April 1 Comes Early
Blizz skipped a beat today and did their April Fools day jokes a bit early.

Head over and discover the new alliance race, the 1.11 patch notes, and Blizz's next business venture!
I hope the transfer of servers to new hardware isn't part of the April Fools joke.
I'm not seeing the 1.11 patch notes posted anywhere. Do you have a link to them? Or is that your own April Fool's joke? :)

Edit: Never mind. I found them.
This picture intrigues me...

Anyone recognize it?

Tha pic!

I can't place it...

And if no one else can, could this be the new race...?

EDIT: NM ^_-;; i'm le-dumb, finally figured out who it was, i knew i saw his ugly mug somewhere before...Archimonde ftl...::goes to reeducate himself on WC3::

<span style="color:blue">Garrin - Lvl 60 Human Paladin - Stormrage <Lurkers>
Gasan - Lvl 14 Dwarf Priest - Stormrage <Lurkers>
Bladewhisper - Lvl 60 Rogue - Stormrage <Carpe Aurum>
<span style="color:red">Garrin - Lvl 25 Orc Warlock - Dethecus <Frost Wolves Legion>
Tigarius - Lvl 14 Tauren Warrior - Dethecus
Garrin - Lvl 13 Tauren Druid - Thunderhorn
Garrin,Mar 31 2006, 03:26 PM Wrote:This picture intrigues me...

Anyone recognize it?

Tha pic!

I can't place it...

And if no one else can, could this be the new race...?

So the new race is "Mon Calamari"?

That guy looks like he's shouting something... is he shouting "It's a trap!"?
Conc / Concillian -- Vintage player of many games. Deadly leader of the All Pally Team (or was it Death leader?)
Terenas WoW player... while we waited for Diablo III.
And it came... and it went... and I played Hearthstone longer than Diablo III.
Quote:New wing added to Scarlet Monastery called the Graveyard! Check it out!

Omg! Omg! My favorite change coming in 1.11. I can't wait!

(Best item in the patch notes!)
I laughed at this one

"Fixed bug which allowed Rogues to wield two weapons at the same time."

Good old Barrens chat

"Above the corpse of Mankirk's wife, a large red arrow will now appear and be viewable for up to 500 yards. To ensure that the associated quest offers some challenge, typing the word 'Mankirk' 'wife' or 'anyone seen' in Barrens chat will now result in experience loss. "

Is'nt it always greener on the other side :P

"Additional grass areas have been added to the enemy faction's zones. This grass is exceptionally green"


Take care
I like especially the char options "color" and "facial hair" :D

[Image: ss40.jpg]
"Man only plays when in the full meaning of the word he is a man, and he is only completely a man when he plays." -- Friedrich von Schiller
savaughn,Mar 31 2006, 04:40 PM Wrote:Blizz skipped a beat today and did their April Fools day jokes a bit early.

Lots of companies are doing it today, since the 1st is on a weekend. This is the April Fool's joke from the web team. I heard a rumor that additional things were planned for the day of.

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