looting guidelines for raid officers
Zarathustra,Mar 18 2006, 12:57 PM Wrote:By that logic, then, do you propose a Greed roll on any BoE set item?  Blue or purple, it's another BoE item that lots in the party could benefit from on the AH.

As regards to blue set items, it doesn't seem like a terribly unreasonable rule for a PUG. It's enough of a variation from the accepted pug group loot rules (which as i understand them, are that everyone is entitled to one of their set item should they drop independent of any other looting) that it's not worth asking for in real pugs, and I am temporarily in a PvP guild that does neither hosted pugs nor guild runs.

If I were in a MC trash mob farming PUG, I would ask that the BoE purple set items that drop be rolled off as money loot using whatever system is splitting up other valuable goodies like cores, yes. I wouldn't want to put off some of the (most useful) raiders who will already have an epic bracers/belt, and I'm not really looking to collect prophecy gear, I would rather have a firey core than a proph bracer I have to soulbind. On my server it is generally possible to find a raiding guild that'll trade whatever Tier 1 BoE you have for any other Tier 1 BoE, anyway, so you could turn whatever you got into whatever you wanted.

-- frink
That system is "Greed unless it's BoP". Guess we have to agree to disagree, but I don't care for it one bit.
See you in Town,
Professor Frink,Mar 18 2006, 03:05 PM Wrote:As regards to blue set items, it doesn't seem like a terribly unreasonable rule for a PUG.  It's enough of a variation from the accepted pug group loot rules (which as i understand them, are that everyone is entitled to one of their set item should they drop independent of any other looting) that it's not worth asking for in real pugs, and I am temporarily in a PvP guild that does neither hosted pugs nor guild runs.

If I were in a MC trash mob farming PUG, I would ask that the BoE purple set items that drop be rolled off as money loot using whatever system is splitting up other valuable goodies like cores, yes.  I wouldn't want to put off some of the (most useful) raiders who will already have an epic bracers/belt, and I'm not really looking to collect prophecy gear, I would rather have a firey core than a proph bracer I have to soulbind.  On my server it is generally possible to find a raiding guild that'll trade whatever Tier 1 BoE you have for any other Tier 1 BoE, anyway, so you could turn whatever you got into whatever you wanted.

-- frink

The difference is that a Molten Core trash group is there with the expectation of having a shot at their BOEs; the RNG has already rolled for you when yours doesn't drop.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek

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