Kick <>
  8. Kidney Shot <>
  9. Slice and Dice <>
  10. Expose Armor <>
  11. Rupture <>
  12. Eviscerate<>
    Bar 2: (Have to hit shift-2 to see it in the UI if you didn't rebind that key binding so I use it for non-combat things)
    1. Fishing <>
    2. Cooking <>
    3. First Aid <>
    4. Alchemy <>
    5. Lockpicking <>
    6. Poison creation menu <>
    7. Blank <>
    8. Instant Poison <>
    9. Mind-numbing Poison <>
    10. Crippling Poison <>
    11. Wound Poison <>
    12. Deadly Poison<>
      Bar 6: (Bottom Left Action Bar. You can also use Shift-6 to make it be the action bar that is primary focus so you can use the keyboard keys rather than the mouse to use the skills)
      1. Distract <>
      2. Throw Knives <>
      3. Detect Traps <>
      4. Disable Traps <>
      5. Blade Flurry <>
      6. Vanish (Because I can hit shift-6, then 6 very quickly and easily) <>
      7. Weapon Swap Macro <>
      8. Blank <>
      9. Adrenaline Rush <>
      10. Blind <>
      11. Limited Invulnerability Potion <>
      12. Sprint<>
        Bar 5: (Bottom Right Action Bar - Shift 5)
        1. Restorative Potion <>
        2. Major Health Potion <>
        3. Free Action Potion <>
        4. Purification Potion <>
        5. Heavy Runecloth Bandages <>
        6. Thistle Tea <>
        7. Crystal Charge <>
        8. Crystal Restore <>
        9. Blank <>
        10. Blank <>
        11. Blank <>
        12. Reins of the Striped Frostsaber<>
          [st]Any healthstones I may acquire along the way goes in one of the blank spots on bar 5.

          My stealth bar (you can go into stealth by hitting ctrl-F1 if you haven't rebound that key binding) is:
          1. Distract <>
          2. Blank <>
          3. Cheap Shot <>
          4. Garrote <>
          5. Ambush <>
          6. Sap <>
          7. Kick (since Eth has Improved Kick) <>
          8. Blank <>
          9. Blank <>
          10. Blank <>
          11. Blank <>
          12. PickPocket<>
            I don't have anything on Bar 4 (left action bar) or Bar 3 (Right action bar) on Eth.
Intolerant monkey.
Treesh,Nov 26 2005, 03:12 PM Wrote:[*]Weapon Swap Macro
How does the "Weapon Swap Macro" look like?
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
nobbie,Nov 26 2005, 03:06 PM Wrote:How does the "Weapon Swap Macro" look like?
I use CapnBry's WeaponQuickSwap addon. It allows you to type in a macro where you can setup different weapon/shield/offhand item combinations and switch between all of them and only take up one keystroke to switch between the multiple configurations. For example, Eth switches between a sword in her main hand and a dagger in her offhand to having daggers in both hands. My warriors swap between having two handers and a one-hander with a shield. My big shaman switches between a caster weapon with a caster shield to a more damaging weapon with a caster shield to a more damaging weapon with a defensive shield.
Intolerant monkey.
Treesh,Nov 26 2005, 07:12 AM Wrote:You actually have 6 action bars with the standard UI.&nbsp; I use the standard UI and have Eth's bars setup as follows.&nbsp; (A screenie may be edited into this post sometime today).

I still resent the loss of bars 7-10. I had plans.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek
nobbie,Nov 26 2005, 08:26 AM Wrote:Interesting, most of you seem to use modified interfaces/UI. I'm currently trying to figure out a good setup using the four standard action bars from the original UI with a level 60 test Rogue from the patch 1.9 test server.

Well, I'm currently using CT's leftbottom, rightbottom, and rightside bars, but those can all be enabled (using Blizzard's version) without any AddOns. I'm only using them b/c of a bug CT used to have involving petbars (which really messed with me while trying to control Razorgore) and didn't feel like switching them all back to Blizz standard bars afterwards.
Trade yourself in for the perfect one. No one needs to know that you feel you've been ruined!

In regards to my setup, I have a main bar visible in combat with skils that I need in combat, another bar with cooldowns, professions, and trinkets that I can mouseover to see, and the rest of my skills are hidden away on hidden bars that I have down by memory. A small bank of buttons also appears in combat to show how many consumables I have left and my timered skills.

A screenshot wouldn't show much, as I'm a minimalist and even in combat I just have like 2 bars show up :P

I don't have a different setup for PvP since most of the skills are exactly the same, you just use them slightly differently.

Regarding use of UI mods vs. the default Blizz hotkeys - I feel you can get by without them as a rogue since so many of our skills do not have cooldown worth monitoring. Drop the ones with cooldowns greater than one minute in a visible spot and shove the rest on other hotkey bars and remember where they are. This hotkey setup should be doable with the default Blizzard UI, it's just enough buttons if I counted right.

Main bar (Bar 1) is mostly set up for my convenience in combat and out of combat. It's the way I remember it, so it's not optimized.

1 - Equip dagger for Ambush
2 - Equip sword for SS
3 - Mount
4 - Distract
5 - PvP trinket
6 - Blind
7 - Rammstein's Lightning Bolts
8 - Carrot on a Stick
9 - DPS Macro Slot
0 - Elixir of Poison Resistance (Too much ZG :P)
- - Shoot Ranged

Stealth bar replaces main bar, also not optimalized.

1 - Distract
2 - Pickpocket
3 - Cheap Shot
4 - Ambush
5 - Sap
6 - Garrote
7 - Detect Traps
8 - Disarm Traps

Hidden Bars

q - Vanish
w - Evasion
e - Forward
r - Potion
t - Attack
a - Gouge
s - Strafe Left
d - Backward
f - Strafe Right
g - Kick
z - Stealth
x - Rupture
c - Kidney Shot
v - Eviscerate
b - Slice and Dice

Shift+Q - Feint (Should probably be rebound to be easier to reach)
Shift+W - Blade Flurry
Shift+E - Sprint
Shift+A - Bandage
Shift+S - Swiftness Potion
Shift+D - Free Action Potion
Shift+Z - Thistle Tea
Shift+V - Adrenaline Rush

Mouse Button 4 - Sinister Strike
Mouse Button 6 - Riposte (Normally backstab when I'm a dagger rogue)

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