Legendary Healer Item?
Bolty,Apr 18 2006, 12:30 PM Wrote:I can tell you've never raided.  :)  Stamina is absolutely critical for *all* classes.  Cloth wearers get obliterated by melee hits in raid instances. 
Remember, these are mobs that do thousands of damage to well-geared plate warriors with lots of +defense.  Now, you can argue that cloth shouldn't be getting hit by melee, and you're right - but there's still all kinds of magical and ranged damage you'll be getting hit by, too.

Sure, that is the immediate argument, the more obvious one is, what on earth would a few extra stamina points help if someone comes hitting you for thousands of damage to start with?

Bolty,Apr 18 2006, 12:30 PM Wrote:If you walk into Molten Core with only 3000 hit points fully raid buffed, you're going to feel it.

And walking in with 3250 makes you the king?

True, I have not raided.....

But then, would it be better to find out a way to NOT get hit as much so that you can use the uber healing for the others in your raid to work much better than if you sneak arround taking your hits with high life?

After all, didn't you ask for the item that makes people go: "oh, #$%&" :)
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Jarulf,Apr 18 2006, 12:50 PM Wrote:Sure, that is the immediate argument, the more obvious one is, what on earth would a few extra stamina points help if someone comes hitting you for thousands of damage to start with?
And walking in with 3250 makes you the king?

True, I have not raided.....

But then, would it be better to find out a way to NOT get hit as much so that you can use the uber healing for the others in your raid to work much better than if you sneak arround taking your hits with high life?

After all, didn't you ask for the item that makes people go: "oh, #$%&"  :)

Pretty much every raid boss has at least one secondary attack that is randomly target at in individual in the raid or area where the fight takes place. So although the bulk of the damage should go on the tanks its not rare for any random person to take well over 1000 damage. I remember when my guild start Molten Core and all our priests would get one hit killed on Gehennas from his shadowbolts. The more health you have the better the odds are is that you survive a massive crit, or two abiltities hitting you in quick succession.

My personal legendary item would be a trinket with +300 resistance to all so I never have to farm new resistance gear again. For now I don't really need anything else. My priest can break 10k mana, 6k health, +700healing, enough mana regen to nevery truely go oom (except for certain fun moments with holy nova).
Mace of Enhancement
Binds when picked up
Main Hand Mace
Dee pee ess
+17 Stamina
+25 Intellect
+17 Spirit
Durability omg/wtf
Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 190.
Equip: Restores 14 mana per 5 sec.
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by 2%.
Equip: Gives a chance when your beneficial spells land to increase the healing taken by your spell target by up to 250.
neeljwala,Apr 18 2006, 04:43 AM Wrote:Mace of Enhancement
Binds when picked up
Main Hand                  Mace
Dee pee ess
+17 Stamina
+25 Intellect
+17 Spirit
Durability omg/wtf
Equip: Increases healing done by spells and effects by up to 190.
Equip: Restores 14 mana per 5 sec.
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike with spells by 2%.
Equip: Gives a chance when your beneficial spells land to increase the healing taken by your spell target by up to 250.

See, a mace! Everyone can love maces.

...now, give it 60ish DPS and we'll all get along dandy.
Forever oppressed by the GOLs.
Grom Hellscream: [Orcish] kek
Jarulf,Apr 18 2006, 04:50 AM Wrote:And walking in with 3250 makes you the king?

And then you get other pieces that have a little more +stamina and then you get some enchants with +stamina, etc. You have to survive in order to heal yourself and your party. If you die, no healing occurs.

Quote:But then, would it be better to find out a way to NOT get hit as much so that you can use the uber healing for the others in your raid to work much better than if you sneak arround taking your hits with high life?

There are a lot of aoe attacks. Plus, there are lots of encounters with hordes of little mobs who will hit you on occation before you get a chance to fade them off you (5-piece Transcendence is awesome for this). Stamina is a crucial stat.

In a raid, I look for in order +healing, mp5, stamina, int, and then spirit -- with stamina and int being about equal in importance.

In PvP, I want +damage/healing, stamina, int, armor, and then maybe some mp5 or spirit -- with stamina being more important than int. In PvP, there is no such thing as tanking or aggro control. Pretty much everyone who's any good at all focuses fire on the priest, so a priest needs armor and stamina to withstand the initial barrage when people throw their cooldown attacks at him or her. If the priest can survive the initial barrage, then the priest can fear, shield, heal him or herself, and maybe get off an attack. If the priest doesn't have much stamina, the priest will just crumple in the initial ambush, pyroblast, or mortal strike barrage without having accomplished anything.

If I didn't already have so many epic items, I'd consider collecting the new ironweave set for PvP. It focuses stats on armor, staminia, and int. It doesn't have the +damage/healing I like, but it provides awesome survivability.
Jarulf,Apr 18 2006, 06:50 AM Wrote:But then, would it be better to find out a way to NOT get hit as much so that you can use the uber healing for the others in your raid to work much better than if you sneak arround taking your hits with high life?[right][snapback]107530[/snapback][/right]
Heh, Jarulf, no offense, but I'll repeat what I said: I can tell you've never raided. I'll give some examples just from Molten Core alone, from the point of view of a healer whose job is to try to get hit as little as possible:

Lava Annihilators. These mobs are coded to randomly charge a member of the raid and smack them, then move to another member. Despite my "uber" gear, they hit me for over 1,000 damage per smack. It is completely unavoidable - if I score the pRNG, it goes for me. Aggro has nothing to do with it.

Core Hounds. These dogs will debuff the entire raid with various effects, one of which is a loss of fire resistance. Coupled with flame breaths that will often hit everyone in the raid, if you ain't got hit points you're going to go splat.

"Lava Packs". These combo teams of mobs you face will do some really horrible things. They'll debuff you to lower your fire resistance, send out volleys of fireballs to random people in the raid (independent of aggro), Fire Blast you, and stun you (again, randomly). Some of our best-geared Priests in decked-out fire resistance gear will still get killed by an unlucky smackdown combination of fireball blasts, pyroclasms, and stuns. Sometimes your number is just UP.

How about boss fights?

Lucifron: casts a magic debuff on all 40 members of the raid from time to time that inflicts 2,000 damage if it's not cleared quickly enough off of you. Many times, the Priests and Paladins just can't clear it off every raid member in time, especially since they're also busy healing.

Magmadar: flings "fire spit" at random people in the raid, independent of aggro. Upon smack, you're hit with a nice blast of fire damage, after which you're taking additional DoT fire damage for, what, 8-10 seconds? If you don't have enough hit points, you'll die from that easily.

Gehennas: randomly shoots incredibly damaging shadow bolts at random raid members, independent of aggro. We're talking 2,000 point shadow bolts if you don't resist any of it. He also casts Rain of Fire randomly around him, and if even if you move right away you're still going to take fire DoT damage. Again, independent of aggro.

Garr: if you're not careful and you stand too close to any Firesworn (his 8 buddies who defend him), the Firesworn explodes on death and flings you across the room, taking significant damage. Also, since Garr removes all of your buffs, if you have low hit points you will be extremely vulnerable in this fight.

Baron Geddon: casts "The Bomb" randomly on raid members, independent of aggro. Gives you a few seconds to get away from the raid before you explode for thousands of fire damage and are flung up into the air, taking falling damage if you can't find a spot where a low ceiling interrupts your path up. Also casts a DoT on the whole raid that damages mana users and sucks their mana away. If someone near you is The Bomb and they don't run away in time, the explosion hurts you, too, for thousands of fire damage.

Shazzrah: randomly teleports around the room, independent of aggro, and lets off a massive AoE arcane explosion that does well over 1,000 damage per blast. He buffs himself from time to time, which will drastically increase that damage if it's not dispelled by a Priest. Since Shazzrah also AoE-counterspells the raid, you can find yourself getting slammed by him and unable to cast a heal. Good luck. :)

Sulfuron: his 4 buddies, all Priests, cast highly damaging DoTs on raid members.

Majordomo Executus: Majordomo has a solid anto-aggro move that will make it very, very hard for a warrior to keep him busy as the raid melts down his 8 assistants. Thus, when he wipes that aggro, the first thing he tends to go for is a healer. You can/will find yourself taking melee hits from him at times before a hunter can pull Domo back to the warrior(s) trying to tank him.

Ragnaros: let's see, where to begin? Has a large AoE fire blast radius that you have to stay out of. If he knocks a tank back and another is slow to get in his face, he randomly blasts someone in the raid independent of aggro, giving fire damage to the blastee and everyone around them, flinging them up into the air and possibly down into a lava pit. After three minutes, he submerges, and if you're not careful you'll be facing one or more of his 8 Sons of Flame that will suck your mana dry and do fire damage.

Raiding is quite a bit different from the controlled environment of 5-man play, where the tank tanks, the healer heals safely in the back, and the DPS goes to town. You should come on one of the Stormrage Molten Core runs sometime - I know that the schedule isn't that great for you, but maybe you could try it on a weekend just to experience it. What surprised me the first time I did it was that it was so different from the rest of the game - I had just assumed it was pretty similar, but with more people. Not in the slightest.

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.
Jarulf,Apr 18 2006, 06:48 AM Wrote:A typical example of a broken item system. The solution is of course to have the weapon type as random, sometimes a staff, sometimes a hammer (one or two handed), sometimes something else some can use. Can't everyone use daggers by the way as well, or? I know my priest can at least.....


Paladins cannot use daggers or staves.
Jarulf,Apr 18 2006, 03:50 AM Wrote:And walking in with 3250 makes you the king?

True, I have not raided.....

Not to pile on, but this is how your raid group progresses - each character getting 5-10% better at a time.
Bolty,Apr 19 2006, 05:37 AM Wrote:Ragnaros: let's see, where to begin?  Has a large AoE fire blast radius that you have to stay out of.  If he knocks a tank back and another is slow to get in his face, he randomly blasts someone in the raid independent of aggro, giving fire damage to the blastee and everyone around them, flinging them up into the air and possibly down into a lava pit.  After three minutes, he submerges, and if you're not careful you'll be facing one or more of his 8 Sons of Flame that will suck your mana dry and do fire damage.

All great examples, Bolty. Just to clarify on the Ragnaros fight, however, that's not how the "grenades" work. During the fight, Ragnaros randomly (having nothing to do with whether a tank gets knocked back or not) throws a fire grenade at a random mana using player. The player takes fire damage but otherwise is fine. However, anyone who is within a certain radius (I believe 10 yards -- could be 15) will take damage and additionally get thrown up into the air and possibly into a lava pit. If you're getting thrown around, it means that you're standing too close to other people or other people are standing too close to you. Sometimes, this is unavoidable. In our configuration, a few main tank healers have no choice but to be close to each other in order to be within healing range of the main tank without being too close to the main tank to grenade him. That's OK, because these particular healers wear a modest amount of fire resist equipment (if you resist the blast, you don't get thrown) and stand against a wall so that they don't get thrown into the lava. Our ranged mana using dps players are able to spread out well enough that they never get thrown around.

The attack that happens if there is no one in melee range of Ragnaros is a randomly targeted 6000 point flame blast. This attack is designed to kill you. If you are lucky enough to survive the first blast due to resistances or pots, then the second blast will kill you. This attack also has infinite range and does not require line of sight. I've been hit by it when I was way out of the room and halfway back to the instance portal.
Bolty,Apr 19 2006, 05:37 AM Wrote:Heh, Jarulf, no offense, but I'll repeat what I said: I can tell you've never raided.  I'll give some examples just from Molten Core alone, from the point of view of a healer whose job is to try to get hit as little as possible:

Jarulf, perhaps you could read my writeups of three raid encounters to get a feel for what raid level encounters are like:

Baron Geddon

The Great Onyxia Race

Chromaggus and a First Shot at Nefarius
One attribute I'd like to see on a legendary healer item would be something like "Use: for 15 seconds, all heals are instant cast and have double effect. After 15 seconds, the caster dies". Burning Adrenaline on command B) .
Tal,Apr 19 2006, 04:56 PM Wrote:Paladins cannot use daggers or staves.

OK, didn't knew. Anyway, my original statement stands, make the item available in different weapon forms if needed, for example one form a Paladin can use, problem solved!

Also, thanks to everyone else of you for the information on raid content. Considering my main character on Stormrage is a level 35 (or so) Druid, I think it would be a bit of a problem.

Ohh, and thanks to everyone on Terenas that I palyed with in Dire Maul this week. Was fun and interesting and I realised it is not really THAT hard to play instances when you play with good and experienced people that tell you what to do. :) Although there can certainly be improvements done.

Now I want to get bak in there for a shot at that Ogre staff, looked nice :)
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Jarulf,Apr 20 2006, 08:31 AM Wrote:Ohh, and thanks to everyone on Terenas that I palyed with in Dire Maul this week. Was fun and interesting and I realised it is not really THAT hard to play instances when you play with good and experienced people that tell you what to do. :) Although there can certainly be improvements done.

Now I want to get bak in there for a shot at that Ogre staff, looked nice :)

Want to test your abilities as a healing priest? Play in a bad pick-up group. :lol:
MongoJerry,Apr 20 2006, 02:05 PM Wrote:Want to test your abilities as a healing priest?  Play in a bad pick-up group.  :lol:

Krys honed many of her skills in bad pick up groups. What a rush timing your heals to keep the tank alive all while having to worry about the untouched mobs bum rushing you. This has lead to my healing being described as "Healing like a druid" and some complaints in raiding with other healers. I now join every avarice group with another healer with the disclaimer that I heal like a druid. The tank only looks like he/she will drop over - trust me the greater heal will land in time! :D
You mean I'm not the only one who slacks off on healing and lets the healing touch fill the tank up from near empty to full? :wub:
Tal,Apr 20 2006, 07:15 PM Wrote:Krys honed many of her skills in bad pick up groups. What a rush timing your heals to keep the tank alive all while having to worry about the untouched mobs bum rushing you. This has lead to my healing being described as "Healing like a druid" and some complaints in raiding with other healers. I now join every avarice group with another healer with the disclaimer that I heal like a druid. The tank only looks like he/she will drop over - trust me the greater heal will land in time! :D

Ehh, so how does a Druid heal? And how does that relate to the Priest? Do Druids typically cast large healing? Is that it?

One thing I noted when playing in DM was that as soon as we got the Druid (and I think a Shaman) in there, I was not alone healing and I frequently had to abort my Greater Heal on the tank since he had been healed by someone else and was now down to a damage in the 1000-1200 range while I was targeting for my Greater Heal to land when he got to 2000-2500 (I think it heals some 2200 or so, no special talents to improve it but minor some +healing gear).

I have not crunched numbers to see what is best, to spam flash heal or go for my greater heal though, perhaps the difference for my character is currently smaller.

I also need to check on my mod to make sure it cast correct rank, I got some complains it might have not been the highest rank some time, but that could have been due to it selecting a smaller rank if there was very little damage, for example someone else allready having cast a healing and the char at no damage. I thing my setting is to go for max rank by default and I chose lower rank thorugh key presses (like holding SHift down). Have to check. Anyway, I liked it a lot!
There are three types of people in the world. Those who can count and those who can't.
Jarulf,Apr 20 2006, 10:47 PM Wrote:Ehh, so how does a Druid heal? And how does that relate to the Priest? Do Druids typically cast large healing? Is that it?

Thats exactly it. Regrowth (the fast heal) is a ginormous mana hog, Healing touch ( the slow one) is pretty good. Priests now have a bit of an incentive to cast Gheal, but its not nearly the gap that druids have.
Jarulf,Apr 20 2006, 11:47 PM Wrote:I have not crunched numbers to see what is best, to spam flash heal or go for my greater heal though, perhaps the difference for my character is currently smaller.

Consider also using low rank versions of Greater Heal, especially as you gather more and more +healing gear. In my epic'd out state, I can cast rank 1 Heal (not Greater Heal) for 850ish healing for 131 mana. Basically, I can cast this heal indefinitely, which makes it fantastic for long fights. Next to that, I have Rank 1 Greater Heal that heals for about 1600ish healing (and now another 1000 healing hot, since I just completed my Transcendence set. Woot!) for about 300ish mana. Rank 3 Greater heal heals for about 2500 health, so I use it when I need a little more firepower. And then, I use Rank 5 Greater Heal when I don't care about mana (e.g. I'm using Inner Focus or a fight is going to be over quickly).

Since you obviously don't have the +healing gear I have, you probably can't drop down to as low of ranks as I can, but experiment around with using various ranks of heals to see what works for your equipment setup. Generally, the lower the rank the heal, the better your mana efficiency, especially the more +healing gear you use.

Make sure you're using Renew as much as possible. Also, Flash Heal is still very good, even if it doesn't have the same mana efficiency as Greater Heal. Basically, I use a 2.5 second heal if the tank is at or near full life. But if he or she isn't, I throw up a Flash Heal.
Jarulf,Apr 21 2006, 01:47 AM Wrote:Ehh, so how does a Druid heal? And how does that relate to the Priest? Do Druids typically cast large healing? Is that it?[right][snapback]107921[/snapback][/right]

Yep, and more Heal over Times. Recall druids have big heal + heal over times after that, and the option to make it instant in emergencies via talents. This sort of healing is best suited for someone with a huge life pool, like warlocks, druid bear forms, and warriors.

Quote:I have not crunched numbers to see what is best, to spam flash heal or go for my greater heal though, perhaps the difference for my character is currently smaller.

Greater Heal is more efficient assuming you do not overheal, but on difficult to coordinate on multi-healer scale. So lower ranked small heals with big +healing power equipment bonuses is generally more efficient when you desire less organization on larger level.
Tal,Apr 20 2006, 01:15 PM Wrote:Krys honed many of her skills in bad pick up groups. What a rush timing your heals to keep the tank alive all while having to worry about the untouched mobs bum rushing you. This has lead to my healing being described as "Healing like a druid" and some complaints in raiding with other healers. I now join every avarice group with another healer with the disclaimer that I heal like a druid. The tank only looks like he/she will drop over - trust me the greater heal will land in time! :D

Tal understands now. :)

(Yes, I know you understood before, just hearing you explain how you heal like Cleo does after all this time amuses me.)

Now STFU, tank, and get to 5% health without worrying again! You know I'm there! :)

Quote:Considering the mods here are generally liberals who seem to have a soft spot for fascism and white supremacy (despite them saying otherwise), me being perma-banned at some point is probably not out of the question.

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