What is a Libram?
I almost always see a bunch of different "Librams" sold at the AH. However, the ingame description of them is completely absent, doesn't say a thing. So what are they for? What uses do they have and how do one find out what each do? They always appear in the recipie section which makes it even more "strange", does it have any connection to tradeskills? There seems to be no requirement for using them in that aspect though.
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
There are some librams that drop in BRD that you can hand to a high elf who hangs out in the Burning Steppes. He'll then tell you to bring certain ingredients to him (some more difficult and/or expensive to get than others) and he'll enchant your helm or leg with a special enchant. Examples are +100 health (Constitution), +8 to any stat of your choice (Voracity), and +20 fire resistance (Resiliance).

Some new librams were added when Dire Maul was added and they of course only drop in Dire Maul. When you return those books in to the Dire Maul library along with special ingredients, you again get special enchants to helm or legs.

To further complicate things, there are highly valuable enchants to helm or legs that one can get in Zul'Gurub whose ingredients often include first doing some of those quests. For example, the Zul'Gurub priest enchant requires one to first do the Libram of Focus quest in Dire Maul.

These leg/helm enchants are valuable, because regular player enchanters can't enchant those equipment slots.
Hail Jarulf,

those Librams can be used for Ecnhantments. Some of them can be handed in in the Burning Steppes, some in the Dire Maul Library, but all of them require additional items (like Black Diamond etc.) and Gold.

I currently could only link to a complete list on a german WoW-Page, so that's all the information I can offer at the moment. But I'm rather sure that someone else will have an English list of the librams handy...

Take care,

"I don't like to brag, I don't like to boast, but I like hot butter on my breakfast toast!" - Flea
Thott has the burning steppes librams as semi random world drops. Most of them are pretty reasonable in price, except Resiliance, which gives 20 fire resist, used by guilds gearing for Vael and Rag.

The DM librams drop Focus in West, Protection in North, Rapidity in East. All 3 are used in ZG enchants, and all classes need a specific one for their ZG enchant. Depending on your server, they range in price from expensive to unavailable.
oldmandennis,Mar 28 2006, 11:14 AM Wrote:[...]Depending on your server, they range in price from expensive to unavailable.[right][snapback]105632[/snapback][/right]
Exactly. :(
Old age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm!
Arnulf,Mar 28 2006, 03:08 AM Wrote:Exactly. :(

I've done so many DM West runs and never seen a Libram of Focus drop. It's so ridiculous. I have all the mats for two priest ZG enchants -- except for the Librams of Focus. Meanwhile, those librams sell for 500g+ on the AH. Ugh.
MongoJerry,Mar 28 2006, 01:21 PM Wrote:I've done so many DM West runs and never seen a Libram of Focus drop.  It's so ridiculous.  I have all the mats for two priest ZG enchants -- except for the Librams of Focus.  Meanwhile, those librams sell for 500g+ on the AH. Ugh.

Yeah, I never mention this to the other priests in ZG since I like them to move to the bottom of the loot list :P -- but I'll never take a Primal Hakkari Tabard until by some miracle I get a Libram of Focus. It's unbelievably ridiculous how rare they are for what you get.

edit: On Terenas now I'd have to spend more to get a Libram of Focus than to "buy" an Eye of Divinity (at least the last time that was offered).
MongoJerry,Mar 28 2006, 12:21 PM Wrote:I've done so many DM West runs and never seen a Libram of Focus drop.  It's so ridiculous.  I have all the mats for two priest ZG enchants -- except for the Librams of Focus.  Meanwhile, those librams sell for 500g+ on the AH. Ugh.

Same here, bud. Except I only have the mats for one. Horde has it particularly bad since 4 classes need the same libram.
oldmandennis,Mar 28 2006, 05:06 PM Wrote:Same here, bud.  Except I only have the mats for one.  Horde has it particularly bad since 4 classes need the same libram.

Been solo farming all the mobs in the cirlce around immolthar, without any success for one. An class that can kite, just go into the library via DM North, go into DM West, and kite them into the Library. Plenty of room to work there. Pretty boring though, unless one drops. :)

They're expensive as hell on the Daggerspine AH too - 400-500g is the typical price IF there happens to be one up. I don't see why they don't up the drop rate some, since the ZG enchants were introduced. I mean, they upped the drop rate on Pristine Black Diamonds dramatically -- not even looking for something as wild as that.


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