I'm considering upgrading my video card
roguebanshee,Jan 16 2006, 05:15 PM Wrote:Add -perf to the shortcut target.

Yep, helpful guildies told me that last night :)
gekko,Jan 16 2006, 01:55 PM Wrote:Somewhat related topic: Does anyone have experience with the all-in-one wonder 9600 card?  I've been toying with the idea of upgrading my FX 5200 card for a while now, and would also like a video capture card.  However, I really don't need either upgrade so it's more a novelty thing - I keep my eye on a few sites, looking for a good deal.  Futureshop (shudder) has the 9600 all in wonder on for $120 CAN ($130 off regular price) which seems like a pretty good deal.  Will I really notice a decent improvement from my 5200?  I don't play any really new games, but like to keep my options open.  I am currently running, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, an 1800+ Athlon XP, 768 MB RAM system.

That looks like a pretty good deal. If I was in the market for a TV capture card as well as a video card I probably would have bought one.

If you want to compare a 9600 with a FX5200, check this Tom's Hardware article out. I used it when I was researching video card possibilities. The 9600 performs much better than a FX5200.
Roland,Jan 14 2006, 02:35 PM Wrote:Socket 939 is dead. The last processor for it was just released this month, and come the middle of this year, 939 will be officially phased out.

...Both Intel and AMD are set to deploy a whole slew of next-generation technology during the course of this year (Intel has already started this, with much more coming by next September, at the earliest, for their new "Merom" chip; AMD is about to start on a similar path, but probably not until summer time)...

Can you post a link to your source for this info?
[Image: blackdog786.png]
Ammonium,Jan 18 2006, 06:46 PM Wrote:Can you post a link to your source for this info?


Tom's Hardware Guide
The Last Socket 939
Intel's Next Big Thing

Poke around the site, especially through the last 6 - 8 months, and you'll be able to find lots of tidbits about the next generation of hardware (from more than just Intel and AMD). But there's the latest and greatest.

Sorry if it's not much help.
Roland *The Gunslinger*

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