The Power of GM's
Here's a fun video of a GM messing around with the GM abilities. My favorite parts were when she went into currently locked off areas like Old Ironforge (ah, brings me back) and Mount Hijal.

Video of a GM in action
Haha, that was very entertaining. Mmm, I want a private server ... :D
"Just as individuals are born, mature, breed and die, so do societies, civilizations and governments."
Muad'Dib - Children of Dune
What is the backstory of Hijal and Old Ironforge? Why are they not currently in the game?

I found it interesting that the GM didn't go behind the Greymane Wall... :shuriken:
A plague of exploding high-fives.
Sheep,Mar 5 2006, 08:04 PM Wrote:What is the backstory of Hijal

Hyjal is the site of Nordrassil, the world tree, which was used by the night elves to destroy the Burning Legion (at least the portion of it and the Scourge that were present at the Battle of Mount Hyjal) and give pause to the titan Sargeras (because being a titan only his corporeal form was destroyed, his essence lives on) during Warcraft 3.

Quote: and Old Ironforge?

Old Ironforge was apparently terrible to find one's way around in. I assume they're gonna do something with it eventually. They keep making it harder to get back there but they still leave the geometry in. Doesn't really make any sense, it's just more to load when you're in the area.

Quote:Why are they not currently in the game?

IF was redesigned with a more "player-friendly" layout and Hyjal is expansion content.

Quote:I found it interesting that the GM didn't go behind the Greymane Wall...  :shuriken:

Just a big, empty hole back there.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek

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