Scariest Monster?
Ook, so Diablo is a horror based game. This post doesn't really have anythin to do with the gameplay, but more of the atmosphere and "horror" based theme of it. So I'm gonna include all monsters in the game (even the secret ones not released), and ask which people think are the scariest? So maybe this game doesn't scare you one bit, didn't scare me (aside from The Butcher), but I'm sure you could still decide which monster seems the most frightenin from its looks and the sounds it makes. Here's the pics:

[Image: skeleton-s-axe.gif]
[Image: zombie-g.gif]
[Image: acid-lm.gif]
[Image: bat-gloom.gif]
Fallen Ones:
[Image: fallen-dk.gif]
[Image: gargoyle-dw.gif]
Horned Demons:
[Image: horn-hd.gif]
[Image: scavenger-bg.gif]
[Image: goatmen-flesh-bow.gif]
[Image: hidden-h.gif]

...list continued on next post.
Gateway: USA East
Sorcerer: Force_11.06.04.
Warrior: ForceLuvsSheFlex
LAW: Force_Nov.06.04.

Luvin my babe forever.. =))
Magma Demons:
[Image: magma-md.gif]
[Image: overlord-mm.gif]
[Image: viper-ad.gif]
[Image: balrog-s.gif]
[Image: knight-blood.gif]
Lightning Demons:
[Image: storm-m.gif]
[Image: succubi-sw.gif]
[Image: mage-counselor.gif]
Flame Demon (unreleased):
[Image: incinerator.gif]
Big Fallen One (unreleased):
[Image: devilkinbrute.gif]

...continued once more..
Gateway: USA East
Sorcerer: Force_11.06.04.
Warrior: ForceLuvsSheFlex
LAW: Force_Nov.06.04.

Luvin my babe forever.. =))
Goat Lords (unreleased):
[Image: goatlord.gif]
Twin Hidden (unreleased):
[Image: invisible-lord.gif]
Skeleton Demon (unreleased):
[Image: skeleton-demon.gif]
Mummy (unreleased):
[Image: unraveler.gif]
Arch Mage (unreleased):
[Image: arch-litch.gif]
The Butcher:
[Image: ss5.jpg]
King Leoric:
[Image: ss7.jpg]
[Image: diablo.gif]

Take a good look, these guys are pretty good works of art done by Blizzard. So which truly live up to the "horror" theme in your opinion? I would personally say the Lightning Demons, Magma Demons, and probably the Goat Lords. Those 3 seem the creepiest.

Which would you people say are the "scariest" in this game? I mean, it's time people actually comment on the horror aspects of the game, not just the great addictin complex gameplay. (Btw, sorry for the long vertical posts, but it wouldn't let me put more than 10 images in one post. =/)
Gateway: USA East
Sorcerer: Force_11.06.04.
Warrior: ForceLuvsSheFlex
LAW: Force_Nov.06.04.

Luvin my babe forever.. =))
Uniques: The Butcher

Generic ones: The Hidden
Prophecy of Deimos
“The world doesn’t end with water, fire, or cold. I’ve divined the coming apocalypse. It ends with tentacles!”
Assur,Apr 5 2006, 09:25 PM Wrote:Uniques: The Butcher

Generic ones: The Hidden

Agreed with Assur. I remember playing Diablo for the first time and coming across the hidden. Made me jump out of my seat a bit.


in my opinion the dogs are the most scarying creatures in diablos dungeon
uniques indeed Butcher

for monsters the Balrog, Lightning Demons and Hiddens
Characters: Standard Diablo Rogues: 'Paardenpoep' l36, 'Purechocolade' l31; Sorcerers 'Toverkol' l40, 'Zwarte Piet' l32, 'ZureHaring' l28 (no fb), Warrior 'Klotebeest' l29, LoL characters: rogues 'Roggebrood' l26 and 'Ironvrouw' l7, sorcerer ToverLol l20, warrior LolleBolleGijs l16 ironman character name 'Ironlady', read Toverlol's journey log
Toverkol,Apr 6 2006, 10:23 AM Wrote:uniques indeed Butcher

for monsters the Balrog, Lightning Demons and Hiddens

my opinion exactly. First time I saw the butcher, I had a friend mod my system to add the unreleased butchermovie. gave me nightmares for days.
Master DS5,Apr 7 2006, 02:06 PM Wrote:my opinion exactly. First time I saw the butcher, I had a friend mod my system to add the unreleased butchermovie. gave me nightmares for days.

Unreleased Butcher movie? Please explain.

My friend Tim says that the idea of Goatmen has always scared him since he was a kid, so Diablo broke him down.
Gateway: USA East
Sorcerer: Force_11.06.04.
Warrior: ForceLuvsSheFlex
LAW: Force_Nov.06.04.

Luvin my babe forever.. =))
Force,Apr 7 2006, 05:35 PM Wrote:My friend Tim says that the idea of Goatmen has always scared him since he was a kid, so Diablo broke him down.

First off, that made me chuckle. "I've become a broken shell of a man since finding out the goatmen are real..." ;)

Second, pardon the slight Off Topic question, but where else are there Goatmen? I'll admit I don't know much about other fantasy gaming worlds, video, board or LARP, but I didn't realize goatmen was a concept anywhere except for Diablo.


Force,Apr 7 2006, 05:35 PM Wrote:Unreleased Butcher movie? Please explain.[right][snapback]106540[/snapback][/right]
There's actually a movie file in the game, really short, that was probably meant to be a "here comes the Butcher" thing. I remember seeing it YEARS ago, so my memory's spotty, but I think it shows the arm of the Butcher slicing "meat" on his table, making nasty noises and generally making you think "uh oh." Correct me if I'm wrong.

It's somewhere in the game files and can be extracted with a utility.


Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Bolty,Apr 8 2006, 04:53 PM Wrote:There's actually a movie file in the game, really short, that was probably meant to be a "here comes the Butcher" thing.  I remember seeing it YEARS ago, so my memory's spotty, but I think it shows the arm of the Butcher slicing "meat" on his table, making nasty noises and generally making you think "uh oh."  Correct me if I'm wrong.

It's somewhere in the game files and can be extracted with a utility.


now that you mention it - that sounds really familiar to me too - sort of thing that is so long ago that you can't be certain it wasn't a half remembered dream from those really early days when you were a kid who'd never seen anything like d before, or the butcher for that matter :)

Would be great to see it again - if anyone can extract it, host it and post the link - i'd be really thankful.


PS - IMO - The Butcher is the scariest thing i've ever seen in a video game ever - not only did that "AHH, FRESH MEAT" freak the hell outta me the first time i heard it - but the subsequent speed of the butcher (i ran, i mean, didn't everyone?) and then the relentlessness of that cleaver swing, even after the red screen floods over just left me stunned.

PPS - I also remeber vividly the rush my friend and I got (we were 12/13 btw and he was lucky enough to have two comps - or i should say - i was lucky enough that my best friend had two comps ;) ) running from leoric for the first time, i jumped when i saw him too - just so bloody big.

PPPS (lol) - Redbat - aka wrathraven (gloom unique lvl 5) is scary as all hell the first time you see him in an Ironman game, as is Blighthorn Steelmace (night clan mace unique, lvl 7) and pack (though, honestly, blighthorn and co. still scare the **** outta me in solo IM efforts. Charging goats are just plain scary, nothing more to be said about it).

Great Idea for post Force.
Aarda's still throwing roses at the rain...
Munkay,Apr 7 2006, 06:32 PM Wrote:First off, that made me chuckle.  "I've become a broken shell of a man since finding out the goatmen are real..." ;)

Second, pardon the slight Off Topic question, but where else are there Goatmen?  I'll admit I don't know much about other fantasy gaming worlds, video, board or LARP, but I didn't realize goatmen was a concept anywhere except for Diablo.



Well, it didn't literally break him down, it just scared him a lot more. Also, the concept of Goatmen is rather old. I believe there was a Pagan god or demon which appeared as a goatman. But basically, Goatmen as demons originate from ancient religions.

Anyway, about the movie, I would be quite happy too if anyone extracted it and hosted it somewhere for us to watch. The only thing is.. it's probably gonna be worse than The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. :wacko:
Gateway: USA East
Sorcerer: Force_11.06.04.
Warrior: ForceLuvsSheFlex
LAW: Force_Nov.06.04.

Luvin my babe forever.. =))
Hureg,Apr 8 2006, 09:51 AM Wrote:now that you mention it - that sounds really familiar to me too - sort of thing that is so long ago that you can't be certain it wasn't a half remembered dream from those really early days when you were a kid who'd never seen anything like d before, or the butcher for that matter :)

Would be great to see it again - if anyone can extract it, host it and post the link - i'd be really thankful.

I believe the Butcher movie is used in "Hellfire: The Dark."

Force,Apr 5 2006, 08:31 PM Wrote:Which would you people say are the "scariest" in this game? I mean, it's time people actually comment on the horror aspects of the game, not just the great addictin complex gameplay. (Btw, sorry for the long vertical posts, but it wouldn't let me put more than 10 images in one post. =/)

Goatmen are definately the most terrifying pack monster, the harsh barking sounds they make when attacking and getting hit really freak me out when the lights are off.

Butcher is scariest unique, especially when you accidently open his door without realizing it and he yells his oh so wonderful line. Definately not for those with weak constitutions.

Don't know about any of the unreleased monsters though, because I've never had the chance to hear them.

PS- Reeeally wish they would've kept Diablo's atmosphere in the sequel, d2 just isn't scary :(
The removed butcher movie actually shows the shadow of the butcher and his cleaver. then show as he throws someone's upper body on a meathook. For anyone interested this Link will give you instructions on how to view the movie yourself. It requires the diablo cd. I suggest viewing the butcher movie at 400% with smoothed pixels and the lights off. too bad the movie is only about three seconds long. Also if for some reason you cannot get it to work I can send you the .avi if you pm me.
Scariest? The Illusion Weaver. They always seemed smarter and ghostlier than their tame counterparts.
Good night.

Yes, the Butcher is probably the scariest of the uniques. Definitely, a high 'jump in your seat' factor, even after the first time.

As far as regular monsters, I think I would rank the Illusion Weavers at the top, too - the way they just appear out of thin air, often >1 - can really startle you.

And, of course, if playing a low-hp sorcerer, once you know the IW, seeing a couple materlialize in right in front of you, usually induces a strong "Oh sh!t" reaction, while you frantically start casting spells, hoping they don't kill you - yet again... :D
Still, I'm a little surprised no one mentioned Doom Knights - tall, dark, menacing, swinging those whonking big swords down towards your puny little character...

And, then, too, there is something to be said for Lightning Demons, with their quick, aggressive stride, ominous snarl, and pyrotechnic attack ...

And I agree with GriffonSpade - Diablo 2 is a good game, but for me, much lacking in the 'scary' factor compared to the original.



"The cure for boredom is curiosity. There is no cure for curiosity."

-- Dorothy Parker
...So am I the only one who lost a week's sleep after encountering Gharbad the Weak?

Definately the scariest :)
Take pride in your mediocrity...
There's no greatness left for you.
Gharbad the Weak? Hmm well his name removed most of the scare of him for me. There is still one regular monster that scares me half to death. You see, I have this nasty habit of turning the volume on my speakers up and up. Then as I wander through the caves I hear a deafening roar and I am charged by a horned demon of sorts, leaving me stunned and knocked back(not to mention missing a considerable amount of health). They still make me jump when I get caught off guard. Definatly the most scary in the game. Especially when they wander at the edge of your screen and then you start playing with your inventory not knowing they are there, I mean sheesh.

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